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Impromptu prayer list

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Sai Ram to all of my wonderful Sai Family,


This is Sister Melody and thank you to everyone who has written me to say hello and welcome back.


I have had an offer from some wonderful Sai devotees who are going to Puttaparthi to take a prayer list .. please I am putting this list togeather today to mail to them to take with them.


IF ANYONE wishes to send a short note to send to Sai in Puttaparthi please send it to me today at daga454 and I will most happily include it in with the prayer lists.


Some thoughts ...


I hope that this email finds everyone well and may Sai's blessings be showered on one and all

Sai's children .. who follow his teachings and who have recieved his blessings are truly the most

wonderful of souls ... they are a blessing to the world .. Yes YOU .. you are a blessing to the world and

following Sai's footsteps makes each and everyone of you ( even if you fall or falter at times for we all do ) a true

blessing to the world .. Thsi to me .. is Sai's truest legacy and our truest inheritance.


Victory is overcoming our own weaknesses, bad habits, bad behaviors and replacing them with those

behaviors that Sai teaches us to have ... and then in turn being able to selflessly give, love and aide all those who need it.

Victory is learning to give freely of your time, money, efforts, love, compassion and forgiveness.

There is nothing in this world that is truly real but love.

Love is the foundation of all things ... Love exists even when the universe dissolves .. Sai is Love .. love is Sai .. love

is god. Underneath all chaos, destruction, ignorance and evil .. is still LOVE. For it is the founding and building block of

the universe itself.


Spiritual pride and arrogance is a truly dangerous thing .. more so than just an individuals bad behavior through ignorance.

And there is deep deep esoteric meaning in Christs life and crucifixion. Swami teaches the same by his example with

all those around him who speak ill of him or slander him. What did he call them once ... ?? Barking dogs ??


Spiritually if we cannot forgive those who harm us .. then we have not quite yet overcome our own ego's and weaknesses

It is a natural instinct to want to respond to injustice, harm and evil by fighting back or to survive .. but it is just that INSTINCT .. our lower selves

our lower minds or base selves .. this is not our higher self at all and though intellectually we may be able to grasp many concepts of

the higher mind and higher way of life or being .. it is in actions alone that we truly experience and integrate these things into our lives and

into our souls to override, overwrite and overcome our instinctual selves. Our body is an animal .. it is made up of base materials .. what we do

and eat really does effect what we think .. what we think .. rings out upon others and the universe and comes back to us. Breath is Divine ...

know your breath and know god within you ...


After the last two years ... my family and I have endured many things ... loss of material wealth and things, loss of residence, loss of friends ...

what I was truly unprepared for was being persecuted and crucified for being a spiritual proponent and Sai devotee. And we were .. to the point

of threats and physical violence.


This ... was a great test of faith .. and many times .. I will be honest ... I failed miserably.

In fact I can take no credit what so ever for having come through the trials that my family and I have come through in the last two years.


But I do know some facts ...


1. Swami never left me .. even when I in anger wanted to leave him

2. Swami's children helped my family when no one else would

3. Swami's children remained loving and supportive through out

4. I know many other people who are spiritualists who follow other guru's and saints but none of them

closely pay attention to practicing dharma and giving love as do Swami's children were able to do for us through out.


God is Great ... Sai is God

All is a wonder

We are all blessed to have Sai here with us in any form what so ever

Many many blessings to everyone

Eternally Sai's

Sister Melody and Family





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