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Sacred Past - Bhagawan's Lelas - I

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The Kailas Committee The late Smt. Sakamma used to tell this strange story that She experienced. One day at her own Bungalow in Somewarpet, Coorg, when she was engaged in worship, a servant disturbed her and announced that a car had come into the compound and that the person inside insisted on seeing her immediately. She was rather upset, but, nevertheless went out to find who could take so

much liberty with her time-table. She found in the car a tall fair old man with a very reverend beard, sitting on a deerskin, his whole body bathed in ash. And, she was struck by the age of ,the car too, for it matched the age of the owner or occupant. The car was driven by a weak little boy in his teens and Smt. Sakamma wondered how he could have managed to secure a licence or whether he had one at all. The car had a name plate, ,on top, in front, 'The Kailas Committee !'. She invited the old man inside ; did pranam ; placed a newly plucked rose at his feet ; and offered him some fruits. He said that he would not eat the fruits there; he said he did not cater to the tongue at all times and all places . 'Jihvachapalya' was the word he used ; he wanted her to contribute to the Kailas Committee and become a Member, by giving the donation of a thousand rupees. She signed a paper in which the sum and her name was already written ! and when she proffered the amount, the

old man said, "Keep this also with you. I shall come and take it later." With those words he kept on the table the signed sheet and, getting into the car, he left the place ! The teen-age driver did his work remarkably well, for the car was out of sight in a moment. Years later, when she saw Baba in a house to which she had gone, He appeared to her at one moment like the driver of that mysterious car and the next, like the hoary occupant who took so much pains to make her contribute to the Kailas Committee,and,then, asked her to wait with the cash in her own keeping ! And then Baba surprised her by telling her, " Come on, give the Rs. 1000/- you promised that day!" and describing in her presence the entire story, correct to the minutest detail. Erased sentences Muralidharan, Station Director of All India Radio, was with Baba during his tour of Kerala and tape recorded His speeches and Bhajans, without omitting a syllable or a note. From these tapes a newsreel programme was prepared depicting the ceremony when Baba laid the foundation stone for the Hospital for children, in

my native village of Trippunittura, when the Health Minister, Wellington, presided. He played that reel and felt happy, remembering that Baba, in his speech at the Town Hall, Ernakulam, had promised to tour Kerala again after Sivarathri. He had assured them that He would tour from Cannanore to Trivandrum and stay longer in each place. When a friend came to his office a week later, Muralidharan chanced to communicate to him the good news. Muralidharan said that if Baba would not fulfil his assurance, he would take the tape containing His promise to Puttaparthi, play it back to Baba, and 'challenge' Him. The friend was thrilled by the confident tone of Muralidharan; he wanted to hear the assurance in Baba's own voice, and so the tape was replayed for his benefit. Wonder of wonders: those sentences were not recorded on that tape! The Telugu sentences spoken by Baba and the

simultaneous Malayalam translations of the assurance spoken by me were not there! And to make the miracle complete, there was no gap either! source: Sathyam Sivam Sundaram (The Life Story of Sathya Sai Baba)Embracing Sai words! selected quotes of Sathya Sai Baba"Do not exude pride," He advised the workers. "Spiritual pride is the most poisonous variety of pride: it is the highest of hypocrisy. Fear too is spiritual poison, for, when you have in your heart the Person who declares that you need not fear, why should you fear? If you do, your lips belie your heart. An uneasy conscience is a torment.""I eat as you do, move about

as you do, I talk in your language, and behave as you can understand, for your sake, not for My sake. I direct you towards the Divine, winning your confidence, your love, your loyalty, by being among you, as one of you. My aim is to transmute you into spiritual aspirants so as to enable you to know your true being, becoming aware of the Truth of the Universe, which is but a projection of your own Truth. I am the inner spring in all that moves and exists. I am the energy, the power that propels and impels. I am the knower, the known and the knowledge. But, I do not display capriciously or confound you. I am an example, and inspiration, an instruction. My Life is a commentary on this message.""I do not need any publicity. What are you daring to publicise? What do you know about Me, let Me ask you! You speak one thing about Me today, and another tomorrow! Your faith has not been rendered unshakeable. You praise Me when things go well, you blame Me when things go

wrong. You flit from one refuge to another.""If you accept Me and say, Yes, I too respond Yes, Yes, Yes. If you deny Me and say, No, I echo No. Come, experience, and have faith; that is the method of utilising Me.""Compete with others in the quickness with which you march on the pilgrim road to God. Grow up, self-restrained and disciplined; the country needs such children, not well-read and ill-disciplined citizens who plunge society into disorder." -to villagers against the temptation of the noise and glare of towns and cities- "There man has become quarrelsome, greedy and cruel. The towns standardise the speech, the habits and the attitudes of man into a vulgar pattern. There man is an animal which is petted and humoured to turn wild. The Divinity of man is ignored in the rush and worry, in the struggle for possessions and

pomp. Learn to be content and happy where you are. Do not run towards towns hoping to have happiness and contentment there. They are inner riches, not outer acquisitions". "I do not accept from you flowers that fade, fruit that rots, coins that have no currency beyond the boundary; give Me the Lotus that blooms in your Manasa-sarovara, in the pure pellucid waters of your inner consciousness; give Me the fruit of your holiness and steady discipline""Disgust is not desirable towards anything in creation. Everything is God's handiwork, an example of His Glory, a glimpse of His majesty."- eclipse of the sun- "Do not worry when something happens in the outer skies! Worry when the shadow of some foul passion, some dark desire, some evil greed, some monstrous thought, casts

its ominous gloom on your Mind! That is the inauspicious eclipse you have to avoid," "Embodiments of Love, cultivate love undimmed by selfish motives, and live up to your name and heritage. Learn the international language of the heart, and spell it out in action. Your neighbours too pray to the same God in anguish, for favours. They may be speaking in different languages, their pose at the hour of worship may vary as well; but their physical needs are the same as yours, and they are satisfied by the same type of food and drink. Try and sympathise with them when they are in great difficulty and feel happy when they are joyous. Share their joy; sharing transforms joy into bliss - Ananda. Let your love expand towards entire creation. Stagnant water becomes foul; so, let in flow. Love is joy, love is power, love is light, love is God.Swami, you have not read that letter..." "Your letter has not reached me yet; but, I have read it already. You posted it to Madras, not knowing that I have come back here. I was near you when you wrote it. Your mother must know be very much better: is it not?" This is what Baba wrote to a devotee, some years back. He is Sarvantharyami; He is in all places, at all times. Our letter need not reach Him. Even when it reaches Him, He need not open it and read the contents! One day, I happened to be in His room when the post came. When He dropped on the floor one letter unread and unopened, some newly arrived person muttered, "Swami, you have not read that letter. It may be some tale of misery". Baba smiled and said, "No,No. It is a tale of joy, He says

that a son has been born to him; but, he is worried that the baby was born with frontal teeth." Then, He told us the whole story with the envelope in His hand. "A Vaisya couple from a village in Telengana had come on pilgrimage to Puttaparthi a year ago; they prayed that they may be blessed with progeny. I gave the man an apple and asked him to share it with his wife. He took it in his hand and examined it. Finding some marks on the skin, indicating that it might have been bitten by a rat or so, he asked me what it was, evidently nervous about eating it. I told him that they both could eat it. 'Only, the baby will have two frontal at birth. Don't worry.' He has now written that the child has been born and, (Here, He tore open the envelope, took out the letter and turning over the lines showed us the very sentence) "he has asked Me whether any Santhi

has to be performed, to alleviate what he fears be a calamity!" Looking at that sentence, we stood amazed, in the resplendent Presence of Bhagavan. Baba is Sarvajna, Sarvasaktha, Sarvaantharyami. ( N.Kasturi, Sanathana Sarathi, June 1960) Sai Baba materializes a cascade of blue

gems Extract from Divine Discourse of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 12 August 1963.... Every Gopee had the highest type of Bhakthi in her heart. They saw only Krishna wherever they turned; they wore on their foreheads blue Kumkum, in order to remind themselves of Krishna. There were many husbands who protested against the colour of the Kumkum, but they dared not wipe it off, lest harm should befall them and the sacrilege recoil on them alone.Here Baba who had filled his hand with petals of Mallika (jasmine) flowers pulled apart by Him from garlands given to Him, showered the petals from one palm to another and they fell in a cascade of blue gems. Even the gems they preferred were of this type, blue, like Krishna. He showed the astounded gathering the gems He was referring to. Each gem had Krishna's form in it, beautifully

clear.... Sourced from: Divine Discourse of Sri Sathya Sai Baba 12- 08 - 1963 Courtesy: http://www..com

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