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Shri Sai Satcharita Audio - Hindi

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श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय!






On Auspicious day of Full Moon Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada is pleased to present a complete version continuous play




Shri Sai Satcharita Audio.


Send your Experiences-Articles on Baba's Teachings- Poems Bhajans Videos to add to the post. Send email to saileela99 or post your suggestions in the Guest Book of www.shirdisainath.org



Thursday Satsang!

Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada, (Toronto) cordially invite Devotees to attend - volunteer - Receive Baba's Grace and be Immersed in Divine Bliss on the AUSPICIOUS day of THURSDAY 6:30PM at the GUR MANDIR 207 Queen's Plate Drive., Etobicoke (South of Steeles on the East side of Highway 27 on Queen's Plate)


Invocation Ceremony of Baba's Divine Blessings will be conducted with Sacred Ashtotra Namavali to the accompaniment of Bhajans, Satcharita Paraayan, Naivedaya Offerings Dhoop Aarti and Mahaprasaad (Preeti Bhoj)


Devotees are welcome to bring a dish for Naivedaya Offerings as inspired by Baba. Our humble request...please call a day in advance if bringing food for Naivedya.


Devotees are requested to bring your own Satcharita in your preferred language to participate in the Parayan.


May His Infinite Consciousness And Grace Shine Upon All Humble Efforts To Pay Homage To His Resplendent Life and Teachings"

Baba Bless You Ever! SHRI SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA (Toronto) 416-294-4804 www.shirdisainath.com


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