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The ‘coming’ of a New Year…

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om sai ram

Divine messages:--

All of us, he said, are pilgrims to His Lotus feet.


Only the grace of God can give the strength and

courage to handle problems.


The aim of all sadhanas is to achieve peace.


Compassion towards all beings is devotion to God.


There is no place in the world where God does not

exist. God pervades everything.


Human beings can even realise God. This divine power

is given only to human beings.


Only thoughts based on Truth are positive.


It says that you are neither sin nor merit, neither

happiness nor misery. You are neither Yajna nor

charity. You are neither the ritual offering nor the

process of worship. You are neither man nor animal.

Then who are you? You are the principle of Siva

(supreme consciousness) .


Human beings are not able to give up their narrow

­mindedness and criticism of others.


True happiness is not something which comes and goes

like a passing cloud. You are born with bliss; you

should retain it all your life.


You are undertaking a number of Sadhanas (spiritual

practices) to experience divinity. In fact, you do not

need to perform any special Sadhana to have the vision

of God who is always with you, in you, above you,

around you.


Your foremost duty is to make proper use of love by

following the dictum, Help ever, Hurt never.


Everything is the result of your thoughts.


Life is a mixture of good and bad, joy and sorrow, and

all of them have to be treated.

sai ram



--- " s.prince k.s. v.thampuran "

<sssprinceksv wrote:


> The ‘coming’ of a New Year…

> a signpost for man to

> introspect the past...

> Brotherhood of man and Fatherhood

> of God, the oneliner promoting universal oneness

> with One God concept that was heard many a time in

> Prasanthi Nilayam has had a greater impact in the

> coming into being of a specialised fraternity, a

> Universal Family practising Unity in Diversity. This

> fraternity’s added conviction to this universal

> theory of Oneness draws the focus of attention to

> the Divine Being Sathya Sai Baba, who with greater

> conviction advocates and thus promotes this

> intangible theory with tangible results. But for

> this advocacy and frontline guidance, suffused with

> spiritual vision of par excellence, the concept of

> Universal Brotherhood has always been waning in

> practice and popularity in a world that is infected

> by concepts driven by express egotism.

> A single state with varied

> culture, showcasing a fine blend of diversity into

> quintessential Oneness with the magic formula of

> Love brings Prasanthi Nilayam to the exalted status

> to be the epicenter of the world of spirituality.

> The miniscule of world population that throng to

> this privileged township do share their cultural

> heritage barring any variance with one another,

> exemplifying a universal home of greater harmony.

> …And this unique feature earns a festive galore

> status to Prasanthi Nilayam…bringing celebrations

> aplenty, and in this cultural and heritage galore

> comes the celebration of New Years…styling

> differently…tailored to diverse mythical concepts

> and beliefs.

> 20th March marks the coming of

> the New Year based on the southern Indian lunar

> calendar for three Indian states. It is Ugadi, the

> Telugu and Kannada New Year for Andhra Pradesh and

> Karnataka…and in Maharashtra it comes as Gudipadava.

> Ugadi, an age old festival that revels, in essence,

> by purifying the heart is a periodical reminder to

> the man to revert to the age old Godly path with

> righteous living understanding his true essence.

> Bhagawan says: True celebration of Ugadi lies in

> giving up evil qualities and purifying one’s heart.

> Human heart in its pristine state is highly sacred

> and human birth is difficult to attain. External

> cleanliness, an obvervance that man does as a part

> of this festivity by getting up early in the

> morning, having sacred bath, putting on new clothes,

> does indeed signify in essence the much needed inner

> purification that man should aim to achieve.

> How do we welcome the New Year?

> The New Year comes with fresh hopes and man often

> makes attempts to raise his set standards with New

> Year resolutions. While leaving these resolutions

> that often go down with dud progress, man should

> make serious attempts to reflect upon his own self,

> by introspecting his actions and contributions in

> the year that is passing by, and should be grateful

> for all that has been bestowed upon him during the

> year. During the Ugadi celebrations in the year

> 1985, Prof. Kasturi in his short speech in the

> Divine Presence significantly mentioned that the New

> Year day was an occasion for devotees to draw up a

> balance sheet of their record during the past year

> and submit it to the Lord. All of us, he said, are

> pilgrims to His Lotus feet. Man should cease to be

> blind any more and look up to the bestower with

> gratitude and in essence he should come to term with

> the reality that he is being constantly guided…and

> guarded by the Supreme Selfless One… “You cannot

> indulge in sinful deeds

> and hope to realise the fruits of meritorious

> actions. Hence embark on good deeds and sanctify

> your life. Do not get needlessly agitated over the

> name of the year. Shed all fear and, placing your

> faith in God, transform even a dreadful year into a

> divine one”. Bhagawan urged the gathering in the

> 1985 version of Ugadi in Prasanthi Nilayam.

> Puttaparthi’s boon

> Puttaparthi, the most privileged remote village of

> yester years, that has turned into a world renowned

> spiritual centre known as Prasanthi Nilayam, that

> played host to the Divine Advent has been a silent

> witness to the ‘blossoming of the bud’, the bud that

> by itself is the sole light and the soul of all

> lights. It had the greatest fortune to wintess the

> self-evolution of the earthly sojourn of this Avatar

> of Age. God’s angelic voice of Wisdom conquering

> hearts and minds taking souls to the exalted state

> of Divine Union…a Mission that Bhagawan does

> silently, yet with great profundity, with great

> patience and perseverance does echoe from the heart

> of this holy abode ceaselessly as a perennial flow

> of ocean of Wisdom. During Ugadi, time and again

> Bhagawan had exhorted invalubale life sustaining

> principles to the devotees flocked to Prasanthi

> Nilayam. Here are some extracts of these words of

> wisdom…

> in 1985…

> Talking on the mounting differences between man and

> man, village and village, between states and

> countries, Bhagawan stressed the importance of being

> vigilant over one’s own actions. He said: The year

> is filled with so much of hatred and anger that its

> heat will burn even green grass. Referring to the

> impending scarcity and trouble, Bhagawan said: In

> the cycle of Nature, bad is likely to be followed by

> good and vice versa. Hence, we must cultivate the

> strength and equanimity to face difficulties and

> trou­bles. Only the grace of God can give this

> strength and courage. Even in our daily life, we

> will have to conduct ourselves with great care

> during this year. Every word we utter must be spoken

> with due deliberation. We have to restrain our pride

> and anger to the greatest extent. We must eschew

> anger and hatred towards anyone. Even If there is

> some provocation for such feelings, it should be

> kept in check. If one succumbs to such provocations,

> grave consequences may

> follow. Referring to the name of the year,

> Krodhana, Bhagawan said: The name of the year does

> not matter. What is really important is how we think

> and feel. If we do not fill our hearts with pure and

> sacred thoughts, any year will be unfavourable to

> us.

> in 1986…

> Bhagavan observed that the dualistic attitude of

> man was born out of a sense of separateness, which

> was not correct. Man should realise his inherent

> divinity and get rid of identification of his real

> Self with the body. The body is only an instrument

> for realising the Self. No great scholarship is

> needed for achieving this realisation. The attitude

> of surrender to the Divine and dedicating all

> thoughts, words and actions as an offering to the

> Divine will lead to Self-realisation. The bliss one

> will experience in that state is beyond description

> in words.

> in 1987…

> Dwelling on the subject how is God to be

> experienced? Bhagawan said: The first requisite is

> purity of heart. All religions have affirmed the

> basic importance of purity. The aim of all sadhanas

> is to achieve peace. Compassion towards all beings

> is devotion to God. God cannot be experienced

> through the ostentatious observance of rituals and

> worship. Where there is pomp and show there can be

> no divinity. The bliss of the Divine cannot be found

> there. As a seed will not sprout on rocky ground,

> the bliss of the Divine cannot be realised by

> worship devoid of humility and sincerity.

> in 1988...

> " Man should develop self & #8209;confidence and not

> allow evil tend­encies to take hold of him or fall a

> victim to undesirable habits. " Man should re­member

> that every moment is a " Yugadi " and his constant

> efforts should be to conduct himself in thought,

> word and deed as a human being.

> in 1989…

> We hail the New Year as Samvatsara because it

> signifies the omnipresence of the Divine. It is not

> the New Year Day alone that should be regarded as

> holy. Every moment is the beginning of a new year.

> Every moment should be made holy by sacred thoughts

> and actions,” observed Bhagawan, in the course of

> His inspiring discourse.

> in 1990…

> Firm faith in God's name will ward off many of the

> evil portents indicated by the planetary

> conjunctions in the New Year Pramoduta, observed

> Bhagawan, in the course of His discourse.Bhagawan

> said there were indications of various kinds of

> conflicts and dangers from fire disasters during the

> year, but many joyous events were also likely. He

> advised the large concourse of devotees to carry on

> their duties in a spirit of dedication, with firm

> faith in God.

> in 1991…

> In the eyes of the ancient Bharatiyas, there was

> nothing in the world that was not Divine.

> Ignoramuses, who were not aware of this truth,

> looked down upon Bharatiyas as worshippers of trees,

> stones, snakes, etc. Unfortunately, the aware­ness

> of this basic truth (about the immanence of the

> Divine in the Cosmos) is dec­lining even among

> Bharatiyas today. Such recognition (of the divinity

> of everything in the universe) is not to be found in

> any other religion or country elsewhere.

> in 1993…

> God is the embodiment of Time. Time is eternal. It

> has no end. It is boundless. As against this eternal

> Time, the life & #8209;span of man is very limited.

> Because of his limited time-­span, man is bound by

> the passage of time in terms of hours, days, months

> and years. All the latter are by their intrinsic

> nature transient. The Lord declares: " I am the

> Eternal Time " ( " Akshya Kaalah " ). It is indeed a pity

> that this eternal time should be considered as a

> fleeting moment. Man's actions are governed by the

> change

=== message truncated ===







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