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Report for 20th October , Grama Seva continues in Puttaparthi

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October 21st 8:00 pm - Grama Seva continues in Puttaparthi Report for 20th October Morning Darshan On this very day, Swami declared his avatarhood. At the age of 14, Swami left his parents� home to fulfil His divine mission. Today being the 9th day of navratri the crowd continues to grow in anticipation of the Dusshera celebrations. Today�s rahulkalam (the inauspicious period of the day) was between 9 - 10.30am, therefore Swami�s students left in the early hours of the morning for Grama Seva. As usual many villages received Swami�s prasadam. One particular village that was served was called, Janakampalli, in the Bukkhapatnam mandal. The village consisted of

approximately 1150 houses with an approximate population of 4500. In total there were 7 sub groups made up of 12-14 Sai students each. This also included a group of the UK Grama Seva group. With Swami�s grace, the activities which included nagarsankirtan, distribution of prasadam, bhajans and aarti were completed quickly and efficiently. The group returned to Prasanthi Nilayam at 10.15am and went straight to the Yagna at the Poornachandra Hall. Our dear Swami entered the Poornachandra hall just after the rahulkalam ended, to reside over the Yagna. Swami blessed all the priests taking part during the mantra pushpam aarti. He then headed towards the Sai Kulwant hall where thousands of devotees were waiting eagerly since the early hours of the morning. Swami did a full round of darshan in his chair giving love and joy to all, and then headed to the interview room to bless the chief minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. After a short interview Swami headed back

to Yajur Mandiram. Afternoon Darshan Swami came for darshan at 5.40pm, taking a full round in his chair. He then went onto the portico to bless an eminent Indian classical music clarinet player. The musician with his accompanying artists started playing a few select Bhajans, songs and ragas. The ragas played included Hamsadhwani, 2 bhajans of which one was Prema Mudhita Manase Kaho and finished with raga bhairavi. Out of His infinite grace Swami materialised a gold chain for the clarinet player and gave new clothes to each of the musicians. Whilst the music was being played, prasadam was issued to all devotees present in the Sai Kulwant hall. Swami called for aarti at 6.40pm and then retired to his residence for the evening. Report

sent to us by Arvind Tank October 21st 7:45 pm - Grama Seva continues in Puttaparthi Report for 19th October Morning Darshan On this auspicious day of Durga Ashtami the 8th day of the Navratri function, various activities have taken place. On this holy day, the instruments (Astras & Vehicles) are worshipped. Today is the day Swami, Himself performs the worship of the vehicles. This tradition has been followed since the ancient times of Bharat (India). On this day, the Pandavas completed their time in exile and the 13th year of hiding. On this day, the weapons that were hidden away were reclaimed. In the usual manner, Grama Seva commenced with

Pradikshana around the Sanctum Sanctorum. One of the villages covered today was Locherla. This village is located in the Kotachero Mandal, and consisted of over 800 houses with approximately 3350 residents. The community spirit was noticeable as one of the teams arrived and the villagers were waiting for us eagerly. As the supply vehicles drove into the village, they were cheerfully welcomed by the local children who were all shouting "Sai Ram Sai Ram!!" whilst the parents and grandparents welcomed us quietly with a heartfelt smile and twinkle in their eyes. With the Army of Swami�s students, Swami�s prasadam was distributed very rapidly before lunchtime as per Swami�s instructions. Afternoon Darshan Our

dear Sai Lord arrived on the commencement of the Vedam at exactly 5pm. Swami gave darashan to all present in the Sai Kulwant hall. As today is the Druga Ashtami, the hall was completely full on both Ladies and Gents side. Swami instructed the All India President, Sri Srinivasan that the speakers of the day be introduced. The first speaker was Srmt. Anjali Devi, a famous film actress, who has been with Swami for many decades. Anjali devi, donated the land in Chennai, which is where Sai Sundaram stands today. Srmt. Anjali Devi mentioned how Swami kindly accepted the land for the construction of Sai Sundaram. The Siva Lingam worshipped at the Athi Rudra Maha Yagna, constructed in Chennai, is currently installed in the new temple at Sundaram. Srmt. Anjali Devi was instrumental in the making of the movie "Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai" which was composed by her late husband Sri Athi Narayan Garu. She narrated how Swami directed her in every aspect of the

making of the film including necessary changes to the script and selection of the artists that played the various characters. This movie was eventually translated into five languages; English, Telegu, Hindi, Italian and Tamil. She expressed extreme gratitude to Swami for giving her the opportunity to play the role of Eswaramma, the Divine mother, and for guiding her all along. It was amazing to see the interaction between Swami and Srmt. Anjali Devi on the verandah as she was speaking. It was an informal talk during which she stopped at times to converse with Swami. This interaction gave the audience much joy and delight. Srmt. Anjali Devi concluded her talk requesting Swami�s permission to continue with the filming of "Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai" to include the next period of Swami�s life. To the great joy of the audience Swami blessed her by waving His Abhaya Hastam. Report sent to us by Arvind Tank October 21st 11:15 am - Grama Seva continues in Puttaparthi Morning Darshan The chanting from the Veda Purusha Sapta Jyana Yagna could be clearly heard from the Poornachandra hall, as the devotees sat in the Sai Kulwant hall. The Nadaswaram was being played which added the festive mood of the Navaratri function. As the Yagna was being performed throughout the day, to generate uplifting vibrations for world peace, at the same time Swami�s students and faculty members were spreading His message of love in the Kotacharu Mandal. One of the villages that received Swami�s prasadam was Talamarya and Avulkutla (which consisted of 15 houses in a very remote farmland). The group reached all the villages and houses in and around the area, regardless of the remoteness and inaccessibility of the houses. This was only made possible by Swami�s love and grace on the villagers. Afternoon Darshan At 4.40 the Vedam singing started, signalling the arrival of our dear Lord Sai. Swami arrived in the silver car for darshan and headed towards the portico, where he spoke to UK Gama Seva group Leader Puppet for a very brief moment. Sanjay Sahani, got up to introduce the speakers for the day, which included 1)

Sir Narashimamurthi, The Warden for the Brindawan campus. 2) Krishna Kumar, Student. Warden Sir, spoke for almost for an hour on various topics including the life and mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the super speciality hospital. He mentioned that there are 36 slokas describing the life and mission of the Avatar. He mentioned and described the various stages of the Avatar, 1st comes the Leela, the pastime of Sai Baba. 2nd Mahimaha, 3rd Updesa, 4th Vidha, establishing the educational institutes, 5th Vaidy, the establishments of the hospitals and 6th Establishment of Sanatana Drama. Sir Narashimamurthi also explained how to win Swami�s grace so that Swami would come to you. All you have to do is call him to your heart with tears in your eye �Lord I belong to you�. The only condition required to win His grace is Faith. The second speaker Krishna Kumar, spoke from his heart about the Glory of Sai Mother. Krishna Kumar spoke with examples of all the attributes of Swami that make him a Mother. Whilst the talk was going on Swami was in a very delightful mood as He would be playing with handkerchief, like a little boy and when He looked up and found that everyone was looking and smiling at Him, he gave the amazing smile (like Krishna did when He was caught doing something) Our dear Lord Sai is so kind that He materialised a gold chain for Krishna Kumar and just like a mother Swami put the chain around the boy�s neck Himself. It was a very beautiful sight to observe. Swami listened to few bhajans before taking the Aarti and headed towards the divine residence at 6.30. Report sent to us by Arvind Tank

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