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How to meditate on Baba?

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How to meditate on Baba?


Hemadpant suggests an easy way of devotion and meditation as follows


As the dark fortnight of every month wears out gradually, the

moonlight also wanes in the same degree and on the new moon day, we

do not see the moon at all, nor do we get her light. Therefore, when

the bright fortnight begins, people are very anxious to see the

moon. On the first day, the moon is not seen and on the second day

also she is not clearly visible. Then the people are asked to see

the moon through an opening between the two branches of a tree, and

when they begin to see through this aperture eagerly and after

concentratedly, the distant small crescent of the moon comes, to

their great delight, within their ken. Following this clue, let us

try to see Baba's Light. Look at Baba's posture, how fine it is! He

is sitting with His legs folded, the right leg held across the left

knee. The fingers of His left hand are spread on the right-foot. On

the right toe are spread His two fingers-the index and middle ones.

By this posture Baba means to say, as it were-if you want to see My

Light, be ego less and most humble and meditate on My toe through

the opening between the two branches-index and middle fingers-and

then you will be able to see My Light. This is the easiest means of

attaining devotion.

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