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Sai Vichaar www.saibaba.org

Thursday , June 07, 2007 :: Volume 10, Issue 4

(In its nineth year of publication.)

Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is

devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of

Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested

associates in its original form.

















FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Das Ganu's first step on Spiritual Path


Baba had indicated that Das Ganu should quit his job and dedicate

himself to Lord's service. However, Das Ganu was in denial of this

command. He refused to quit his job as a Police Constable on more

than one occasion.


Once, when Das Ganu was the second in command at the station, the

station officer left him in-charge. And Das Ganu in a lordly way

wanted to enjoy his time, and went home leaving a constable in

charge of the station. Just at that time, a village munsif had sent

up a thoti with a fine collected from some persons against whom a

warrant had been sent for collection. That money, Rs. 32/- was left

by the thoti with the constable there in charge, without any person

to witness. The constable told the thoti that the Station Officer

was on leave, and asked him to leave and that the receipt would be

sent to the village in due course. So, the poor thoti went away, and

the constable swallowed up the money.


Ganpat Rao (Das Ganu) knew nothing of it. However, the authorities

finding that Rs. 32/- had not been collected, concluded that it was

Ganpat Rao's mischief. Ganpat Rao was asked for an explanation. He

said he know nothing. But there was no escape the fact that money

had been sent that day, and was paid at the station as the thoti

testified. Then Ganpat Rao, finding that there was not only no

chance of his getting the Sub Inspector's job but a good chance of

getting into the jail, solemnly swore to Baba that this time he

would positively quit service. He went further and mentioned his

willingness to resign to the enquiry officer who, thereupon, made

him pay up Rs. 32/- and then discharged him. Thus Baba succeeded in

making Ganpat Rao quit his service, a service, which would prevent

Ganpat Rao from becoming the high spiritual personage that he was

subsequently to develop into.


Baba used to call him 'Ganu'. When Ganpat Rao came and said, 'I have

now left my service; I and my wife have to stand in the streets, as

we have no property or income.' Baba said, ' Ganu, I shall provide

for you and your family'. (Compare Sri Krishna's promise " Yoga

Kshemam Vahamai sham " BG (9) (22). Baba then asked him to go on with

his Brahminical duties, puranic studies, and kirtans at which he was

excellent. Ganpat Rao was never in want of food or clothing, and has

even become a landlord that yielded him sufficient support. In 1919

his wife died issueless, leaving him without any encumbrances.


Das Ganu had a fine metallic voice and he was a very able performer

of kirtans. He would hold an audience of 2000 people spell bound in

rapt attention listening to him for six or eight hours, and as he

never asked for even one pie and made no collections, his kirtans

were popular, and in all his kirtans, he would place Baba's picture

next to him and even though his katha was about Tukaram or Namdev or

Jnanadev, yet he would always refer to Sai Baba as the living Saint

or Sat purusha i.e., as the present Great Saint, whom it would be a

great blessing for people to have darsan of, as the very darsan

would purify and benefit the visitor.


FEATURE OF THE WEEK: continued.......


As soon as his kirtans ended, people started in numbers to go to

Shirdi and see Sai Baba. These numbers included high officials of

good and great positions, as also the poor. Thus he has been the

means of sending some tens of thousands of people to Baba. Baba

developed his nature and purified it by making him spend his time

whenever he went to Shirdi in reading Vishnu Sahasranama. Das Ganu

Maharaj's purification and development are marked in various ways

and Baba's favor to him on the spiritual side is so vast and varied

that it is impossible to sketch them out in detail.






" I shall consider you blessed when you will renounce all

attachments, conquer lust and palate and getting rid of all

impediments, serve God wholeheartedly and resort to the begging

bowl " . The above is the reply given by Sai Baba to Bapusaheb Jog who

asked him why even after serving Baba for so many years, his mind

was not calm and composed and why he failed in his efforts for self-

realization. Sai Baba always laid stress on controlling pleasures of

the sense, especially those of sexual passion and tongue.


In our scriptures, great stress is laid on " non-violence " which

means not to hurt anybody physically, mentally, or by speech. Sai

Baba had realized that of all the above, harsh and scornful words

hurt a person much more than physical or mental violence. Such

cutting words are more easily forgotten and cannot be withdrawn.

Consequently, they cause everlasting ill feeling. Sai Baba,

therefore, not only advised his devotees, " Not to speak cuttingly to

anyone so as to hurt him. He said, " Let anybody speak hundreds of

things against you, do not resent by giving a bitter reply. If you

always tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy " , and to

make sure that they did follow his advice, he also said, " He who

carps and cavils at others, pierces me in the heart and injures me

but that suffers and endures, please me the most " .


(Contributed by From Shri Sai Baba's Teachings and Philosophy by Lt.

Col. M.B. Nimbalkar)







As I have promised to write in my experience I am hereby writing one

of Baba's most recent miracles. I am basically from the accounts

background and was struggling to find a job in my line after we

migrated to Australia two years ago. So I took up admin job, then

after a struggle for more than 20 months, with the beautiful miracle

of Baba I have taken up a job in accounts just recently. It is very

difficult to jump into the role right away without local experience.

But at every stage in the process Baba cleared the way. As promised

I am writing to Sai Vichaar. Baba lives in every devotee's house

apart from their hearts. He can be seen and felt everywhere. He has

performed innumerable miracles and made us part of his people.

Thanks Baba.



I would like to thank Baba for helping me get my driver's license

when I wanted it the most. I was so frustrated about not being able

to drive. But I gave my test last week and passed. The best part is

that the DPS was in the same complex as Saibaba's temple. I took His

blessings before giving the test. Thank you Baba!



I was much tensed as I was looking for a new job, but nothing

concrete was working out. I had lost hopes and was very worried, I

couldn't sleep the whole night. I told Baba all my problems and

prayed for His guidance and support. And He did a miracle! The very

next day, I got interview calls and job confirmation.



Sai Baba please guide us. After the contribution to prayers section

within 10 days our last stage for green card became current and our

medical exams also went smoothly without any problem. Sai koti

pranamams to You. Please see that this processing goes smoothly.

Please bless our son, our parents, sister and us.



I have read Sai Satcharita and Baba is helping me to solve many

problems. I want to share my recent experience. I had applied for

renewal of my Passport. It was taking a lot of time. Whenever I

opened the file I used to get reply that your police verification

has not reached us. I was worried why renewal of passport is taking

so much time. One day I prayed Baba in the evening to help me to get

my passport early. In afternoon I had opened my file and the status

was same. When I opened my file in the evening after praying to Baba

I was surprised to see that my status of application had changed and

I was informed that my passport had been a number and in line for

further processing, and it will be dispatched on a particular date.

With Baba's grace I got the passport within a week. After getting

the passport once again I prayed Sai to send to some foreign

country. Fifteen days after that my employer called me and asked me

if I am willing to go to Bangkok as an examiner. Though the stay was

for 5 days, Baba had fulfilled my desire. I went to Bangkok and have

come back. Baba I am posting my experience and pray that You be with

me always, and help me in solving all my problems.



Thank You for blessing my three months old daughter. In her first

two months she had suffered from constipation for 5 or 6 days. I

prayed to Sai Baba to solve the problem, and if He solved the

problem I will share my experience in Sai Vichaar. With Sai Baba's

grace the above problem solved immediately and she is now completely

in good condition.


Gopi Krishna

This is in reply to Pran's comment in the last week's Sai Vichaar. I

simply quote the Divine Message of Sri Swami Sivananda: " Trials Test

You " . If you are calm, when you are insulted and censured for

nothing, when you are kept waiting for a long time, when you are

stung by a scorpion, when you are attacked by diseases, when you do

not get your food, when you suffer a loss of bereavement, you have

attained self-control fifty per cent, God sends trials and

tribulations to test your strength of will. Be serene and tranquil

always. This message I have received when I have been seriously

thinking on the comments of Pran, but, I am now absulutely convinced

that He proved me right. That is all.



Truly Sai Baba works miracles. I had not seen my sons for over two

years. I prayed to Sai and wished that He would help me to visit

them and also that Sai would help my sons with their exams and other

issues. Sai miraculously made it possible to meet with my sons and

also helped them a lot with their exams and other issues. Thankyou

Sai for helping me and making my trip absolutely trouble free.

Please Sai you know our issues better than we do. Help our family

with Your blessings and generosity. May Your blessings always be

with us.


Udit Kumar

If faith and patience do not seem to work, it means we are yet to

clear the exam set by our beloved Sai. Our preparation has been

weak, that is why, the test appears tough. Now, what we require is

Faith and Patience, with all the Capitals that one can gather.







Sai Baba please help me with the answer, my husband and I are going

through tough times, applying for divorce, please help me in making

proper decision. I have always believed in You, you have taken me

through bad times protecting me all the time. I hope you will be

there for me in making the correct decision. Please bless me.



My husband has a 'Thallium Stress' test for his heart this coming

Thursday (Your day). Please make sure that the test results should

be OK and completely fine and there were no problems in the heart in

the past and will not have any problems also in the future.



I have not treated you as God till date that's why probably I am not

getting a suitable job till date. Baba, this word for me means grand

father and my grand father always fulfill all my wishes, so Baba its

my request to You to fulfill all my request so that I can get a

excellent job and can get all the happiness of my both sister




Help me fulfilling my wish of going back to India with my husband

and son with good job and pay is equal to what he is getting here.



Please bless my husband; he is expecting an offer which will prove

good in his career. This has been prolonging for a very long time

with no solution. There is always a barrier and don't know who is

creating it. Please give him this move; he has worked very hard for




Baba I pray to You to give me and my wife a sweet healthy baby. I

also request You for her a normal and pleasant delivery. Baba, You

know that I have problems in job and not getting enough to support

my family well. Baba please help me in finding a very good job so

that I can earn more money for my family.



Please Baba change my husband's attitude and make him happy. Sai ram

if you feel I am wrong please open my eyes.



Baba, kindly bless my sister and brother in law with a healthy baby

and brings lots of joy and happiness in their life.



Please give our parents good health and please Baba make us worthy

of having your child. You know what happened but please Baba at

least this 3rd time please give us healthy pregnancy and healthy




Dear Sainath I humbly prostrate before you to please see that my

brother gets married. He has gone through lot of troubles in the

past. Please bless him Baba, this will also give my parents some




My humble namaskarams to you, Sai Baba. Please grant peace of mind

to my father. Please guide my brothers and sisters-in-law through a

peaceful, harmonious and happy life.



Sainath please solve our problem, our big amount is blocked and the

payment has not yet materialize. It has now been almost two years.



Baba my brother is in acute financial crisis. He is very innocent.

His innocence has been misutilised by a person and absconded. All

the people from whom the money was bought for a deal at abroad are

behind my brother. More over his health is also not good. He is

suffering from stone in kidney and Hepatitis C. Now he has recovered

from Hepatitis C by Your grace. Baba please help him in coming out

of all the legal actions initiated and will be initiated against him

in the court of law. Baba, let that money which he has to get from

the 3rd party come soon. Sometimes he thinks of committing suicide

along with his family of four, so that he can come out of this

problem. Please make him Runa Mukta and bless him with good health

and peace of mind. Once this is over, I will bring him to Shirdi and

do Sai Sathyanarayana Pooja. He is also a Your devotee. Please help

him. I will also send it to Sai Vichaar.







My current contract assignment where I was getting a decent rate and

very close to my home was coming to an end and I started looking

out. Although I was getting calls, none of them were materializing

due to some reason or the other (rate not being good, location far

off, short project duration etc). I was really getting frustrated

and was loosing sleep at nights as I had to support my family. I

prayed to Baba on why this delay and also to show some positive

signs that would give me some good sleep. As in the past, Baba

always bailed me out in some way or the other but being a human, my

mind was always anxious and restless. Whenever I use to pray to

Baba's photo, I always use to hear a voice in me " Still you doubt

me? " and I use to be ashamed of myself. Reading the weekly Sai

Vichar e-mails use to be the only solace and moral boosting

experience. My wife use to tell me that there is something which we

are not aware of that is preventing me from getting a new contract.

And lo !, on Wednesday, my current client called up and mentioned

that they are planning to extend my contract for a long term and are

letting me know in advance as I might be looking out. I was so

thrilled and thanked Baba for his almightily grace and blessings.

Baba has always helped me and my family when most needed. Sometimes

I do feel guilty that I keep asking so many things from Baba and he

always fulfills it and is so thankful to Baba for his continued

grace and blessing.



I would like to share my experience with everybody. I am a devotee

of Sai Baba. This is a nothing but a miracle what Saibaba has done

to us. I got married in 2005 and my husband was working in Dubai.

After marriage he does not want to go back and I thought he will

work here. He worked with his friend's construction company and due

to some misunderstanding he left the job. After which he was idly

sitting at home without any work but doing part-time BE. I was

working in a MNC. I have got a 1-year old kid Vishal and due to

health reasons, I quitted my job this month 25th and I was worried

and then I thought of Sai Baba only can save us from this situation.

We both are jobless. I prayed to Sai Baba that I myself and my

husband get a job within the next Thursday I would post this. It's

really unbelievable that I got a part time job in the very same MNC

which I left. And my husband went for an interview yesterday and got

selected. This is nothing but only Sai's leelas. Sai Baba Koti Koti

pranaam to your lotus feet. Please guide in every step of the life.

Thank you. Sai Ram.



I entered late into marriage after a long 17 years wait of knowing

the person. I asked Sai to show me signs that I should proceed with

this after the long interval. Finally I got married and with Sai's

blessing conceived immediately. I sailed through my pregnancy with

my gynecologist of Sai's blessing. However on my 8th month my

placenta gave away and my daughter pronounced dead on arrival at the

hospital. Miracle of miracles, when my doctor rushed to the spot he

said there's a 20 percent chances of survival with a faint

heartbeat. He practically did everything from getting me ready for

the Caesarian, pushing me through hallway/lifts and calling the OT

to be ready for an emergency operation. Finally my daughter arrived

as a tiny healthy baby. But there's some complicating where my

husband was asked to sign to indicate approval of womb removal due

to a lot of blood loss. Again with Sai's blessing that did not

happen and my doctor managed to pull through. Today my daughter is a

healthy 3 years old. Last year I delivered my second daughter with

my doctor sailing through the pregnancy with me for a safe delivery.

About 2 months back my doctor collapsed due to stroke. He is a well

know and reputable and experienced person who has saved many lives.

I prayed to Baba to take care of him and let him recover to his

normal self. Now he is over the critical situation and on the path

of recovery. Today he is still on medical leave recovering and with

Baba's blessing soon will be back to his clinic, I have faith in

Baba. I pledged to write to share my experience with other devotees

and here it is. My Sai's blessing is always with us. Om Sai Ram.






" All things are mine. I give everything to everyone " .-Shri Sai Baba






Q. Why is Thursday important for Sai devotees?


A. by Ravin


Sri Saibaba said that those who burn incense sticks at Gurusthan in

Shirdi on Thursdays and Fridays, will have their desires fulfilled

by God's grace. Some interpret this as Baba's placing significance

on those two days as important for poojas and prayers. Several

religious sects place importance on Thursday as a day of prayer and

reverence for one's Sadguru. Scriptures probably have references to

Guruvar, the Sadguruvar, as appropriate day of the week for the

prayers for Sadguru.


How does " Thursday " affect a Sai devotee? Initially, it feels good

to do poojas and other activities on Thursdays and have the blissful

experience of Sai's grace and His presence in our lives. It can also

be observed that slowly these activities assume certain routine and

thus transform themselves into listless rituals. Even if not, the

Thursday practices result in the happiness and satisfaction of a

satsang and the sense of communion with Sadguru and at the same time

giving one the permit, if not the freedom, to be away from the

thoughts of Saibaba on other days. But the truth is that one is in

constant need of Baba's presence in our lives, His grace, and His

blessings ever. Sickness doesn't wait for the weekend nor do

calamities fall on days of our choosing. One's cognizance of the

need for Baba and the dependence on Baba for everything in their

lives would loosen the attachment to any time bound practices but

long for His company and blessing always. In this context, Thursday

becomes yet another day in the sweet presence of Saibaba our only

savior, but not just a Holy day of respite from other regular days.

For Sai devotees Thursday is a holy day and everyday is a Thursday.






Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USA

Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Summer

hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 7 a.m. followed by

Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and

Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored

poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for

yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can

request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by

sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive

west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in

Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send

email to maildrop.


Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Saibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at Shirdi Saibaba

Prayer center since the year 2002. Now, with the grace and blessings

of Baba and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has begun

to function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006.

Please visit www.hamaresai.org for all details.


Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West

Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours

and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or

visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.


Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CA

Shirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA

94086. For more information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704

or send email to saibandhu. You can also visit our website

is www.Shirdisaiparivaar.org.


Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CA

Devotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba

temple in Los Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th

Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please call

Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit www.shirdisaila.org.


Saibaba Temple, Columbus, Ohio

Devotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are

informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The

temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH

43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more

information please call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or visit



Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at Maitland, Florida

Devotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on

Thursdays between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave,

Maitland, FL 32715. For more details please contact Bonnie at 407-







Those contributing to Sai Vichaar are requested to identify

themselves by giving their name. Unless Baba wills nothing can be

done and it is symbolic of one's humility not to give too much

credence to their writings or expressions. However, in respect to

the etiquette of publication, it is only customary to identify the

source of writings. Sai Vichaar hopes that devotees would oblige.


Sai devotee suggests the Question of the week as follows,


Q. How can one be consistent with their devotion to Sri Saibaba?


Humbly Yours,

The Editor






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The webmaster




From and Editor: Shirdi Sai Baba Web Site

Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha

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Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form.

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