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Sahasra Purna Chandra Santhi Yagnam concludes

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Light and Love


How many information about our beloved Swami and His, and His devotees actions in different media's sources. It shows the progress the forces of Light.

Everything works by faith or belief. Our Swami is the source of inspiration not only without, but more from within. Sahasra Purna Chandra Santhi Yagnam is full of the Divine energy of Swami. Do you feel, do you see, do you have faith on this? Do you notice that Swami illuminates the power of Unconditional Love?


"When a lamp is lit from another, there are two where there was but one. The first one did not stop emitting light. You can light a million lamps from one, yet the first will not suffer a jot! Love too is like this. Share it with a million, it will still be as bright as when it was alone." (Sai Baba)

This quotation is an exact description of The three-day Sahasra Purna Chandra Santhi Yagnam from aspect of Love as the main moving Force towards humans' hearts.


Namaste - Reet

ANANTAPUR: The three-day Sahasra Purna Chandra Santhi Yagnam concluded with Purnaahuti at Hill View Stadium in Puttaparthi today. The yagnam for world peace was performed as part of the 83rd birthday celebrations of Sri Satya Saibaba.

Saibaba came to Yagna Mandapam in a golden chariot. Sri Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Sri Sivakumara Swamy of Siddhaganga Veera Saiva Mutt, Susheendratheertha Swamy of Mantralayam.


Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh, VHP leader Ashok Singhal were present at the yagam.


Express News Service;18 Nov 2008


http://www.expressbuzz.com/edition/story.aspx?Title=Sahasra+Purna+Chandra+Santhi+Yagnam+concludes & artid=KTVPD1VT5eQ= & SectionID=e7uPP4%7CpSiw= & MainSectionID=fyV9T2jIa4A= & SectionName=EH8HilNJ2uYAot5nzqumeA== & SEO=


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