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September 25 2008

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September 25 2008

The Sri Sathya Sai University, today had important guests visiting. The Vice-Chairman of the University Grants Comission, Mr Mool Chand Sharma and his team of academics had arrived. And so in the afternoon also, they were seated on chairs and they too joined the devotees in the wait for the Lord to arrive. It was about 4:40 pm when Swami arrived for darshan as the Veda chanting classes were on. As the children from the the Primary school had arrived the hall was not only full today but was also complete! It being a Thursday - the holy day decided by Sai - also added to the wholesomeness of the occasion. Swami came down the gentle slope through the ladies side and was welcomed by smiles and salutations. Letters exchanged hands and blessings were blown in all directions by the gentle breeze that had stirred up seemingly to rejoice His arrival! Swami moved from the ladies side to the gents side through the central students' block. Swami blessed all the boys holding trays and then via the Veda chanting group, He moved towards the stage. He materialised vibhuti for a devotee and then came near the Vice-chairman of UGC. He rose from his chair and fell in prostrations to Swami and Swami lovingly patted and blessed him. After a heartfelt exchange of words, Swami came to the stage. All the other members of the UGC team too sought His blessings. Blessing them, and granting padanamaskars, Swami sat on the stage listening to the Veda tutorials that were on. As that got completed, Swami asked for all the students to chant all that they had learnt in the past few days. And so the Rudram began in all fervour and enthusiasm. Everyone were at the top of their spirits and the top of their throats too as they strained to impress Swami with their "vedic knowledge"! Swami too, on His part, kept a vigil and was liberal with appreciative looks to all those who had picked up well! He called many students and accepted letters from them. He called all the birthday boys and blessed them too by sprinkling the holy Akshatha grains. Then came what could be the very special moments of the evening. Swami began spotting those students who were chanting very sincerely and called them to accept letters. There were quite some rice grains that had collected on His lap as He had blessed the birthday boys. Swami picked them up and began sprinkling on all the boys He was calling! They were all so happy and thrilled at this act of special Grace. The rest of the 30-40 minutes, Swami sat with a smile, His hands swaying to some celestial rhythm! Blessed indeed was the day as everyone had the golden opportunity for an hour long darshan. These days when it becomes so difficult to have His darshan, a day like this is indeed a bounty out of His Love and Compassion. Swami then moved towards the behind door of the bhajan hall. On the way, He recieved many letters and a privileged few had the opportunity to kiss His feet. Bhajans began soon after and Aarthi was taken at 6:00 pm. September 22 2008

The devotees from the Medak district had also planned a distribution of livelihood items to the poor and needy of their district. And Swami, being one who always encourages service, had graciously permitted the distribution to happen in His divine presence. And thus it was that the materials for distribution like sewing machines, sprayers, bicycles, carpentry kits and so on were arrayed in Sai Kulwant hall this evening. The Vedam tutorial that began at 4:00 pm was on as Swami arrived and took a detour straight to the stage before coming to the centre also. Moving on to the stage, Swami blessed the completion of the Vedic chants and then blessed Prof. Anil Kumar to make the introductory remarks and also read out the names of the recipients of the distribution materials.

In his inimitable style, the professor spoke about the wonderful service activities that had been taken up in the district with Love and reverence for the Swami in all. During the course of his speech, he mentioned about a young bread-winner who had a second lease of life thanks to the Super Speciality Hospital here. He needed more than Rs. 80,000 for his operation and was at his wits end as to what had to be done. And Swami's hospital at Parthi ensured a wonderful happy ending to what could have been another tragic story of dwindling health due to lack of finances. It is said that familiarity breeds neglect if not contempt. The way that the hospitals run by Swami together have completed more than 30,000 operations completely free of cost is a wonder that makes us drop our jaws and gape in awe. Its not about the quantity or the number but the quality of the treatment and the way it has transformed the lives of these people that is truly so divine and magnificent. Experience the feelings of a drop in this ocean of patients here.

The narrative was very touching and as it was completed, Swami asked, "Where is he now?" And so on the PA system the announcement was made,"Mr.Sathyanarayan, please come to the stage!" And there, embedded in the crowd, a solitary figure rose and stood in a sort of confused manner till the security personnel escorted him to the stage. He stood near Swami barely able to speak, and as his blank face showed, barely able to think also! Swami waved His hand and creating a beautiful gold chain, put it around Sathyanarayan's neck. The overwhelmed devotee bowed down to His feet and Swami lovingly raised him and patted his cheeks. There was thunderous applause. The magic of Love is such that it thrills everyone - the Giver, the reciever and the audience alike. The grateful and dazed patient slowly made his way back to his place. Midway, he was intercepted and the devotees gave him a place right in the front to sit! Its always true that once you win the Love of the Lord, the whole world will seem to give preferential treatment to you! The speech went on for a few more minutes where the speaker described the spiritual sadhana taken up by the devotees before this pilgrimage and about the water project that Swami had set up at Medak. After that, he began to read out the names of the worthy recipients.

As the names were read out, the devotees came forward and accepted the gift after reverentially offering a rose to Swami. And thus, cycles, grinders, sewing machines, iron boxes, carpentry kits were distributed. It is heartening to note that all the recipients had also recieved training for some weeks prior to their trip and thus were skilled at using the equipent being given to them. One of them wanted to desparately touch Swami's feet. He made a plea and then went to Swami and had his heart's desire fulfilled. After the distribution, Swami permitted a musical programme - the same group that had performed yesterday. And thus He kept up His promise. They sang popular Telugu songs which everyone enjoyed. There were two main singers among the gents and two among the ladies. They sang for about 35 minutes and after that, Swami gifted them with sarees and Safari pieces. Then recieveing Aarthi, Swami retired for the day.

September 21 2008

Props had risen up in the marble blocks of the Sai Kulwant hall. Little boys holding flags stood in front of them to welcome Swami. That is almost a penance these children do. Every time when there is a programme by the children from a district in Andhra Pradesh, the basic stage framework is almost the same and it inevitably has children holding banners and flags, standing and waiting for the Lord's arrival. At 4:00pm, the regular daily Vedam classes began. It was around 4:25 pm when Swami came out for the darshan rounds. Swami moved through in His natural sweet and graceful manner. As He passed by the props, He seemed to carefully study every bit of it. His eye for detail and perfection has not changed one bit.

Today also happened to be the concluding day of the Cardiac conference being held in the Super Specialities hospital. This conference held in collaboration with the Indian Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons boasted of the best surgeons in the world giving live demonstrations. Notable among them was Dr.Valluvan Jeevanandam. A few words about the man will not be out of place here. Dr. Jeevanandam has a special interest in treating patients traditionally considered inoperable. He has repaired damaged hearts in several patients awaiting transplant, enabling those patients to forgo transplantation. He also has successfully performed transplants involving patients who do not fit the standard criteria for transplant.

All the participants had seated in front and Swami blessed them accepting letters and speaking a few words - words which mean the world to the recipient - to some of them. It was a wonderful sight. Great surgeons and 'aspiring-to-be-great-surgeons' taking the blessings of Dhanvantari Himself! Swami moved on to the stage where the other surgeons too sought and received His blessings. Swami then sat on the stage and presided over the classes. After the completion, Swami asked for the drama to be staged. The coordinators came up to Swami and offered flowers and the details of the programme. Swami blessed the district president with a gold chain. It all happened so simply that the president was just dumbstruck. With a sweet smile, Swami put the chain to his neck and blessed him by placing His hand over his head. Then minister Ms. Gita Reddy and another lady moved to the stage and offered the program at His lotus feet. Swami accepted groundnuts that they offered and quickly popped one into His mouth too. That act was followed by a gentle smile which was actually a reflection of all the smiles that beamed at His act. Swami blessed a marble Shivalingam and silver padukas that were brought for His blessings. All the office bearers made most of the opportunity as they fell at His feet joyfully. Then after a brief introduction, the programme began.

The drama, based on real life incidents, centred around a young man, Bheeshma who has been inspired by Swami's Love and teachings. He acts as the center of serenity, peace and harmony in his village. Being young in age, he still displays admirable maturity and conscientious thinking. He inspires the children of the village to go Godward. He wins the respect of the elders and inspires them to work together and build a much needed bridge without any external help. When some of the foreign-resident members of the village arrive there with ideas of constructing factories to exploit the natural resources, he transforms them to construct a school and hospital instead. Having done all this, he says that he has to move on and share the wonderful Love he has received from Swami with people in all other villages too. The drama had its share of dances. Little boys and girls performed with sweet synchronisation and devoted dexterity to highlight the points the 'hero' of the drama was making. The grand finale song was the theme song shall we say and its first line was "Sai Rama Nauka". The dance featured a boat being rowed by the hero and the lilting melody was one that would transport the listeners to a traditional sleepy village. The tune itself was so relaxing and refreshing.

The drama concluded and all the participants came forward into the final formation. Swami called out for a little boy and patting him asked, "Whats your name?" He replied, "Aravind." Swami smiled and blessing him, told him to return to his place in the formation. Swami then moved down and sat amidst all the children. He told them to come close and cluster. When that was done, a beautiful group picture was the result. As Swami moved up the stage, He granted permission for a music programme too. The time was already 6:05 pm and it was indeed an act of Grace that Swami decided to shower love on the singers. Since it was a programme that Swami scheduled on the spot, the singers and artistes had a difficult time trying to move ahead and tune their instruments. Then, Swami so understandingly went into the interview room for 5 minutes! That gave them sufficient time to arrange everything and get ready. Immediately, Swami came out, a smile dancing on His beautiful lips.

The performers - a vocalist, violinist, keyboard player, a tablist and chorus singers among the ladies comprised the team. After they sang two songs, Swami blessed them and promised another opportunity the next day. It had already got quite late and Swami recieved Aarthi after blessing the prasadam to be distributed to one and all. There was a plethora of Aarthis performed today and that was also a wonderful sight. Camphor and the holy fire was being waved from all sides. The fact here is that anything done in the Lord's presence becomes so wonderful because He is the source of all that wonder and grandeur! Swami asked them, one by one, to place the Aarthi plates down and then retired to Yajur mandir.

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