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Dear Samratchanites,


We all were shocked and saddened to learn of Bhutan Patti demise. We

from Hyderabad Samratchana offer our deep sympathy and condolence to

the bereaved family. We all pray to Baba for the soul to rest in peace.


For Hyderabad Samratchana,


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  • 10 months later...
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Deepaji's mother-in-law passed away. Kindly include them in the prayers. May BABA give peace and rest to the departed soul. And may HE give strength to the bereaved family to cope during this hard period of loss. BABA be with them guide them always.

SairamAnitha Kandukuri


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Om Sai Ram. My heartiest condolences to Deepaji's husband and her. I pray to Sai to give them strength to cope with this and to be able to get solace and peace. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Anindita.

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Om Sai Ram

Dear Anindita ji,Anitha didi,Neeraja ji, Arun, Venu ,Mahal and

Americanforswami ji-


Thank you for all your prayers and kind support. I too pray and wish

for my mother in law's soul to rest in peace at the humble feet of

our Shri Sadguru Sainath.Infact I am sure,she is with her Sai now.

In my life I have seen a lot of leela's of Baba and each time I

witness His miracles I become speechless and my faith in Him

increases. One more such thing happened a few days ago- My mother in

law was in a state similar to coma.She had a severe brain hamerage in

her brain stem so basicaly the doctors told us that her brain was

dead and her heart was beating only because of the ventilation system

that she was on. There was absolutely no hope for her so the doctors

started pressurizing us to let her go but we were determined not to

loose hope and wait for a miracle.She was in a coma like state for

abt 4 days and on the third day I received a phone call from the post

office --the mail man wanted to know my correct address as there was

a small parcel in my name but the street address on it was wrong. It

was a saturday and I had to go to the hospital and since no one would

be home the whole day to receive the parcel, I told the mail man that

I will pick the parcel from the post office myself. When I went to

pick up the parcel -to my amazement, the parcel had something from

Shirdi. Some one had sent me [ " Baba ki samadhi pe chadi hui

chaadar " ] /Sacred cloth that was laid on Baba's samadhi. I took that

sacred cloth and rushed to the hospital and I put that cloth next to

my mother in law , leaving everything on SAI .And then early morning

on sunday, my mother in law passed away. After bathing her according

to the hindu customs -- I put that sacred cloth from Shirdi on her

body and she was cremated with that sacred cloth itself. I just can

not forget the last words that she had said before going in a state

of coma -She said that she is going to her Sai.And see the leela of

Baba--as soon as the sacred cloth from Baba's samadhi touched her

body -- Baba gave her mukti from all the sufferings.

May Baba always be with all his devotees and bless their souls.

Allaah Maalik

Deepa H



, Sheila Dixit

<sheiladixit_2000 wrote:


> Om Sai Ram.


> My heartiest condolences to Deepaji's husband and her. I pray to

Sai to give them strength to cope with this and to be able to get

solace and peace.


> Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.


> Anindita.

> Om Sai Ram





> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.


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