Guest guest Posted June 19, 2008 Report Share Posted June 19, 2008 Sai Vichaar Thursday , June 19, 2008 :: Volume 11, Issue 6 (In its eleventh year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. IN THIS ISSUE: FEATURE OF THE WEEK CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE DEVOTEES SAY PRAYER CLUB EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES QUOTATION OF THE WEEK QUESTION OF THE WEEK SAI ACTIVITIES FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Child's Welfare is Sai Mother's Care It was in 1912 that S. B. Dhumal underwent an operation under chloroform. It was risky but before the chloroform began to operate, he saw Baba seated on a chair near his head and he took courage. Baba is there to look after me, he thought. The operation was a perfect success. In some private matters such as when he attended to the health of his brother's wife at Pune, Baba decided for him in a most mysterious way. He started from Nasik to go to Pune, where the sick lady was, with Rs. 80 in his pocket to cover expenses of the journey and contingent expenditure. But as Shirdi being en route, he stopped there. Baba took from him, as dakshina, all the eighty Rupees and kept him for three days with him. Then, when he asked for leave, Baba said, "We will see." After the third day, a telegram came from Pune saying that the lady had died. It is only after this that Baba gave him leave to go. It was clear that Baba could foresee the end of the lady and the uselessness of Dhumal's visit. Anyhow, that was the year in which Baba passed away and Dhumal had the precious opportunity of spending three days with him. After Baba passed away, Dhumal accepted the Revenue Membership of the Dewar State, and was the Karbari of Sarguna State from 1932-33. When he was in the Sarguna State, the Chief of the State visited him and walked into his room, where he was dining at a table. Dhumal then apologized for his inability to leave the table and accord proper reception, but the Chief had walked into the next room from where Dhumal sat, saw Baba's portrait hanging on the wall, came back to the room, and announced at once, "Your pay is increased by Rs. 50." Dhumal had never asked for it. This grant within a fortnight of his appointment, and without any effort on his part, must have been only by Baba's influence. Mantiche Chitta Lekurache Hita (the child's welfare is the mother's care.) Dhumal was casting chits after Baba's Mahasamadhi to ascertain Baba's orders. When Baba was in the flesh, he had a colored painted picture of Baba, and as he was passing by Dwarakamayee carrying the picture, Baba asked him, "What is it?" Dhumal said, "You are here." Baba asked for it, took it, kept it for a while, gazed at it in the front and at the back, and returned it to him saying, "Keep it". This was the very thing, which he was anxious to get - a portrait of Baba for worship, blessed by having been in his hands. That is the very picture in which Baba is standing in a pensive or meditative mood, indicative of his words, "Bhav, I had no sleep all night due to thinking of you." Baba gave him many coins, each time taking dakshina of Rs. 2 and returning it, saying, Japoon Teva Konala Devunnako Kars Karun Nako. (Preserve these carefully. Do not give it to anyone nor spend it) (Written by Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji, Courtesy: Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Trust, Coimbatore, India) CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Har pal Tarasta Rehta Hai?.. Har pal Tarasta Rehta Hai Yeh Tere hi Deedar Ko Ab to Darsh Dikha ja is dil-e-bekarar ko Subah Shaam, Charo Pehar Yeh Tere Gun Hi Gata Hai Yaadon Mein Teri Khoya Hua, Yeh Bhookha Hi So Jata Hai Raahon Mein Khadi Yeh Akhiyan Thak Gayi Tere Intezar Ko Ab to Darsh Dikha ja is dil-e-bekarar ko Din Nahi, Mahine Nahi Salon Teri Yaad Mein Kate Hai Phoolon Ko Dar-kinar Kiya Kante Bagiya Se Chhante Hai Hanston Ke Sang Hansti Duniya Koi Na Poochhe Is Bimar Ko Ab to Darsh Dikha ja is dil-e-bekarar ko Jai Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram (Contributed by Jitin) DEVOTEES SAY: SelviLast Saturday, I was not feeling well. I was feeling giddiness. I was really scared. At that time I prayed to Sai Baba that I should be all right within next two days and I will post in Sai Vichaar. Within next two days, I could feel better and as I said to Sai Baba, I am posting in Sai Vichaar. Be with my family and me ever Baba. MayaI have been a devotee of Baba for 20 years and ever since knowing Him, Thursdays have been my magic days. I would get out of bed thinking, "wow it is a Thursday again." These days are defined as happy days associated with experiencing His presence and love in some form or the other. Last year, this changed to the exact opposite and my heart protested at the adverse things happening especially on Thursdays. I asked Baba, day and night for forgiveness for any wrong doing on my part. In His own time he showed me that everything that I thought was bad and He was leading me to something that was good for me. Thank you Baba for giving my husband a really good job on a Thursday. I am eternally grateful and am posting this as promised. ShwetaI had kept $ 200 in my study table drawer few months back. I searched for it but I could not find it in my drawer. I was so disappointed and prayed to Baba to help me find the same. Yesterday, I opened my drawer after one month and found the envelope intact in its place. For a few moments I could not believe it but then I realized it is Baba's miracle. Thank you Baba. ChaayaThe roof ceiling in our hall collapsed and You saved us unhurt by Your grace as my son and daughter were sitting very close to it and I just walked out from the place where the ceiling fell. It is only by Your watchful eyes that my family is safe today . Thank You very much Sai mother. ViswanathI had been to Chicago Sai baba temple last year, it was a real experience or I didn't think that I would see the Baba temple when I am in US. I did not think that I will again come to US, it is all Baba's wish and I registered myself to Saibaba website of Chicago, applied for a pen from Baba, which I never thought that I would get it and others also said that I won't get it as I was staying for a very short trip and to my surprise I received the Baba prasad 'Pen' before leaving to India. From my heart whatever I do, right or wrong, Baba gives me the fruit like good and punishes me if I had done wrong. I feel like that. I am thankful to Baba that He is always with me. I bow to Shri Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram. ArchanaI always wanted to share my experience with all of you. I am presently staying in London. My husband has been posted here for three year. This is all by the grace of Baba. Believe me whenever I feel lonely and helpless, He is always there to help me. I always felt that Baba never disappoints any of His true devotee. Never loose faith in Him. One by one all my worries vanished and whatever is left I am sure He is there to take care. I don't think there is anybody without little bit of problem in life, but if you have faith in Baba there is no reason to worry. Let us all pray to Him to have peace and happiness everywhere in this world. Thanks SrikanthSai Baba blessed me with a new project which I have been waiting for long. I prayed Baba sincerely and got results in no time. Baba, please help all devotees who are going through hard time. Baba bless me. Thank you Baba for looking after me. PRAYER CLUB: RajaniI have two appointments with doctors again in coming week. Please be with me Baba and help me to come out of this stressful situation. I need Your blessings Baba. Please put an end for all my sorrows and bless a child for us . DebarchanBaba, please help me in this situation. I have lot of finance problem. I have lots of loans. Please help me in this situation. I promise You I will never eat on Thrusday till my last breath. I have lot of faith in You. Baba, you gave me a job. Please help me out in this situation. I cannot live without you. Please help me out in this situation. Baba, I am not able to speak properly in English. Please help so that I can speak nicely. I want Your kripa. Without that I am not able. Please help me out. Sai devoteeBaba, whenever I have written my problems to You it is like writing solutions in my life. I am thankful to You for taking care of my papa, giving me a baby and giving my husband a very good posting. Baba, I wrote to an astrologer for my son's janampatri, he says we have pitr dosh in family and in his kundli and will have short life and his wife will die. Baba that scared me. He says he has bad ketu and so many scary things. All I know is I give all our janampatris and our lives to You, please remove all ill and dosh and protect us and keep us blessed. Baba please help Himanshu in getting a very good wife. I love you Baba, please never leave us. RupaKoti Koti pranam to my father Sai Baba. Please Sai Baba, help my husband to recover his neck problem. I will write my experience in the devotees say. With lots of love to my dear father and guru Sai Baba. RajBaba, thank you for blessing my sister with marriage of her choice. Humbly pray for your belevolence in showering Your grace and to bless my mother with good health, peace and happiness and humbly beg to bless me to attain Your feet. May I be your instrument and any one who comes in touch with me be blessed with Your grace and eternal joy. AnanthashayanamBaba koti koti namaskarams to you. Baba, by your grace my son passed PUC with 76 percent. Baba, please get him a good rank in CET and get him a seat in a good Engineering college. Baba, we want to apply for re-correction of the papers (maths and chemistry). Baba, please give him good marks. Baba, by your grace, my son got operated for the squint problem. Baba, please be with him and guide him with good knowledge, good education and good health. Baba, please bless all the members of our family with good health. Baba, please solve all my problems. Baba, we will always be at your lotus feet. Baba, please bless us. Baba, bless my son to get a good rank in CET and also get him a seat in a good college. Om Sri Sai Ram Sai DevoteeI have been through many hardships for the past few years and it was only the belief in Lord Sai Baba that has put me on this good stage today. I am having a tough and crucial interview tommorow and if succeeded, it would help me and my family. All I can do is put hardwork and pray. Please help in this difficult time of my life. I have taken You as inspiration and helped others to best of my abilities. Please help me overcome this difficult time. I request one and all to pray, if you feel I am right. EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: RajeevA very uncalled incident involving my only son, aged five years, who accidentally hurt his fingers by putting them in mixer-grinder machine, brought us (me and my wife) to the lotus feet of 'Sai' for comfort and solace. We ran from pillar to post for solution to our son's ailment, but no avail. When we were weary of doctors, experts, advisors; a ray of hope came in the form of blessing by pujariji of Sai temple, which we visited by chance. He told us to shun worries and surrender to Sai. Surprisingly, we felt at peace in Sai's presence and relieved of burdens for no reasons whatsoever. Continuous visits to Sai strengthened the bond between us and Sai and we started treating Him as Guru. For a considerable time, we worshiped Sai as told by pujariji. Occasionally, he would mention that we should visit Shirdi, the divine place of Sai and see Sai truly manifest himself in every nook and corner of Shirdi. He added that only Sai's wish would permit us to visit Shirdi. We silently prayed to Sai to allow us to visit Shirdi. As a matter of fact, we never left home alone without a relative or friend to accompany us. Sai had other plans for us. A casual relationship with a friend materialized into a deeper bond when he showed us the path to Sai and Shirdi. He gave us Sai Satcharita book to read. Upon reading Sai Satcharita, we got to know Sai better and cleared doubts about certain misconceptions. Suddenly, our friend asked us to accompany him to Shirdi. He made all the arrangements for travel, stay and places. We reached Shirdi and had darshan at Sai Samadhi mandir, attended evening aarti. It was a like a dream come true. continued......Next day, when we went to mandir, we had wished that we should stand close to Sai as possible. To our surprise, we were allowed to stand near Samadhi and pujariji took my son touched his forehead with Sai's feet and gave my son and me a rose flower each that was kept on the Samadhi. Till date, I have kept it around my neck as prasad of Sai. We never dreamed of it and yet it happened in reality. We stayed in Shirdi for two days, visited all the places where Sai went. Our friend had been coming to Shirdi since his childhood so he knew all the places thoroughly and he showed us everything and explained us everything in detail as mentioned in Sai Satcharita. We came home satisfied yet yearning to go again. Such is the impact of Sai. Once you know Him, embrace Him and you tend to remain closer to Him. That is human nature, when we have nothing we want something and we get something, we demand more and more. But praise to Sai, he transforms our worldly desires into longing for Sai. Thereafter, we faced so many hurdles but surrendered to Sai believing that everything happens, happens for good and approved by Sai. My mother-in-law expired, we plunged in grief, Sai helped us to recover from that immense grief. We lost our guarding angel on earth. Three months from death of my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law committed suicide and her parents implicated all the members of our family in dowry-related case. We were dumb-struck, as we have not perceived this situation. Again, Sai came to our rescue. With the help of my brother-in-law, police officials were able to convince that my wife and I had nothing to do with it and moreover we had gone outskirts of town to visit relatives. Complaint was registered but with mild charges and against my brother and parents only. It was a tough case but we pleaded with Sai for rescue of our parents. Sai answered our prayers and within three months, we were able to secure permanent bail for parents. continued......We had promised to visit Shirdi once our parents were out of confinement. Again my friend expressed his desire to visit Shirdi and he contacts me, as he knew that I had visited Shirdi and I would know details about Shirdi. We made plans and were able to visit Shirdi. We had darshan at Sai mandir and marveled at the miracles of Sai who had given us repeated opportunity to fulfill our vows. We prayed that misery of our parents should end, hoping that trial pending court would end in our favor and sorrow of separation from our brother would vanish. But fate struck again and my mother expired. We were surprised then we knew that what we wished, Sai had granted that. Perhaps the misery of my mother would have ended with her life only otherwise she would have led a life of cripple for rest of period. Sai had granted her peaceful and uneventful life however short it may be. I sincerely believe that my mother rests in peace under the realm of Sai's protection and is at peace from worldly worries. Again we vowed to visit Shirdi if our three wishes namely, our own home, father's health and bail of brother. These wishes are very complicated and not easy to achieve and we had no hope also. Surprisingly, all these wishes got fulfilled one by one on their time and all the above wishes were completed to the utmost satisfaction and contentment. We were able to move into our own house as we had dreamed and health of my father improved as news of bail acceptance of my brother came. Now my brother is residing with my father and my father has promised to move with us in due course of time. As promised, we are waiting for Sai's approval to visit Shirdi and I am posting this article with much faith and deliberation that Sai will be granting us another chance of visiting Shirdi. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "I say things here. There they happen".-Shri Sai Baba QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. Anger burns oneself and others as well. How can we take control over this? A. by Rama Yes, anger burns oneself. The only way that we can take control over this is to guide our anger towards the feet of Baba in the form of humility and surrender. If one develops angriness on someone, it is very natural to be ashamed of taking humiliation by not showing our angriness and making ourselves down in the eyes of our enemies. It is a very hard feeling to get rid off. And the only thing that we can get out of showing this anger is more enmity and possibly carrying it with us to our future births. One has to think, do we really need this? It makes sense that one will feel cowardly if he or she doesn't show anger, but it takes commonsense to realize that it is better accepting this humiliation to ourselves rather than carrying forward our enmity. Remember, credit or enmity shall ever be repaid. So, the stronger our faith with the holy feet of Baba the more easier it becomes to bear the humiliation. Also remember! its the ones who bear the burden are the most dearest to Baba and finally he frees us from all these worldly pleasures (as if they are real pleasures!) SAI ACTIVITIES: Gurupournima at Shirdi Sai Temple, Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAGurupoornima celebrations will be held in Shirdi Sai Temple, Chicago from Thursday, July 17th through Saturday, July 19th 2008. Program highlights: Maha Abhishek, Aarthis, Satcharita parayan, Sri Sai Satyanarayan Pooja, Sri Datta Moola Mantra Homam, Palaki procession and more. For program details please visit the temple website or contact the Temple office at 847-931-4058. Gurupoornima Celebrations - Sri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MNSri Saibaba Mandir in Minneapolis, MN will celebrate Gurupoornima 2008 from July 17-19. The program includes traditional Sai arathis, Sainaama jaap, Parayana, Sri Sai Gayathri Havan, and Sri Sai Satyavrata. Please visit the mandir website or call 612-789-7729 for more information on mandir activities, events and other information. Sri Saibaba Mandir is located in Minneapolis, MN at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418. The mandir is open 7 days a week in the evenings from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and during morning hours from 9 am to 12:30 pm, everyday. Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website Shirdi Sai Temple of New England, Boston AreaSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of New England is now operational. It is located at 1827 Bridge St # 8, Dracut, MA 01824. The temple is open every Thursday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm and Saturday's from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. For temple hours and activities please visit the website or send mail to maildrop. Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CAShirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu. You can also visit our website is Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CADevotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit Saibaba Temple, Columbus, OhioDevotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more information please call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or visit Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at Maitland, FloridaDevotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on Thursdays between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave, Maitland, FL 32715. For more details please contact Bonnie at 407-830-1276. Sri Shirdi Sai Temple of Austin, TXSri Shirdi Sai Temple of Austin, TX opened at 601 E Whitestone Blvd (RM 1431), Cedar Park, TX. Daily 4 aarthis are performed to Sai Baba. As part of service to needy, a weekly sandwich seva is also conducted. For more information, please visit FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: Please note that Sai Vichaar is only yet another global platform on the electronic medium for sharing information on the life and message of Sadguru Sainath of Shirdi. Sai Vichaar does not profess to endorse any particular thought, nor will judge or reflect the opinions expressed by individual contributors. A Sai devotee suggested the "Question of the week" for this week as follows: Q. Anger burns oneself and others as well. How can we take control over this? Humbly Yours,The Editor ABOUT THIS EMAIL: This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page,2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or3. You have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. 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Thank you,The webmaster From and Editor: Shirdi Sai Baba Web Site Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha (A non-profit organization) Mail: 12N950 State Route 47 Hampshire, IL 60140, USA Email maildrop Phone 847-931-4058 Fax 847-931-4066 © Copyright 1998-2008, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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