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Prasanthi Bulletin , Tuesday, September 4, 2007

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Prasanthi Bulletin Index of earlier Bulletins Tuesday, September 4, 2007 On this morning of Krishna Janmashtami, Bhagawan came for morning darshan resplendent in a yellow robe. The procession of cows from Gokulam had just reached the Sai Kulwant Hall when Swami arrived at 8.10 am; He stopped the car near the procession at the centre of the Hall and alighted there. Moving around in His chair, Swami fed bananas to the cows, apples and other goodies for the elephant calf, and moved to the stage

area. The Music College students' nadaswaram band, the bhajan group that came along with the procession, Vedam chanting, all went on as Swami moved about, Blessing various members of the animal kingdom brought to Him by the students, like a peacock, doves and so on. Onstage, Swami sat for a while, then asked Sri. S. V. Giri to make an announcement, that the Krishnashtami programme would commence in the evening. Prasadam was distributed while Swami received Arati and returned to His residence by 8.50 am. The central part of Sai Kulwant Hall was set up as a stage for the evening programmes. Swami arrived by 3.45 and came onstage after a full round of Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair. The Sri Sathya Sai University Brass Band presented an innovative programme first, with tableux of Krishna's life being acted out as they played the pieces "The Tempest", "Murali Krishna" and so on. Devotees from Nalgonda, assembled at Prasanthi Nilayam in large numbers on their Parthi

Yatra, presented the next programme, which was a twenty-five minute Telugu drama highlighting the need for compassion towards the differently abled and less fortunate members of society. Some songs by the Nalgonda devotees followed, with the students singing some bhajans on Bhagawan's command. After a brief visit to the interview room, Swami returned to the stage, stopped the Bhajans, and stood up to speak at 5 pm. Bhagawan materialized a golden lingam, and mentioned in the Discourse that this is the concrete form of Pure Satwa. Briefly touching upon the purity of Krishna who was only seven years old at the time He sported with the Gopis who were of the age of His "mother", Bhagawan narrated various incidents in the Ramayana which brought out the sacredness and purity of the characters in that immortal epic. At the end of His seventy minute Discourse, Bhagawan underscored the oneness of Rama and Krishna, telling all of us to Chant the Name of Rama, Chant the Name

of Krishna, if you like this Form, Chant Sai Rama, Sai Krishna, but never forget God's name. The students sang bhajans for ten minutes after Bhagawan's Discourse before He took Arati and returned to His residence. Sunday, September 2, 2007 The Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust was founded 35 years ago on this day. To mark the occasion, all of Bhagawan's students working in His various institutions assembled at Prasanthi Nilayam and sat together in the Bhajan Hall in the morning. Swami came into the Bhajan Hall at 8.15 after His darshan round. Some group songs were sung, after which Swami conversed informally with some of the boys. The session lasted till nearly ten o'clock, when Swami accepted Arati after some more group songs. The afternoon session was in the Sai Kulwant Hall. The programme got underway at four o'clock with Bhagawan seated onstage, with four elders and two former students being

introduced as the speakers for the day. Sri V. Srinivasan, Sri S. V. Giri, Sri Chakravarthy and Sri G. Venkataraman followed two speeches by Sri N. Sudhindran and Dr. T. Ravi Kumar. After these speeches, Bhagawan stood up to speak at 5.35 pm. Swami praised His students working in the Central Trust and allied institutions for their unselfish and pure-hearted approach. He exhorted them to be ideals in their respective fields. He said that Faith and confidence on the Self will tide over any problems. Bhagawan said, "What We desire is not money, but Virtues". After speaking for half an hour, Swami started distributing watches to all the 150 former students working at Prasanthi Nilayam and Brindavan - as He sat onstage, they went up one by one and accepted the watches from His hands. Then prasadam distribution began, with Sri. Harishankar Bhat giving the vote of thanks, followed by Arati at 6.20 pm. Friday, August 31, 2007

The three day All-India conference of District Presidents and State Office Bearers of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations concluded today. The delegates had meetings at the Conference Hall next to the Book Trust building, and were seated together in the Sai Kulwant Hall for darshan sessions. Bhagawan chose to shower His benedictions on the delegates this valedictory day. In the evening, Bhagawan arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair as He has been doing often over the last few days. After His darshan round, He came onstage, and behind Him came students carrying His robes. Swami Blessed the State Presidents first with robes. All the delegates then lined up and came up to the stage, where they received robes from the Divine Hands. The distribution went on for nearly forty minutes till five o'clock, when Bhagawan moved towards the Bhajan Hall and the Bhajans began there.

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