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Let us Pray Together -- 2nd Lot of Letters/requests and the prayers during Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.

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For 16th Oct 2008


Jai Sai Ram

Devotees sending letters for prayers should be specific by giving (i) date, for which Thursday they are writing the latter. They should also mention the (ii) place and (iii) if they will be reciting or reading Sri Sai Amrit Vani?


Following are the letters received. for 16th Oct 2008.


Mrs. Gupta will pray for all at the time of recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and the Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.


I have omitted those letters who have written private or confidential in the subject. Please write your letter/requests only on email id veena_gupta_ 2000 and to get the attention please write Sri Sai Amrit Vani and/or Private

or confidential also in the Subject.


Ashok Gupta






35. "Steve Swaminathan" <steve_swami………….

Participation in SAI Amritvani

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:05 AM



Dear respected Ashokji and Veenaji Kindly include the following names for the Saiamritvani pooja held at your place this thursday. Me and my family will be reciting the same at their respective places. My humble pranams to you both. Always remember us at your prayers. I sincerely thank you for your kindness and goodwill. Aum Sairam S. Sivaprasath names: S.Sivaprasath - MichiganS.Sivakamasundari - ChennaiS. Swaminathan -ChennaiG.Sivapriya - ChennaiS.Sivagowri - Chennai


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36. "Abhiksha Bansal" <abhikshabansal…………….

Sai Amrit Vani Recitation on October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 8:50 AM

"veena" <veena_gupta_2000


Dear Ashok Uncle and Veena Aunty,


Please include the name of Ms. Parul Gupta (Hyderabad) and Ms. Suman Gupta (Delhi) in the prayers this Thursday. We will recite the Sai Amrit Vani at our residences respectively.

Wishing you a very happy journey and stay at the US.






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37. "Sunita Param" <sunisridhar…………….

Prayer Request

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:32 AM

"Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000


Sairam Ashok ji/Veena ji,


Please include our names in this weeks Amrit Vani prayers(16th Oct). I will be listening to Amrit Vani and reading the Sai Satcharita from my home in Mumbai.



Sunita Sridhar.


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38. "Vasavi Kolla" <vasavi_kolla……………..

prayers for 16th oct

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:45 AM



Sai Ram to Veena ma and Ashok jiHope veena ma is feeling much better with the blessings of sai.Please include me in ur prayers for this thursday, oct 16th. I will do the satcharita prayam and recitation of sai amrit vani at my house in fremont, ca.I have a entrance exam to take this saturday.with koti pranam to babavasavi.


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39. "Uma Chaudhary" <umac8…………..

Please Include our names for the Amrit Vani prayer on Oct 16th, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:16 AM



Sairam Ashok ji & Veenaji,

Please accept my humble pranams to you both Veenaji and Ashokji for the service to us. I am hoping Veena ji is doing fine now.

We will be listening and reciting Sri Amrit Vani on Oct 16th in our home

Devendra,Uma-in Marlboro,NJNidhi in -Wisconsin

& Mohit in -Miami, FL,USA

Please pray for our family + Oreo.

PPFNMAS - Happy Shard poornima to all!!!

With Regards & Love




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40. "Molly Govender" <molly…………….

reciting of amritvani and reading of shirdi sai satcharittra

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:10 AM

"Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000


Aum sai ram Ashok & Veena,

It is me Molly from South Afrca. I will be reciting the amritvani on Thursday 16 October and am reading the satcaritra everyday.

Please include me in this Thursdays list. May Baba make my trip to him as easy as possible with no obstacles in my way a

and more especially I want to thank him for making this possible and want to plead to him to please make me feel his presence.


Thank you for all your help and co-operation regarding my trip.May Baba bless you abundantly


Ugeshree Molly Govender


South Africa


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41. "Sathviha" <sathviha…………..

Request to include me in Sri Sai Amrit Vani/prayers on 16 Oct 08.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:47 AM

"Sai Baba" <veena_gupta_2000


Sai Ram Veena Ji,Please include me in your prayers on 16th Oct 2008. I will recite Amrit Vani and read the Satcharitha at my residence in Pittsburgh. Please pray to Sai to relieve my anxieties and bring happiness into my life. Sai Sai..Sath


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42. "lakshmi aruna" <aruna_sl……………….

Pls include our names in the next amrit vani puja on 16th oct

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:45 AM

"Veena Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000


Jai Sai ram Veena Ji and Ashok Gupta ji,Pls include my name in the next amrit vani puja on the 16th oct. I will read the same in Hyderabad.These days i am quite depressed.I have been trying for the job but of no vail.Pls pray Baba to bless me with a job. RgdsAruna


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43. "HariniSrinivas" <harinisrinivas………….

Amritvani prayers on Oct 16th '08

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:35 AM


"Ashok Ji Veena Ji" <veena_gupta_2000


Dear Veena ji n Ashok jiHearty Pranams!!Please include me and my husbandHarini & Srinivas Kanchanavally- LosAngeles-Californiafor Sai AmritVani prayers on Oct 16th.

We shall listen and recite Sai Amritvani and also read SAI CHARITRA from our place. OM SAI RAM HariniSrinivas

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44. "Sudha" <sudhaa22……………

Sri Sai Amrit Vani/prayers :For 16th Oct2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:05 PM




Please include our names for 16thOct'08 Amritvani prayer.

I will Pray for his blessings to shower on my family for all things which we are praying and my mom for her health and also the financial problems. my aunty(mom sister praying for his son related to his well being) will do the amritvani prayan in Hyderabad,India.Baba...Please help my parents come out of the financial crisis.

I live in San Francisco and recite here on thrusday morning our time.


Please include these names in the prayer:




Ananda Rao and Surya kumari.



Thank you very much for prayers last week.

Jaya Jaya Sai............



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45. "Sarala m" <saralaman…………..

Amrit vani prayer request for 16th oct'08

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:57 PM



Dear Veenaji and Ashokji


Om Sairam.My pranams to both of you. Hope you both are doing well.


Kindly include our names in the Sai Amritvani prayer for 16th of oct'o8 and pray for continous Baba's blessings to our family, our family welfare and an improvement in financial position.I would be reciting Sai Amritvani and would read Sai Satcharitra on 16th of oct between 11.00 and 12.00 noon at London.May Baba bless everyone..


1. Sarala Venkatagiri, 2. Vishal Venkatagiri 3. Manohar Venkatagiri.





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46. "Ramkumar Thirumangalam" <ramkumar_t_s……….

Sai Amrit Vani

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 10:54 AM



Sairam Ashok Bhaiya and Veena DeediCould you please pray to Baba to be with us and protect us from all calamities. The following will be reciting the Sai Amrita Vani this Thursday October 16th 2008.====================================================Ramkumar, Chantilly, VA USAMrs. Lalitha Subramanian, Chennai, India.Sivakumar, Sydney, Australia. Please include the following names in your prayers.==================================================SankariSaikripaS. Prema(Chantilly, VA)N.SubramanianT S. Ravishankar and ShyamalaSowmya(Chennai India) Sangeetha SriramMay Sai's Grace and Karuna be with one and all. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu! RegardsRamkumar


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47. "Prema Bai" <premi1942…………..

Sai Amrtivani Pooja 16.10.08

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:49 AM



Sairam !


I will listen and recite Sri Sai Amritvani on 16.10.08 @ Chennai.


Please pray for good health and good future for my son and 3 daughters and their families.






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48. "vasatha sarathy" <yahvasn…………..

Prayers for thursday 16th oct -Sai Amrit Vani Chanting

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:26 AM



SAIRAM Ashokji and Veenaji,

Glad to know Veenaji is better now.Our Pranams to you both.Thanks a lot for every thing.Please include the following names for Amrit vani Chanting on 16th oct.As usual I'll be chanting Amrit vani and read Saisathcharita.

Names for the prayer;










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49. "Shivani Parikh" <pshivani2001…………….

Re: om sai ram

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:18 AM



om sai ram,

i am dr shivani from mumbai. i am trying for something very imp for my family. a humble request to u and veenaji to include my name for the prayers of 16th oct. i will read sai satcharitra and listen to sai amritvani on that day.

thank you so much

may baba bless one and all

om sai ram


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50. "lalitha sekharan" <lalithasekharan…………..

Sai Amrit vani 16.10.20082008- prayer for my adopted father

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:12 AM


Sairam Veena Maa,Please continue your prayers for my adopted father Vaikuntam. He is doing much better but the new medicines should not have any side effect.It is Lord Sainath who has blessed him with new leash of life.I will recite/listen to Sai amrit vani after the evening arthi.Thank you,SairamLalitha SekharanDubai


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51. "B shilpa" <shilparao26…………..


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:41 AM



namaste veena aunty and ashok uncle

i read sai satcharitra every day and do the amrit vani parayan every thursday and

every possible day.

i want u to pray for my brother in law whos looking for a job and for my marriage

SHILPA (myself)

SRINIVAS (brother in law)




om sai ram


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52. "Ms nirmala menon" <nirmal_sai………….

sree sai amritvani pooja on 16th oct 08

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:12 AM



Sairam veenajiPlease include me,A.Nirmala Menon from Trivandrum for the pooja ,I will read sree sai Amritvani.Also include the following for the prayers.KP Ambujakshi Amma TrivandrumRoshni Menon ShertallayRaviSankar AR,USPrabha Sankar TrivandrumMP Parameswaran Nair ''Jayanthi

''Sadasivan Nair ''Radhakrishnan Nair ''Valsala Kumari PuducherryWith PranamsA.Nirmala menon



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53. "geetha devi" <ch_gita…………..

Sai Amritvani 16th OCT 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:52 AM



Om Sai RamPlease include my name in the SAI AMRITVANI recitation on 16th Oct 08. I will read the Sai Amritvani between 7.30 and 8.30 AM in singapore. Please pray to Baba to give me peace of mind and freedom from all the mental agony that i am under going. Baba

knows everything and only he can help. Please request him to come to my rescue at the earliest. Please pray that Baba gives me some indication that i would come out of the situation peacefully and without any trouble to anyoneom sai ramGeetha.Raghu & Jyothika siva sai.


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54. "roop malik" <roopspace…………..

prayer request

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:31 AM



om sai ram dear veena didi,i thank you for your prayers each thursday.....please pray for my family MALIKS- for all children- SHARAD, ROOP, MANIK and NIKAT as no one has any job since many years......the ill health in the family persists..i will e reading the SAI SATCHARITA AND the SAI AMRIT VANI tomorrow... 1.e 16th october..thank you and many pranaams,om sai ram,roopmumbai


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55. "Ramesh Krish" <ramvee11…………….

Re: Prayers for my wife's health on thursday

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 5:59 AM



Dear GuptajiI am reciting Sai Amrithvani on Thursdays for the past couple of years. Although I try to sync the listening amrithvani from my I shuffle with your Indian time 11.05 PM , sometimes due to work pressures I couldn't do it. I am already a member of "" and I am getting all your mails to the group already for the past two years.I also read Satcharita on and off and I allways carry it in my bag when I come to office.For the past two Baba samadhi days (past two years ) I do all 4 aratis for Baba at home and read condensed version of Satcharita in one day.I allways do

atleast one arati for BABA on full moon days and all Thursdays.RegardsV Ramesh> Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 12:47 AM> > JAI SAI RAM> Dear Guptaji> my wife Rajeswari is sufferring from acute anaemia and> needs bone marrow> transplant. She resides in Chennai.She is in and out of> Appollo Hospital> Please request Veenaji to pray for her to recover faster.> > My pranams> > Ramesh from Singapore/Vietnam


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56. "anand joshi" <andyboss_joshi2003…………..

Thursday Prayers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 5:20 AM

"veena gupta" <veena_gupta_2000




Dear Veena Maa & Ashok Sirji,


Please include my name in tomorrow 16th october 2008 thursday puja. Maa, please pray to baba to bless me always and give mental peace. i will recite the sri sai amrit vani at my residence in mumbai, india.




Anand Joshi - Mumbai


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57. "Hemanth Kumar" <nphk64……………….

Sri Sai Amritvani recitation 16.10.2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:58 AM



Sairam !


I am a new member to this group.


I will recite Sai Amritvani on 16.10.2008 at Chennai.


Kindly offer prayers for better career prospects for myself, good education for my 2 daughters and good health for my wife.






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58. "Nandhini M" twinguys66……………

Re: Let us pray together -- 1st lot of Letter for prayers during Recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:08 AM

"Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000Cc:


Dear Veenaji




I am a newcomer to your site.


I request you to kindly pray for me and my family on Oct.16 and I will


be reciting the Sai Amritavani on that day in our house or the Sai temple in chennai


Please pray for, good health , peace, prosperity and happiness for all of us.


Please bless my children with good health, more interest and concentration in their studies and improvement in their behavior and better understanding. My sons are in X , so they have board exams also. My daughter is in college. Baba, I need your blessings and prayers for their studies and get good marks and high percentage in their studies.


Please pray for my husband for good health, happiness, job satisfaction, Financial independence and peace of mind.


Please pray for me for my health, happiness and peace of mind. Please let me get a good job and help my husband in looking after my family and not be a burden. I have been having problems with acidity and gastritis for past few months. Please pray to Baba to clear this without any problem.


Let there be better understanding and happiness within our family


Please bless my mother for good health and happiness


May Baba take us to the right path.






Deepa - daughter




Vinay -SonMay Baba bless us all


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59. "Rohini" kuttans…………….

[ No Subject ]Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:40 AM

"Veenaji" veena_gupta_2000


Please include my name in tomorrow's 'Sri Sai Amritvani' prayer list. I will be reciting the same at my place here. Mrs Rohini Narayanan Abu dhabi In sai's love




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60. "Navind Beeharry" <monav……………

Re: Request for prayer for Navind and family in Mauritius

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:28 AM



Dear Auntie Veenaji and Uncleji,


Thank you for your mail

Hope by the grace of Sainath things are much better for both of you healthwise.

We know that by travelling and spreading the name of baba and caring for so many devotees, your health has deteriorated but yet we admire you for perseverance and seva.


We shall listen to Amritvani and read the Sai Sat Charitra as usual and do request for you to pray for our spiritual development and well-being.

Place is Mauritius and names are Navind, Monika, Ritcha and Shivitee

Hari OM Tat Sat


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End of 2nd Lot of letters

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