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9. HOW BABA INSPIRED SHRI M. K. RAJAGOPALACHARY TO BUILD BABA'S MANDIR AT NELLORE (A.P) Doctor M. K. Rajagopalachari of Nellore had got a photo and UDI of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi,

through Rao Saheb Chandu Subbaiah Setty after his return from Shirdi visit, as he was his family doctor. He put the photo on the top of his Almyrah in his dispensary in Rajaji Street, Nellore without evincing much interest and in a most casual way. After some days, the doctor had a dream one night. A tall Fakir in long torn gown walked up to him and showed some wounds and eruptions on his skin below his two knees and asked him to dress up his wounds. Seeing the Fakir, the doctor was wonder struck with his extraordi­nary appearance, graceful and kind personality and the doctor immediately dressed up His wounds in his own hands with great care and interest. Then the Fakir said that he was very much relieved of the pain and blessed him and left. After two or three days of this incident while the doctor cleaning the dust and debris on the Almyrahs he happened to look at

the Baba's photo and that the portions down below Baba's knee was eaten away by white ants and this condition reminded the doctor of the incident in his dream. The doctor came to know that the Fakir who blessed him in his dream was no other than Shri Sai Baba Shirdi and his eager grew more to know about Baba. In 1939, he invi­ted his Holiness B. V. Narasimhaswamy to Nellore. The Swamiji gave lectures about the life and leelas of Shri Sai Baba. In October, 1940, the doctor made a trip to Shirdi. He met His Holiness Shri B. V. Narasimhaswamy and Shri Kesavaiah Swamiji. The doctor returned from Shirdi with a firm determination to build a regular mandir immediately after his return to Nellore. Accordingly with his tireless effort along with other Sai devotees a pucka mandir of Shri Sai Baba Shirdi was erected at Nellore with a Mandali by name "The Nellore Shri Sai Baba Baktha Mandali" for its maintenance. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 10. HOW BABA SAVED THE SISTER OF SHRI BHIKAJI MOHEDJI A servant drawing a monthly salary of Rs. 36/- Bhikaji Mohedji has a sister Chhaboo. She had been ill for about 4 months. On 5-12-1951, her illness took a critical turn, so he was very anxious to get for her the benefit of a good doctor's advice and medicine, but within the meager salary, it was not at all possible for him to get there. Having sighs upon sighs, bemoaning his inability he carried on his office duties, chanting Sai Baba's name when suddenly there came in a doctor for some enquiry. Though Bhikaji could not recognise him, through Sai's grace the doctor himself reminded Bhikaji of his previous connection with him. So Bhikaji narrated to him the difficulty and

requested him to examine her and prescribed the necessary medicines. The doctor readily complied with Bhikaji’s request. Bhikaji thus got over his worries and felt assured that Baba was ever ready to shower His grace ever on a poor man like himself. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 11. BABA MADE SHRI KAKASAHEB DIXIT TO ATTEND THE DINNER PARTY ARRANGED BY SHRI KRISHNA RAO NARAYAN PARULKAR HARDA AND SATISFIED HIM Shri Krishna Rao Narayan Parulkar, Honorary Magistrate of Harda has been celebrating "Shri Datta Festival” for several years usually falling in December and feeding one hundred Brahmins on that occasion and whenever for some reason or other he was not able to do so in a year, he would feed double the usual number i. e. two hundred brahmin in the next year. As per that self imposed rule, he was to feed two hundred brahmins in respect of that celebration in the year 1925. One Saturday was fixed for dinner, only when five days were left to it, that is on Monday. On Tuesday when Parulkar was merged in meditation as per his daily routine, he heard a voice saying,"If you desire that on the day you are feeding the brahmins, I should come and dine with them,

you call Sri Dixit from Bombay.” Parulkar however thought to himself whether it was proper for him to request Shri Dixit to come such a long distance simply for taking dinner while he was in the midst of such conflict of thoughts, he again heard the voice, "Why did you puzzle? Write to Dixit, feed him with all the other brahmins and when you have done so, know it for certain that I joined the party taking dinner at yours.” So Parulkar wrote to Shri Dixit on Wednesday requesting him to attend the dinner on Saturday. Failing to hear from Shri Dixit all prepa­rations were made for serving the dinner on Saturday, Parulkar with tearful eyes requested Baba to set matters right and then taking his bath, so soon as he started doing his midday routine prayers, he got a telegram from Shri Dixit informing him

that he and Madhavrao Deshpande were on the way to Harda. All were glad­dened to receive the news. They all went to the sta­tion to receive them, accorded them a hearty welcome and gave them a sumptuous feast in the company of the two hundred brahmins. Sri Parulkar was overjoyed and he now felt that Baba is still there to satisfy all the Godly craving of his heart. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and

Deliverance be there 12. BABA SATISFIED THE WISHES OF SMT. MANI SAHUKAR BY GIVING MEDICINE FOR HER SUFFERINGS IN HER THROAT Smt Mani Sahukar author of the book Saint of Shirdi about the year 1950 started suffering from the peculiar ailment of the throat. She was a sincere student of vocal Hindustani classical music. Owing to the sufferings in the throat she was not able to sing continuously for ten minutes. She consulted many doctors but in vain. After six months, she came to Shirdi and stood before the Samadhi of Shri Sai Baba, her heart and eyes suddenly wetted with tears. She came out of the Samadhi Mandir and went over to visit a friend. After discussion with her friend, she came to her room behind the Gurusthan at about 7-30 P.M. In order to make herself comfortable, she started removing her sari from her left shoulder. As she removed, she heard something rustling in the sari and a small packet about 2 inches long made up in white paper fell from her sari to the ground. She was perplexed for a mo­ment and looked around her wondering what had

happened. There was no one. She picked and unfolded it. To her amazement in contained six or seven tiny white tablets which may commonly used in homeopathy. When she realised the significance of this, she wrapped her sari again and went to her friend with the tablets. Her friend told her, "You understand, don't you know that this is Baba's Prasad. What are you going to do with it?” She replied that she will take all these tablets. So saying she put all these tablets in her mouth. When she returned home from Shirdi, she found that she should sing without any hindrance and all the conges­tion in her throat entirely disappeared. Her heart over­flowed gratitude to Baba. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!! Hetal

Patil hetal_patilhetalpatil

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SaiRam, All these stories are very nice. It is very nice of you for sharing this book with us. But there is one thing bothering me too much about one episode of the very first email, in which it was mentioned Baba effectiveness for only 1000 years.I forgot but there was even some year was also mentioned. How can we measure Baba in number of years when Baba himself said he is a Creater,Preservor & Destroyer of this Universe. Baba is Parbrahm it will be an innocent mistake to measure him in only for 1000 years. Probably baba said thousands of years not thousand year. Baba existed even before coming to Shirdi and will always exist for the benifits of his devotees. There is no end of Baba existence.Hetal Patil <hetal_patil

wrote: 9. HOW BABA INSPIRED SHRI M. K. RAJAGOPALACHARY TO BUILD BABA'S MANDIR AT NELLORE (A.P) Doctor M. K. Rajagopalachari of Nellore had got a photo and UDI of Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi, through Rao

Saheb Chandu Subbaiah Setty after his return from Shirdi visit, as he was his family doctor. He put the photo on the top of his Almyrah in his dispensary in Rajaji Street, Nellore without evincing much interest and in a most casual way. After some days, the doctor had a dream one night. A tall Fakir in long torn gown walked up to him and showed some wounds and eruptions on his skin below his two knees and asked him to dress up his wounds. Seeing the Fakir, the doctor was wonder struck with his extraordi­nary appearance, graceful and kind personality and the doctor immediately dressed up His wounds in his own hands with great care and interest. Then the Fakir said that he was very much relieved of the pain and blessed him and left. After two or three days of this incident while the doctor cleaning the dust and debris on the Almyrahs he happened to look at the Baba's photo and that the portions down below Baba's knee was eaten away by

white ants and this condition reminded the doctor of the incident in his dream. The doctor came to know that the Fakir who blessed him in his dream was no other than Shri Sai Baba Shirdi and his eager grew more to know about Baba. In 1939, he invi­ted his Holiness B. V. Narasimhaswamy to Nellore. The Swamiji gave lectures about the life and leelas of Shri Sai Baba. In October, 1940, the doctor made a trip to Shirdi. He met His Holiness Shri B. V. Narasimhaswamy and Shri Kesavaiah Swamiji. The doctor returned from Shirdi with a firm determination to build a regular mandir immediately after his return to Nellore. Accordingly with his tireless effort along with other Sai devotees a pucka mandir of Shri Sai Baba Shirdi was erected at Nellore with a Mandali by name "The Nellore Shri Sai Baba Baktha Mandali" for its maintenance. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 10. HOW BABA SAVED THE SISTER OF SHRI BHIKAJI MOHEDJI A servant drawing a monthly salary of Rs. 36/- Bhikaji Mohedji has a sister Chhaboo. She had been ill for about 4 months. On 5-12-1951, her illness took a critical turn, so he was very anxious to get for her the benefit of a good doctor's advice and medicine, but within the meager salary, it was not at all possible for him to get there. Having sighs upon sighs, bemoaning his inability he carried on his office duties, chanting Sai Baba's name when suddenly there came in a doctor for some enquiry. Though Bhikaji could not recognise him, through Sai's grace the doctor himself reminded Bhikaji of his previous connection with him. So Bhikaji narrated to him the difficulty and requested him to examine her and prescribed the necessary medicines. The doctor readily complied with Bhikaji’s request. Bhikaji thus got over his worries and felt assured that Baba was ever ready to shower His grace

ever on a poor man like himself. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 11. BABA MADE SHRI KAKASAHEB DIXIT TO ATTEND THE DINNER PARTY ARRANGED BY SHRI KRISHNA RAO NARAYAN PARULKAR HARDA AND SATISFIED HIM Shri Krishna Rao Narayan Parulkar, Honorary Magistrate of Harda has been celebrating "Shri Datta Festival” for several years usually falling in December and feeding one hundred Brahmins on that occasion and whenever for some reason or other he was not able to do so in a year, he would feed double the usual number i. e. two hundred brahmin in the next year. As per that self imposed rule, he was to feed two hundred brahmins in respect of that celebration in the year 1925. One Saturday was fixed for dinner, only when five days were left to it, that is on Monday. On Tuesday when Parulkar was merged in meditation as per his daily routine, he heard a voice saying,"If you desire that on the day you are feeding the brahmins, I should come and dine with them, you call Sri Dixit

from Bombay.” Parulkar however thought to himself whether it was proper for him to request Shri Dixit to come such a long distance simply for taking dinner while he was in the midst of such conflict of thoughts, he again heard the voice, "Why did you puzzle? Write to Dixit, feed him with all the other brahmins and when you have done so, know it for certain that I joined the party taking dinner at yours.” So Parulkar wrote to Shri Dixit on Wednesday requesting him to attend the dinner on Saturday. Failing to hear from Shri Dixit all prepa­rations were made for serving the dinner on Saturday, Parulkar with tearful eyes requested Baba to set matters right and then taking his bath, so soon as he started doing his midday routine prayers, he got a telegram from Shri Dixit informing him that he and Madhavrao Deshpande were on the way to Harda. All were glad­dened to receive the news. They all

went to the sta­tion to receive them, accorded them a hearty welcome and gave them a sumptuous feast in the company of the two hundred brahmins. Sri Parulkar was overjoyed and he now felt that Baba is still there to satisfy all the Godly craving of his heart. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 12.

BABA SATISFIED THE WISHES OF SMT. MANI SAHUKAR BY GIVING MEDICINE FOR HER SUFFERINGS IN HER THROAT Smt Mani Sahukar author of the book Saint of Shirdi about the year 1950 started suffering from the peculiar ailment of the throat. She was a sincere student of vocal Hindustani classical music. Owing to the sufferings in the throat she was not able to sing continuously for ten minutes. She consulted many doctors but in vain. After six months, she came to Shirdi and stood before the Samadhi of Shri Sai Baba, her heart and eyes suddenly wetted with tears. She came out of the Samadhi Mandir and went over to visit a friend. After discussion with her friend, she came to her room behind the Gurusthan at about 7-30 P.M. In order to make herself comfortable, she started removing her sari from her left shoulder. As she removed, she

heard something rustling in the sari and a small packet about 2 inches long made up in white paper fell from her sari to the ground. She was perplexed for a mo­ment and looked around her wondering what had happened. There was no one. She picked and unfolded it. To her amazement in contained six or seven tiny white tablets which may commonly used in homeopathy. When she realised the significance of this, she wrapped her sari again and went to her friend with the tablets. Her friend told her, "You understand, don't you know that this is Baba's Prasad. What are you going to do with it?” She replied that she will take all these tablets. So saying she put all these tablets in her mouth. When she returned home from Shirdi, she found that she should sing without any hindrance and all the conges­tion in her throat entirely disappeared. Her heart over­flowed

gratitude to Baba. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!! Hetal Patil hetal_patil (AT) (DOT) co.inhetalpatil Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how. Pkaushal Pardeep Kaushal (Broker) Century 21 People's

Choice Realty Inc. Direct Line :- 416-895-7905

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