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Selfless Service For Self i.e Karma Yoga.

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In this modern society we find people doing selfless service for either material gain or to purify the self.Among these two catagories the top rank is given to the service done for the self and that is Karma yoga.There are innumerable benifits of Karma Yoga .Among them are:-

1)By doing selfless service we purify our heart.

2)We develop pure love, sympathy, tolerance mercy and humility.

3)The more service we do with Atma Bhava (seeing God in everyone)the more power, energy and capacity we get.

4)Even a little of this practice can protect us from great fear of rebirth, of death with its concomitant (contributing) evils.

5)Selfless service is the only way to remove the impurities lurking in the mind.

The following are some of the verses from Bhagvad-Gita translated by Swami Sivananda:-

He who sees inaction in action and action in inaction,he is wise among men; he is a Yogi and performer of all actions.-Gita, Ch. 4, Verse 18.

For, verily the true nature of action (enjoined by the scriptures) should be known, also (that) of forbidden(or unlawful) action, and of inaction; hard to understand is the nature (path) of action.-Gita, Ch.4, Verse 17.

He whose undertakings are all devoid of desires and (selfish) purposes, and whose actions have been burntby the fire of knowledge, -him the wise call a sage.–Gita, Ch.3, Verse 19.

Having abandoned attachment to the fruits of actions,ever content, depending on nothing, he does not do anything though engaged in activity.-Gita, Ch.4, Verse 20

To one who is devoid of attachment, who is liberated,whose mind is established in knowledge, who works for the sake of sacrifice(for the sake of God), the whole action is dissolved.-Gita, Ch.4, Verse 23.




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