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Sai AmritVani in Hyderabad - my experiences

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Jai Sai Ram

I forward herewith another experience of another devotee, who attended recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani at Hyderabad.

Ashok Gupta--- On Wed, 3/4/09, Deepa Vallabhaneni <deepavallabhaneni wrote:

Deepa Vallabhaneni <deepavallabhaneni Sai AmritVani in Hyderabad - my experiences Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 1:41 AM



Dear Sai Devotees,Jai Sai Ram!Pranaams to the Lotus Feet of our Beloved Baba, Sai Maa & UncleJi...I would like to share my experiences of attending the Sai AmritVani prayer with Sai Maa & UncleJi while they were in HYD. By Baba's Grace I had the fortune of attending on all the 4 Thursdays while they were here. I am going to miss them tomorrow and I pray that I should be able to continue reciting AmritVani every Thursday with the same Shradha & Bhakthi that they do it.The first Thursday, I had requested Sai Maa to place Baba's Charans (which I had brought back from Shirdi the previous week) in from of Him & within a few minutes they were blessed with lots of Udi. UncleJi had sent pictures of this already. This was really a very thrilling & powerful experience and I get tears in my eyes whenever I think about it. Baba is really very kind & so are His bhakthas who share their bounty of His

blessings with all of us.It was equally touching to see items brought by other devotees also blessed in a similar manner. I had offered some guava fruit & that was also accepted by Baba & had bite marks on it. On another Thursday I had taken some bananas & peda. Sai Maa had placed one of them before Baba & it was so lovingly accepted by Him, it was almost half-peeled and there were small bite marks on it similar to the ones on the guava. The peda was accepted as well & had some holes on it, which I feel were Baba's miniature Charans. I felt very happy & grateful on seeing all this. All of Baba's photos in the house had Udi on them and it was very nice to see all this first-hand. I also felt very blessed to see Baba's charans in the puja room which had oozed water & was lucky to partake of the Jal. Another powerful experience I had was in front of Baba's photo in the hall, I was somehow drawn to it and

I cannot describe the feeling in words but I felt as if I was lost to the world & there was no one else expect Baba & me when I stood in front of it & prayed for a few minutes. The feeing of Baba's presence was very strong and I was totally unaware of other people who had entered the room which was empty earlier. This was a truly wonderful experience.Sai Maa lovingly distributed beautiful photos of Baba's Samadhi Mandir which can be framed and wallet pictures of the same to all the devotees. She told us that her belief & prayer was that those who had that picture would never have an empty wallet by Baba's Grace. I was a little disappointed the first Thursday because she ran out of the big picture just when it was my turn to receive it & thought that maybe I was not meant to have it & should be content with the wallet picture. But on the last Thursday, she was distributing them again & I was very happy to receive

one. I have given it for framimg & it will always be very precious for me & cherished forever.About the Sai AmritVani recitation itself, it was very powerful & soothing and most importantly very meaniful. I could truly appreciate it and felt that its a great composition since it contains everything that we want to express to Baba as well as everything that He taught us & that we should follow. The Bhajans are also very powerful expressions of gratitude, love & devotion. My heartfelt gratitude & pranaams to the author of this beautiful work & Baba for it could not have been composed without His inspiration & blessings.Sai Maa's devotion is truly wonderful and I was lucky to learn many things from her both directly & by observing her. In fact I even got some scoldings from her due to some mistakes on my part & I felt bad about the same but she very lovingly & patiently consoled me that they are

actually Baba's blessings in disguise to work out some negative things in me. On thinking about this further & other indications also, I realised the same & felt very grateful to Baba & her for providing me with all these experiences. She would personally distribute Prasad to all the devotees even though it would be quite tiring for her. On the last Thursday, I was waiting for the Jal to be distributed & did not want to miss it since that would be my last oppurtunity to have it. By this time it had become quite late & Sai Maa's family was getting ready to have lunch, she lovingly invited me to have lunch (Prasad) with them which she had prepared & I am very thankful for this & consider it to be a special blessing. As I left that day after lunch & after taking their blessings I felt so much at peace with everything & so close to Baba. That feeling persisted for a few days and still comes back whenever I think

about all this. I am very grateful to everyone who made it possible for me to have this experience.Many Thanks to Him for allowing me to attend this blessed event, Sai Maa & UncleJi for their kindness in sharing their gift with all of us & allowing us to particiapte in their special weekly prayer & their son's family for being such gracious hosts for 4 weeks. I pray to Baba for their welfare always.Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to AllRegards,Deepaps: sorry, this mail turned to be really long...pps: Anyone already doing group Sai AmritVani recitation or interested in starting one in Hyderabad, please let me know...

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