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Lessons from the Mahabarata - told Wonderfully by Swami

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From Bhagawan's Discourse in May' 1964 : Everyone askes the Question as to why did not Sri Krishna stop the Kurusketra War, Why had so many people have to die for the sake of a kingdom ?, God does not interfere with the course of nature, God never stops the natural Course of things, It is only that God teaches people lessons from the Course of nature so that people become better human beings. The Greatest Lessons from the Mahabarata is that God never leaves those who pray sincerely and give up their Lives for him, Yudhistira never once during all the periods of trials that he went through, questioned SriKrishna Divinity, Everyone of his other Brothers did not understand that as to How they could be subject to so many troubles even with Sri Krishna on

their Side and the Promise from the Lord that He will always be with them. Even in the Court During Draupadi Vasthrabarana and the other Humiliations that the Pandavas were going through, never once did Dharmaja even think that Sri Krishna had deserted them, that was the greatest Love and Devotion that he had for the Lord, Whenever Krishna wanted to convey something to the Pandavas, Dharmaja was the first to whom he said it to, Dharmaja followed every word that Krishna told him during various times, that is why apart from being the greatest Upholder of Truth, he was also Srikrishna's greatest Devotee, He never once questioned SriKrishna's actions and words. Always have faith in the Lord, His actions always have a meaning, a reason, that will always be beneficial to you. Have faith In God, have Love for God and have Great Devotion

for the Lord, If Love, faith and Devotion are pure then God's Blessings shower on you and you will receives God's Blessings. During the Mahabarata War, When Karna was destroying the Pandava army, Arjuna told Krishna that No one would survive this Onslaught of Karna, such was the Karna's Power, Sri Krishna smiled and told Arjuna that "He who had felled The Great Bhishmacharya should not fear Karna", Krishna told Arjuna to be prepared for the "Final Battle with Karna", this was the only time that Krishna, Arjuna and Karna were face to face during the battlefield. When Karna was destroying everything in his path, came the sound of Krishna's Divine Panchajanya, That Divine Sound meant that Arjuna's chariot was near, this was what Karna was waiting for all his life, to fight Arjuna, he had promised Duryodhana that he would Kill Arjuna. Three

times before he had got the News that Arjuna was totally surrounded, but before he could reach there, Krishna had drawn Arjuna away from the Scene of Battle. Krishna's Divine Powers never for once let anyone or anything touch Arjuna at anytime, that is what Love of God does, It protects you always from everything and anything, God will always be with you. When Krishna took Arjuna to Karna in the battlefield, Karna's arrows killed the Two charioteers beside Arjuna, Karna was playing havoc in the battlefield, Arjuna was staring helpless, Karna had stopped his chariot to refill his Arrows, this was when SriKrishna stood up and pressed his Left Foot on the side of his chariot, Suddenly Karna's chariot started sinking in the Mud, Karna got down and started pulling the chariot up, Krishna commanded a Hesitant Arjuna to fire his arrows at Karna, Karna got up and with Anger asked Krishna" You

pride yourself as Divine and as one who is always adhere to truth, Is it not a sin to try to kill a person who is unarmed and in trouble" and saying that he started accusing SriKrishna . Sri Krishna calmly listened told Karna "What Truth are you talking about ? What bravery did you exhibit when you killed an unarmed Abhimanyu ?, what bravery did you exhibit when you were silent when your Brother's Wife was Humiliated ? what bravery are you talking about?, for your selfish ends you talk about bravery, but with others it is cowardice, you deserve nothing but this kind of death" so saying he commanded Arjuna to kill Karna who was bare and unarmed and that ended Karna's Life. Many ingnorant People have questioned Krishna's actions, Never ever question God's actions, Karna deserved to die the way he did because he lived a life full of treachery, so he met his end the way he did. You sow what you reap, Always do Good actions are you will always reap the fruit

sof them, always feel that if you do wrong things, all the Good things that you have done will not come to your help. Good things done will always help you anytime and everytime. Always Think Good about others, Do Good to others and above all Have faith is the Lord. Everyday during the Kurukshetra War , Sri Krishna always wanted to be left alone for an hour after the Battle was over for the day, Nobody knew what SriKrishna was doing at that time, Once Dharmaja by mistake went into Sri Krishna's tent during that time and to his Horror saw huge amount of blood pouring from SriKrishna's palm, Yudhistira was stunned, he was shocked beyond Belief, he asked in shocked and choked tones as to what had happened, SriKrishna smiled and said "Dharmaja, every arrow which is Fired at my chariot at my Horses and at Arjuna are absorbed by me" Yudhistira could not control the tears

in his eyes. This is what Is the Love of the Lord, The Lord's Love is Pure and never asks anything in return. Om Sai Ram

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