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can anybody guide me at times of stress & severe problem how i .

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Sai Ram,


During Sai Baba's 82nd birthday celebrations with our small group in Gerona, Spain, on Sunday 25th November, someone produced the pamphlet from the Barcelona celebrations. In this was an extract from Swami's 1983 birthday discourse which read " . . . . . . .I am God, am not different from God......." I immediately recognised it as a prayer I had read some years ago and promptly told the group that it is a very powerful prayer and that I would translate it into Spanish for them. As I spoke these words I felt every cell of my body dance in Divine Love.


That evening I opened my e-mail box where I found the text "Potent Evidence" sent by one of the members of this group. Within the text was that self same prayer, as if sent Swami Himself so that I did not have to spend time searching through my files to find it. I was therefore able to translate the text and send it to all our members and more.


Within that text it is suggested that one says this prayer ten times a day and then observe your life change. I can assure you that it works, so for those of you who find yourselves in moments of stress and strain try this prayer. It can still work wonders even if you are not under pressure!


Herewith an extract of "Potent Evidence" including the prayer:



As an aid to the realization of His primary teaching -that we are God- He often recommends use of the antra ‘So Ham’ (meaning “I amHe”, or “I am God”). He has also offered His devotees the following maha-affirmation:

I am God! I am God! I am not different from God!

I am the eternal undifferentiated Absolute!

Grief and anxiety cannot effect me.

I am always content. Fear cannot enter me.

I am Satchidananda! I am pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss.

I am Omnipotent! I am all-powerful; nothing is impossible for me!

I am Omniscient! I am all-knowing;

there is nothing which is not known to me.

I am Omnipresent! I am present everywhere. I pervade this universe!

I am Krishna! I am Christ! I am Buddha!

I am Sai! I am Sai! I am Sai!

I am God! I am God! I am God!

(Try saying that ten times a day, and see how fast your life changes...!)

Be Happy and know that you are God.


Light and BlessingsChristine

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dear sai family, Thank you very much for your guidance.definitely all of ur guidance will help me to throw away stress & will increase self confidence & also to have more faith with swami. sairam sharmilaSBOI Group < wrote: Aum Sairam,Suggest you to develop practising meditation. My personal experience has been

that"Om Chanting" is highly beneficial for depression as well to develop self confidence.Please select a time and sit for one hour a day chanting only "OM". You will see the progress as you go along to be out of stress, depressions and all problems.Even if you have problems you will take it in a positive strides and will not feelstressed. When you start mediation and progress further, guidance processwill come to you automatically and this is the power of SADHANA.This is the only best Medicine which I am sure "SWAMI" will also prescribe.Life is full of Hope. Life is a passing Phase. Only Meditation can help come outof all problems and head towards purification of soul "which is ETERNAL".GOD IS GREAT AND KIND!SAI RAMmerci g-----------SAI RAMs,Tension and stress arise out of ignorance of reality. This ignorance leads to identification of the self with one`s

body, mind and intellect. And then the ego comes to play its role. The ego entertains hopes, expectations , desires etc. etc. And these are the causes for Tension, stress, sorrow, disappointments etc. etc. in life. Swamy says, "You are Satchidananda", meaning Pure existence, Knowledge and Bliss. If we accept Swamy`s words, we are happiness and bliss personified. If this is not contradicted by we Sai devotees, where is the scope for stress etc. which are not true. The scriptures call you, Amritasya Putraah, meaning 'sons of immortality'. If this were so, we are not mortals. It is only mortals who are subjected to stress, tension, disappointments,sorrow etc.G.Balasubramanian------------sai ram sister,i am sure everyone goes through what we call difficulties in life. how we deal with them is what differentiates us as Sai devotees from others.first, we have to repeatedly keep telling

ourselves that Swami is with us, that He is taking care of us, and whatever is happening is for our good although we may not see it that way in the short term, or with our limited understanding. second, we have to have the firm faith that Swami will not put through any "test" in life that we are not capable of enduring. most of the time, we do not know our own strength and endurance capability.third - and this is my personal favourite - i remind myself of this small story which Swami narrated. When the Pandava brothers were preparing for their 1 year of incognito period (during which time they should be disguised and should not be identified as the Pandava brothers, else they will have to repeat the 13 years of exile!), Yudhistara, the eldest, comes to Bhagawan Sri Krishna and prays to Him, "Swami, all these years when we had a problem, we would come to you for help and solace. Now for the next one year we

cannot do that. So please give me a Mantra which we can repeat when we ae in difficulties, a mantra that will carry us through that period." Immediately, Bhagawan writes a Mantra and hands it over to the Yudhistara. The mantra, translated into English, said "THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!" In other words, the only thing Krishna wanted the Pandavas to do when they went through difficulties was to remind themselves that the good times they enjoyed are not far away, and the "clouds" of difficulties they were experiencing then will "surely pass". This is what I tell myself and have benefitted immensely from this one little message, so I thought I will share it with you as well. Wish you all the best. Sai Ram,Giridhar

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