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Dependance On God

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Dependance On God


Sometimes, life's filled with disappointments,

shattered dreams which have created great pain;


There are times we have to lose it all,

But those are the times when we can gain!


When we have learned to be content

and let God have control;

Then we'll have gained that which will bring,

peace and contentment to heart and soul!


We tend to want to hold on to that

which we have always known;

It may be that we fear the thought

of having to face the future alone!


But our God will never forsake us

He's faithful and He's just;

He'll see us through the darkest night,

if in Him we will place our trust!


He is One Whom we can depend on

and He'll never leave our side;

In Him we'll find the strength we need

when at times we are sorely tempted and tried!


When we've reached a place

where we can't seem to cope,

We want to give up, for we've lost all hope;

If we'll call on His name, He will hear our plea

And will cause all the darkness of despair to flee!

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