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Let us pray together, 3rd (Last and final) Lot of Letter for prayers during Recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.

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For 10th Dec. 2009.

3rd ( Last & Final) Letter

Jai Sai Ram


1. Please send your emails so as to reach us by Wednesday evening (Indian Standard Time), as it may not be possible to work on computer on Thursday morning.


2. Devotees send many names for prayers and write that He/She will recite/read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani. Please ask all the named devotees to do the same. Let them also do some karam.


3. Devotees should be specific by giving (i) date, for which Thursday they are writing the latter. They should also mention the (ii) place and (iii) that they will be reciting or reading Sri Sai Amrit Vani/ Prayan of Sai Satcharitra? It is requested that they should recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani at their places, ( Do it at any time if 11 AM – 12 Noon is not possible (your Local time).


4. Following is the last lot of letters and the list of confidential letters for the acknowledgement.


5. Mrs. Gupta (Veena Maa) will pray for all at the time of recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and the Prayan of Sai Satcharitra, when the feeling of presence of Baba is very strong. LET US ALL PRAY FOR ALL, ALONG WITH Veena Maa.


6. Please write all your requests for prayers only on email id veena_gupta_2000. Other letters of

general interest related to Baba may however be written to ‘’ .



Ashok Gupta


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72. "Harpreet Rangta" <preetii_rangta..........

Letters/requests and the prayers during Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 8:50 AM

"Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000

Dear Veena Didi,


I will be reciting Amrit vani on 10-12-09 at Kuwait and Starting tommorow my Sai Charitar reading Hope Sai Baba will guide me and help me in finishing in time. Seeking your guide and blessing and guidance.





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73. "Patel, Surekha" <Surekha.Patel...........

Prayer on 10/12/2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 7:05 AM



Respectable Veena Ma and Ashokji Jai Sai Ram

Please include me and my children in Sai Amritvani Prayer to be held on 10/12/2009 Thursday. I shall recite Sai Amritvani at the same time. And Please include my nephew who lives in India at Abo Road is looking for Good Bride.

Thank you for your and Baba's blessings on us. Jai Sai Ram Surekha Patel Registrar's Clerk ACRT Direct dial:- 0207 166 4459 Land Registry Head Office, 32 Lincoln's Inn Field, London WC2A 3PH


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74. "SAMPATH KUMAR" <sampath12345..............

Sai AmritVani Paryers-My mothers Paralytic stroke recovery...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 6:46 AM

"veenaji" veena_gupta_2000


Sai Ram Veenammaji and Ashokji,


Please submit our earnest Prayers to Babaji for my Mother paralytic stroke recovery immediately my mothers paralytic stroke -right leg,right hand and mouth, Please Baba show mercy on my mother and regain nromal health, she is a simple sowl never hurt any one and always leading satvik life,


We will recite/listen Sri Sai AmritVani and Sri Sai Satcharitra







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75. "satyavati motipally" <anmolamal............

Amritwani Prayers for 10 th December

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 9:48 AM



Veenaji and Ashokji Sai Ram, Please include our names for the Amritwani Prayers to be held on 10th December. I would be reciting Amritwani on that day and I also read one chapter of Satcharitra every day. Our names include Dayanand Rao Motipally, Son Shravan Motipally and myself Satya Motipally. Also please pray for my mother Sarojini Devi and my father Appa Rao for their health problems. They live in Jamshedpur , India. Thank you very much for praying for us.Sai Ram,Satya MotipallyNJ USA


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76. "Ganesh Venkatachalam" <ganeshvenkat...............

Thursday Prayers

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 9:21 AM

"Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_2000


Dear Ashokji:Our Respects and Pranam to Veenaji and yourself!Please kindly include the following names for the Thursday Prayers:Ganesh Venkatachalam, Lata Ganesh and Parvathy Ganesh


We are ever grateful and thankful for everything HE has done for all of us.


I have to meet my goals for the year 2009. I seek Baba's Grace to be successful and triumphant!We seek HIS Grace to remove all negativity, uncertainty, bring peace, prosperity and especially success at our careers and success for our daughter Parvathys' education at school.


I seek HIS GRACE to get a breakthrough in my endeavors to contribute to the growth of business in the Company where I work currently.I will listen to Sai Amritvani on Thursday Thank youGanesh VFairfax, Virginia

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77. "K. Elangovan" <dev-elan..........


Wednesday, December 9, 2009 10:45 AM

To:"Veena Maa" <veena_gupta_2000


Dear Veena Maa,


Sorry for the late mail.....


I am Anusithevy Vyravan from Switzerland.


Please pray for my knee pain and all my other illness to go away and also please pray for the well being of my family- Elangovan( husband), Shri Devvi (daughter) and Sakktivel(son).


I will read Sai Amritvani in English and read Sai Satcharitra.






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78. "Dayananda Raju" <pdraju123............

Re: Let us pray together, 2nd Lot of Letters/requests and the prayers during Prayan of Sai Satcharitra.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 11:33 AM



Om Sai Ram Veenaji,


I would request to pray to sai baba to get a job in HP sooner in Chennai.


Name: Dayananda Raju

Place : Chennai

I will listen to sai amrit vani and read chapter 37 of sai satcharitra.

Prayers: 10th December 2009.





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79. "Prajitha Thampi" <prajithathampi..............

Prayer request during chating of Sai Amrit Vani

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 8:08 PM

"Veena Gupta" veena_gupta_2000


Om SaiRam Veena aunty and Ashok uncle,

Please do include me in your prayers during chanting of Sai Amrit Vani (Chapters 6 and 37) this week (Dec 10th, 2009).

My name is Prajitha and I live in Gainesville Florida.

I will be reading Sai Satcharita and will listen to Sai Amrit Vani.


Loving SaiRams



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80. "ragi pillay" <pillay.ragi.............


Wednesday, December 9, 2009 4:25 PM



Om Sai Ram


Veena jee please i am asking with tears in my eyes for you to do a special prayer for Mrs Sundree Moodley who leg up to her knee is going to be amputated. Please swami must heal it before it gets amputated. Please veen jee also help my husband Sathiaseelan Pillay to get a good job next year. With him earning i would save money, so that our wish can be granted to come and see swami and also do seva at the ashram. I will recite the prayer during the day.


Om Sai Ram-- Ragi Pillay083 4062398


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Private and Confidential letters received.


1. "Kavitha Vikram" <kavivikram..........

2. "Alamelu Raman" <ramanalamelu...........

3. "neena chand" <nchand2001...........

4. "sonia gandhi" <sgandhi114.............

5. "roda petigara" <petigara_roda...........

6. "Jagath Perera" <jagath678.............

7. "Kiran T" <kiran.thadani............

8. "buildpanel" <buildpanel.........

9. "Alamelu Raman" <ramanalamelu............

10. "V.M.Menon (ammachi)" <ammachi...........

11. "aritha juvvadi" <arithajuvvadi............

12. "madhu madhuv" <madhavivallepu..........

13. "Indrani Basu" <anigust..........

14. "Padma" <padmathakrar...........

15. "dimple dhiman" <dimpledhiman32.............

16. "Navind Beeharry" <shivithee.............

17. "Navin Goyal" <goyalnavin..............

18. "Kiran Nirwal" <knirwal............

19. "Sarma Narayanabhatla" <s_narayanabhatla............


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