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Swami's 16 Divine Powers

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Swami's 16 Divine Powers


1. KAAMA AAKARSHANA or desire fulfilling power.


2. BUDDHYAAKARSHANA - the power to activate, stimulate and fulfil our

intellectual capacities.


3. AHAMKAARA-AAKARSHANA transformation of our Ego sense.



4. SHABDHA AAKARSHANA, the power of sound. Swami's Divine words and

teachings cast a spell on us.


5. SPARSHA AAKARSHANA - the power of divine touch; it is healing

touch. His is a sin-erasing touch; It is a purifying sacred and holy




6. RUUPAAKARSHANA. Swami's forms are splendrous and wondrous. His

spiritual form has an aura of radiance!



7. DHAIVAM MAANUSHARUUPENA in order to liberate humanity from the

shackles of ignorance and worldly illusion.


7. RASAAKARSHANA - sweetness personified. His words are sweet; His

bearing is sweet and grace filled; His gestures and movements exude

LOVE and compassion.


8. CHITTHAAKARSHANA. Chittha is the store-house of our past and

present memories and unfulfilled residual desires and impressions

from our previous lives, called Vaasanas which haunt us in the

present and will continue to affect our future also. Baba, like

Krishna can be be called Chittha Chora - the stealer of all our

dominating desires, thereby making us desire-free!


9. GANDHAAKARSHANA - the power of His divine fragrance. He exudes a

fragrance of Purity, Holiness and Loving Grace and Compassion.


10.DHAIRYA-AKARSHANA - the power of overwhelming courage and self-




11.SMRITHYAAKARSHANA. Smrithi means powerful memory power. Swami has

phenomenal memory reaching far into our past and present and deep

into our future too. Many devotees have attested to Baba's divine

vision, Dhivya Dhrishti peering into every nook and corner of their

past conduct and behaviour and warning them of the future hurdles or

problems to be faced. There is no way of hiding from Baba's all

seeing eyes! When a new student denied he smoked, Baba instantly

created a photo showing the student clandestinely smoking!


12.NAAMAA KARSHANA, the power of His Sacred name. Chanting of His

holy name with faith, works miracles of healing, ensures success in

our undertakings, helps in overcoming accidents and above all in the

removal of our elemental fears of death - all these effects have been

testified and recorded by numerous devotees from all parts of the

wide world.



13.BEEJAAKARSHANA SHAKTHI. Divinity exercises elemental or seed force

and incorporates it in all beings. The Geetha says, " Beejam Maam

Sarva Bhuuthaanaam. " : Know Me to be the eternal seed power, the cause

of germination of all Beings. All beings are born from the seed of

Brahman, the Supreme Divinity. He is indeed the seed force of all

Manthras or holy, thought-articulations in terms of seed syllables

and words.


14.AATHMASAKARSHANA; Divinity attracts our inner Being, Antharaathma.

It is called soul-power attraction; drawing the sense oriented Self

towards the experience of the bliss of divinity.


15.AMRITHAAKARSHANA. Amritha is the elixir of life in divinity.

Unbounded Love and immortality are the signs of Divine life. The

individual self prays to the Supreme Divinity to bestow on a Life of

LOVE, LIGHT and IMMORTALITY, in the following Upanishaahik words:-



16.SARVAAKARSHANA SHAKTHI. Baba's Integral, Holistic, Divine,

Universal Personality exercises in totality all the fifteen powers

mentioned above. He is the embodiment of all Divine Principles; He is

omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omni-named and omni-formed, the

very Omni Self. That is why people of all climes, castes, cultures

and creeds are fascinated by His divine drawing power and miracle of

Universal Love and visit Prashaanthi Nilayam, the Abode of Supreme



- By Ghandikota V. Subba Rao

Prashanthi Nilayam

1 January, 2000

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