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Sai Vichaarwww.saibaba.org Thursday , March 29, 2007 :: Volume 9, Issue 47 (In its nineth year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.IN THIS ISSUE:FEATURE OF THE WEEKCONTRIBUTED ARTICLEDEVOTEES SAYPRAYER CLUBEXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEESQUOTATION OF THE WEEKQUESTION OF THE WEEKSAI ACTIVITIESFROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARDFEATURE OF THE WEEK: Shri Ramnavami messageWhen in distress we seek for someone to help us. We pray God for His divine intervention. We try to cash on the social position of our relatives and friends alike for that purpose. However we do not, at times, get the desired help, all our efforts notwithstanding. On the other hand, at times, someone unexpectedly appears on the scene and helps us. Then we thank God for sending such a helpful friend. Thereafter while introducing this friend to others we address him as my friend. In this context keeping in view the basic principles of the Hindu karma theory as pronounced in our scriptures and practiced by the spiritual masters, a moot question needs to be answered i.e. does or does not the cause and effect dynamics operate here? The karma theory would say that this helpful friend was an associated character of a certain past life and was to pay back the good act of rendering help as Rinanubandh (payment of the past debts). It means that by one's deeds of the past life (lives), one has earned this friend. Be as it may, let us examine this issue from the point of view of the sudden appearance of an enemy at a certain distressful point of time in life. Our immediate reaction begins from annoyance and leads to revenge ex-anger. There after we normally start vilifying him and address him as my enemy. Thus, our entire life sees the world as full of my friends and my enemies. But if our friends were created by our past deeds, which we glorify secretly then is it not logical that our enemies must have been created by certain acts committed by us in the past life (lives).Let us therefore agree to say that in our lives my friends and my enemies have to be equally addressed to, as both have been created by me and are mine. Since both of them have been created due to karmic bandhan (Rinanubandh) isn't it our duty to neutralize the effects of both in this life so that we don't carry forward the seeds of cause-effect to the next life. Herein karma theory would say that a friend returns the pleasurable experience(s) as we had given same or similar pleasurable experiences to him in past life. Similarly an enemy would pay back the unpleasant or painful experience(s) because we had given him same or similar painful experience(s) in the past. When facing a situation of unhappiness created by the enemy we have two options to deal with him-either by going through painful experience(s) we neutralize its effects or by reacting adversely we carry forward a chain of reaction to future lives. Here comes in the wisdom of saints like Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. The story of the frog and snake named as Chenbassapa and Veerbhadrappa respectively as illustrated in Shri Sai Satcharitra is a pointer towards the correct answer to our question.FEATURE OF THE WEEK: continued....Shri Sai Baba has advised his devotees not to react sharply and adversely towards enemies with equal and opposite negativities but to allow negative effects of past karmas reflected through the enemy to neutralize gradually. This highly evolved and critical theory of Karma (cause and effects) can perhaps be better understood through a simple example. Suppose one releases an arrow from a bow, then what happens! The arrow at the release point will move with the highest velocity and will gradually slow down due to mid-air friction and take a curvaceous path due to the gravity of earth before hitting the target. However, the moment it hits the target, or failing which hits the earth, its force is neutralized. This means that more the distance the arrow travels the less momentum it creates at the impact point. Greater distance means greater time and less impact. When we assimilate the basic principles of these two theories of metaphysics and physics, we come to the conclusion that instead of directly reacting to an enemies' wrath, it is wiser to show a little tolerance and allow time to reduce the impact of the enemies' conduct. When Shri Sai Baba spoke of Saburi it included this aspect of handling of enemies with patience and consideration. This message of the seers handed over to the human society from time to time is unfortunately lost sight of and that is the cause of most of the social malice that we face today.

Let us pray Shri Sai to give us the intellect and wisdom to make tomorrow's world a happier place to stay by following his principle of Shraddha and SaburiA message from Shri C B Satpathy.CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: The Power of Sri Sai SatcharitraDuring these times of mental anxiety and worry, one has to pray Guru's name and read and reread books about Him and obtain peace. Shri Sai Satcharitra is such a book for all Shirdi Saibaba's devotees. As we go on reading and reread the book, we will find pearls of wisdom and philosophy. In the first chapter, Hemadpant, describes the cholera and the grinding of wheat and spreading it around the village to destroy cholera and at the end mentions that Baba did the business of grinding almost every day the sins, the mental and physical afflictions and the miseries of His innumerable devotees. The two mills of His mill consisted of Karma and Bhakti, the former being the lower and the latter the upper one. The handle with which Baba worked the mill consisted of Gnana. It was the firm conviction of Baba that knowledge or self realization is not possible unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins and of the three gunas viz. Sattva, Raja and Tama and the Ahamkara which is so subtle and therefore so difficult to get rid of. In a short space, Hemadpant described the unity of paths of Karma, Bhakti, and Gnana. Seekers unnecessarily quarrel over whether one particular is better than the others. If one sincerely take to a path and with patience and faith work out that way, it will be realized that all paths lead to the same. A sadhaka must surrender and serve one path with his full strength. That is the most important thing. Once he puts all his efforts in getting rid of bad impulses, desires and sins, the path becomes easier. This is the essence of realization.(Contributed by Sai Devotee)DEVOTEES SAY: SoundaryaI would really thank to Baba for showering His blessing throughout my delivery. Everything went on well. I am sure He will be showering His blessings on my baby girl.DivyaDear Baba, by Your kind grace and blessings I am posting this good news on Sai Vichaar. We had been praying to You to bless us with a child soon. By Your kripa the pregnancy test we took this week came out positive. This happened after a long period of disappointments. This is only due to Your grace and blessings. I am due for a scan next week to check is everything is fine. Please be with us and bless Your miracle such that everything is normal. We are ever grateful to you dear God and wish to be at Your feet always.GeetaI thank you humbly for getting the admission for my daughter into the college of her choice. If not for You, this miracle would not have happened.SrideviOm Sairam. After my D&C, I had some health problems, which has put me into lot of tension. In emergency the doctors said there is no problem, some patients after D&C experience this for 2-3 months also, if it proceeds further, then they will work out a solution. But I was worried, I did not know what to do. I took a silent prayer to Baba and started parayan and if everything comes back to normal in one month I will do another parayan. And lo the miracle has happened. I recovered in 10 days. I always think that there are 4 persons in our family, my husband, daughter, our Baba and me and our Baba proved that He is always with us. Thank you Baba for showering Your blessings on us. Please give us faith and patience continuously. As promised, I am posting this article.NripeshRecently my brother and me were going through a lot of problems including work and other document problems. It seemed like there was no way out at all. We prayed to Baba to shower His blessings on us daily. Then on one fine day ever called us offering new jobs and all our problems with documents were just excellent. This could have never happened without the blessing of Saibaba. Thank you Saibaba for showering Your blessings on us.SasiI was so happy to see Baba in my dream yesterday night and it was similar to the picture I saw in the movie called Maya (It is a story about Baba which I saw couple of weeks before). And He was calling my full name and asked me to read two chapters of Sai Satcharita to fullfill all my wishes. There were other people near me calling him Baba... Baba, but He just smiled and disappeared. I was so happy when I woke up in the morning, as it was Thursday.MonikaFor more than 15 years I have been a firm believer of Baba. He has helped in every phase of my life and pulled me through the tough times of my life. Two years back I had to go through an abortion because of some medical conditions after that I was pretty scared to have another baby but by keeping my faith in Baba I got pregnant again. The whole duration of pregnancy I used to look upon Baba and believed in Shraddha and Saburi. I knew that Baba will take care of every thing and He did. On the auspicious day of Shivratri I was blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Thank you so much Baba for blessing us with a beautiful daughter.PRAYER CLUB: ShivakumarBaba, please let me know when can I overcome this problem, you know what I am going through. How can I make my daughter change her behavour. How can I get peace in my house. Baba, you know how much I believe, please Baba do something to overcome my problems and face the situation. How can I get courage and strength day by day Baba I am loosing hope. Please Baba do something, please save me from this problem. Baba please solve and change my daughter's behavoir. Om Sai Ram.

VijayaDear Baba, please give me the strength to handle all the things that are going on around me. You know what is good for me and give me the courage and wisdom to face anything that comes. You have also given me what is right and I am immensely thankful to You for all Your grace. I want to visit Shirdi soon.AnitaDearest Sainath, please take care of my son so that he can face the exams with courage and confidence and come out with flying colours. Baba, pleae bless him, I remain forever Your devotee.Sai devoteeBaba, You know what I am going through and You know how much I am praying day and night. Baba I am not able to sleep in the night and I am having all kinds of health problems, please take care of me Baba and make this suffereing go away. I want to be healthy mentally and physically and take care of myself and my family and then start helping others. I have no other hope except You, please rescue me Baba.RajDear Baba, my family has been suffering continuously for more than 20 years now, nothing good seems to be happening expect more uncertainty and suffering each day. With every passing day, we are losing hope since no long term good is happening. Whatever I try to do to mend the situation does not work. Pray for Your grace and blessings.Sai devoteeBaba! on a Thursday I am submitting this prayer to You. As You know my daughter is suffering from a chronic health problem for which she is on continuous medication. Now she is planning to have a baby. Sai Deva ! please shower Your blessings on her to conceive and have a safe delivery. We firmly believe that one day we hear the news that she is completely cured of her disease with Your blessings.

Sai devoteeI pray to You, that I should succeed in my job and position and also the maid should stay. Now in office it is a challenging job. They don't provide me the necessary resource and I am forced to do everything. I want Your blessings and Your presence in every second of my life. I'm sorry I did not write this immediately. Please do provide me support Baba.EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: RamanaI got transferred from a small town in Orissa to Bangalore. (I also do not know the local language). Though I knew how to drive a car, but it was terrifying in the first few days, in Bangalore, in such huge traffic rush. I was praying that I do not end up with an accident or so. The second day, I was trying to come on to the road, from the parked position of the car, when suddenly one cyclist came on the right side very fast and almost dashed into the car. He narrowly missed hitting my car, and fell down. No injury to him or the cycle, but he got up and started shouting at me. I just could not reply or say anything. People started gathering, thinking that I dashed into him. Suddenly, from behind, one gentleman came and started talking nicely to him, saying that it was not my mistake, and in any case, do not shout un-necessarily. The way, this gentleman explained, the cyclist could not say anything, and went away. The gentleman then spoke to me, as to how I should be careful in getting onto the road, and gave me some tips. He was so nice, and friendly, and came at a right time and avoided embarrassing situation for me. I think it was none other than Sai Baba, who was behind me always and came in the form of the gentleman.SheilaMy most recent stay in Shirdi was devoted to completing sets of 108 circles around the neem tree, each set being for the well being and happiness of my immediate family and friends. It was a tradition I had started at the Sai Baba temple in Baldwin, NY, where I had been advised to do similarly around Sai Baba's murthi. All in all, this amounted to 774 rounds in total over my two days in Shirdi. My parents had accompanied me and, being more feeble than I, were waiting patiently for me to finish all this time. I completed my rounds and went back to where my parents sat, because they were ready to leave. I went down on my knees to help my father to get up. A sudden breeze quickly vanquished the heat that had previously hung heavily in the air, and I felt a hand come down on my head. When I turned around, I saw Baba as I have always envisioned him. The eyes that gazed upon me were gently creased by age, and His beard was soft and cotton-white. His robes and scarf were the purest white I had ever seen, and He almost seemed to radiate an inexplicable divine power. I was surprised at His appearance, and made to touch His feet in reverence. He was noticeably upset, and refused me the honor, insisting instead for Rupees 500 if I so desired to touch His feet. I was unable to produce the sum at the moment, but when I offered to get it from my hotel room, He disappeared as quickly as He came. I soon realized the reason for the specific amount He requested. Earlier in my trip to India, I had visited the Guruvayoor temple (a famous Krishna temple in Kerala), with the intention of giving Rs. 800 as an offering to Sri Krishna. However, I had only Rs. 300 left and gave what I had. Baba had appeared upset, and it was clear that it was because I had not given the same attention to Sri Krishna as I had to Baba. Both are clearly one and the same, Krishna is Sai Baba and vice versa, and this experience taught me that in a very unforgettable way.QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment".-Shri Sai BabaQUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. Does Baba get angry if we keep praying to Him to fulfill our desires?A. by RavinThere is nothing wrong in asking Baba to fulfill our desires. He is our father, mother, and everything. Yet, what we ask Him to give us is a question of contemplation. Baba said that he would give His children all they ask for until they are ready and ask Him what He wanted to give them. Mr Rigopuolos in his thesis on Saibaba reported how Baba lamented that people come to him like vessels upside down, their mouths closed, meaning with closed minds and narrower wants. Saibaba is not only our father, mother, and friend but a world more. His giving power can be experienced manifold when our desires get broader, bigger, and our longings become all compassing and we wish for the everlasting joy of His company.Q. Does Baba get angry if we keep praying to Him to fulfill our desires?A. by SheelaNo, Baba never gets angry, He accepts our prayers with or without any desires. He waits for us to come and talk to him in a form of prayer. No matter how and for what we pray, only He knows we will all turn to Him in happiness and sorrow, we will knock His door without even realizing if its day or night, and He is wide awake all through out our life. A child will only cry and laugh in his father or mothers lap. Baba just waits for this moment when his child will hug and call out His name. This is my personal experience.Q. Does Baba get angry if we keep praying to Him to fulfill our desires?A. by ShaswatOm Sai ram. Baba said that the rivers never flow back from the sea; Mothers would never turn their backs to their children similarly the love of a Sadguru for his Bhakt is infinite. He said that his sirkars treasury is full you can take what you want. Baba however added that seek not the material wealth but look for the spiritual wealth. The fact is Baba only gives. You keep asking. He will never say no. It's only that after repeatedly granting your material wish he creates in us dispassion for these worldly gains. Baba's method is very unique. He is the merciful fakir. Ask what you want. Nobody will be ever disappointed. He will for sure never be angry.SAI ACTIVITIES: Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Winter hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m. followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to maildrop.Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MinnesotaSaibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer center since the year 2002. Now, with the grace and blessings of Baba and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has begun to function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006. Please visit www.hamaresai.org for all details.Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CAShirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu. You can also visit our website is www.Shirdisaiparivaar.org.Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CADevotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit www.shirdisaila.org.Saibaba Temple, Columbus, OhioDevotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more information please call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or visit www.saibaba.cc.Shri Ramanavami Celebrations in Toronto, CanadaShri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada (Toronto) will be celebrating Shri Ramnavami festival on Saturday, March 31st at the Gur Mandir 207 Queen's Plate Drive, Etobicoke. Program Highlight from 8:00 am - Four Aartis, Maha Abhishek, Satcharita Parayan, Palki Procession, Sai Amritvani, Bhajans and much more. Upon arrival devotees can visit the Resource table at the Lower level. Sai Satcharita is available in all languages along with Baba moorthis, pictures and other books and articles and a free gift. For more information visit www.shirdisainath.org or call 416-294-4804.Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at Maitland, FloridaDevotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on Thursdays between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave, Maitland, FL 32715. For more details please contact Bonnie at 407-830-1276.FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: In recent days many devotees are using submission forms for their writings incorrectly. Please help Sai Vichaar by sending your contribution under appropriate topics. For example use Devotee Experiences page for sending your experiences only and use Prayer Club for prayer requests only. Also, Sai Vichaar requests the contributors of article to give their name or initials so that the source or author of the article is duly identified and acknowledged. This is fundamental precept for a publication in any manner. The Question of the week for this week is suggested by a Sai devotee as follows: Q. Is it right that we are always praying Baba to fulfill our desires? Does this make Him angry?Humbly Yours,The EditorABOUT THIS EMAIL:This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page, 2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or 3. You have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative.To Subscribe Sai Vichaar for receipt by Email please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. To Un-Subscribe receipt of Sai Vichaar, please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you have problems accessing the web page due to network problems, please send an e-mail to support with the words "Un Sai Vichaar" in the subject line. To make a contribution to any of the sections of Sai Vichaar, please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the Submit Articles to Sai Vichaar option from the menu. Back copies of HTML version of Sai Vichaar can be accessed by visting the URL http://www.saibaba.org/whatsnew.html. For any questions or more information regarding this e-mail or our web site, please send an e-mail to maildrop and your inquiries will be attended to promptly.Thank you,The webmasterFrom and Editor:Shirdi Sai Baba Web SiteShirdi Sai Baba Sanstha(A non-profit organization)Mail:12N950 State Route 47 Hampshire, IL 60140, USAEmailmaildropPhone847-931-4058Fax847-931-4066© Copyright 1998-2006 saibaba.org, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors.

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