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LADIES DAY CELEBRATION S(19th Novermber 2007), in Parthi

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Offering humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of our beloved Lord, Heartful sairams to all. Ladies day was celebrated with utmost devotion and love in the center of Universe, Puttaparthi in the immediate presence of Sai Ma. The Kulwanth had a beautiful facelift in one night. The whole stage had beautiful floral decorations and all the pillars draped with beautiful flowers

and large candles lit on the stage with a big picture of Mother Eswaramma, the physical mother of our Mother Sai, was kept right in the middle of the stage. Large focus lights were placed to the right side of the dais and another kind of focus lights on either sides of the stage. As it was Ladies’ day, Ladies ran the whole show beautifully. At 3pm the little girls from Swami’s primary school were assembled near Swami’s Abode comprising Veda chanting girls in the front and followed by Band. As the whole stage was well set for the arrival of Mother of Million Mothers, Lord Sathya Sai Baba, blessed the august gathering with His

divine darshan at 4:15 amidst sweet music, vedic chants. Even the rain Gods, couldn’t hide the happiness of Sai Ma’s darshan, and right when Swami came out for darshan, it started raining infact pouring. Swami’s car slowly drove in the Kulwanth hall and after coming to the center of the hall, the car halted for a while, and Swami was having a close look at the beautifully decorated dias and asked the driver to take a right turn, thus skipping the men’s side. As the car stopped infront of the dias, Swami decided to alight and Swami was slowly wheeled in His mobile throne to the interview room. Later Swami came out and signaled for the start of today’s programme. Sister Chetana Raju announced about today’s programme. The first speaker to address the gathering was Dr.Hemavathi Reddy, a doctor presently practicing in California. She remembered her fist visit in july 1983 during gurupoornima. She was bed ridden and couldn’t go to darshan. After 3 days she was able to got to darshan and Swami directly came to her and asked where are you from? Swami again went to the gents side and out of thousands assembled, He walked straight to her husband and said, your wife has come.. Thus revealing His

omniscience. Being an ardent devotee of Lord Venkateswara of Tirupathi, in the year 1985, in her return trip to Chennai airport , she along with her husband passed by Tirupathi. She very much wanted to go to darshan but lack of time to go to temple they had to drive straight to the airport and when they reached Chennai airport, they found that the flight was delayed and they had to stay for another 2 days in India. Wasting no time they went to the temple and when they reached the sanctum sanctorum, in place of Lord Venkateswara, beautiful form of Swami was seen and only then she realized that all forms and names has manifested in Sathya Sai Baba and He is beyond all

forms and names. She continued “Swami said kitchen duty is also worship. Cutting vegetables is cutting ego, desires. Just like you roll chapathis you should expand your love and just like sweeping the floor you should get rid of anger, jealousy and hatred.. There is only work and that is God’s work. What ever work we do we should do it as God’s work. Quoting an episode from Maha Bharath, Dr. Hema Vathi

said, once a Gopi asked Bala Krishna to help her keep the pot on her head. Krishna refused to do so. After some time when she went to her home, and to her surprise she saw krishna waiting for her. Krishna approaches the Gopi and says Let me help u to put down the pot and she was surprised and asked why u were reluctant to help me put the pot on my head and now u are waiting. Krishna replied “God only takes away your burden and never adds them” The next speaker was Smt.Shavakaru Janaki, a noted film actress who was seen in

more than 380 films of yesteryears, an ardent devotee of Swami since 1955. Thanking Swami for His love and permission to speak she rememberd her first talk on the first Ladies’ day on 19th November 1995. She said, “I don’t go to temples. My temple is Prasanthi Nilayam. I never had higher education. its only because of Swami that Iam able to speak infront of this vast gathering. Commenting upon the present day films, she added “you need dedication and commitment in what ever u do. Having been associated with film industry for more than 59 years, I have seen the metamorphosis of film industry. Nature has given a ugly looking Caterpillar turning out into a beautiful butterfly… but its vice versa in film industry. The good looking “Butterfly” of yesteryears has turned into ugly caterpillar now. Those films were made with Commitment, idealism , spiritualism, patriotism.In the name of entertainment, violence, obscenity, cruelty to women is shown more in today’s movies. Television and internet are doing irreparable loss to the present generation. The results will be devasting if the trend continues. We should keep away from such films which is spoiling our

future generation. Commenting upon freedom to the present generation kids, She said, “Girls are future mothers. All who are studying make use of this golden opportunity and come out with flying colours and turn into 24 carat gold. Remember freedom doesn’t mean moving around freely without any responsibility.. freedom has so much responsibility, one should be answerable to God and to your conscience. Ms.Janaki also appreciated various activities taken upon by Eswaramma Trust and prayed to Swami to continue His blessings on this project which is helping thousands of Village women directly and many more indirectly.. Commenting upon recent Moon Darshan episode, she said, Why only in the moon. Swami is present everywhere. Before ending her 15 minute talk she asked all the devotees to ignore the news in various media Never mind the meida. Follow your intellect remember how fortunate we are to be born in this time. to see Him almost everyday, are we not blessed to walk with Him? Speak to Him? What else one can ask for? Later there was a Vocal music programme by Nithya Sree Mahadevan who made all of us immerse in the sweet music for more than 45 minutes… It was 6pm by then and Swami was looking at the little girls waiting right infront of the dias for the dance programe titled “Sai Leela.” (On a personal note, I was also eagerly waiting for the dance programme as my parents, who are

tailors, were blessed design and stitch the clothes to be worn by the girls in the dance group.. It was a very tough jobfor myparents which took good 2 weeks to stitch them all). The programme was highlight of the evening. The dance programme was based on Swami Himself where in little Gopikas are searching for little Sai Krishna. They go every nook and corner of the street and complain to the body’s mother Eswaramma. Mother Eswaramma also complains saying He never makes any beggar go back with empty hands, to feed the hungry He goes to the extent of skipping His food. All this was framed in a beautifully written telugu song which even made Swami emotional and His happiness knew no bonds.. In the play there was a little girl who played Young Swami. All eyes were glued at this Little girl including Swami. Before the 40 minute play ended, Swami was very very happy with the play and He called the little girl who played the role of young Swami, infact there were two girls who played young Swami and Swami called the youngest of the two on the stage.. Swami slowly rose from His throne and posed for a photograph with His replica as all of us joined our hands for a big round of applauds. One boy was holding Swami’s right hand and Swami gave His left hand to this little girl to hold. He was actually trying to get down the dias for a group photo. As we all know there is a little wheel chair passage and Swami decided to use the little passage. All eyes were on the little girl who was holding Swami’s hand and after coming down the stage Swami called the second girl who played the role of Swami and it was just a treat to see 2

look alikes with the original. After the group photo, Swami asked for arathi and thus ended an action packed Ladies Day in the land of Kaliyuga Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba.. With Loving Pranams R.Satish Naik reporting from Puttaparthi

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