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Sai Vichaarwww.saibaba.org Thursday , June 14, 2007 :: Volume 10, Issue 5 (In its nineth year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.IN THIS ISSUE:FEATURE OF THE WEEKCONTRIBUTED ARTICLEDEVOTEES SAYPRAYER CLUBEXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEESQUOTATION OF THE WEEKQUESTION OF THE WEEKSAI ACTIVITIESFROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARDFEATURE OF THE WEEK: Strange Places!Woh shehar ajeeb saa lagtaa hain

Jahan teraa mandeer nahin,

Woh mandeer soona lagtaa hai

Jahan teri pooja naheen,

Woh galee khaamosh lagtee hai Jahan teraa koyee nishaan nahin,

Woh mehafil viraan lagtee hain Jahan teraa koyi zikr nahin.

Strange is to see a town where there isn't Your temple

And those places are empty where there is no worship of You !

The street where there isn't Your sign is so silent And the gathering of those feel barren without the remembrance of You !

Shri C B Satpathy ji has expressed the yearning of a Sai devotee in the above words. Truly sad would be a situation for a Sai devotee where there is no place for His worship in his community. Not just that, but for a Sai child a temple is empty where there is no reverence to the beloved deity. Even the streets are eerily speechless without any symbols of Baba and however grand may be the gathering of people it is just desolate when there is no tribute to His holy feet.

Lives are lived, death cycles the birth, some alive although dead and some are living dead! Fortunate are those who come into contact with Sai as the gratitude leads them to the sweet journey where the losses are only gains and failures successes. These fortunate ones seek Sai with discrimination, yet everywhere, for any partition can only be a fraction of the absolute Sai. For these fortunate, the familiar towns are those where Sai's glory is sung, the richness of a temple for these is due to the worship of Lord Sai, activities of the streets are those beautified by Baba's symbols, and the gatherings hospitable only because of the accolades given to Sai.CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Arati to the Living IdolTo the devotees, offering ritual worship and arati to Shri Sai Baba was not a 'mere' gesture of reverence to the saint. To them Sai Baba was their chosen deity, divinity personified, and the 'living idol' of their abstract 'idea of God on earth'. It would be interesting to note the role 'played' by the 'living idol' during the arati sessions.

During the arati Baba was usually found sitting quietly smoking his chilim or conversing with some devotee, as if, unmindful of the ritual exuberance shown to his person. Baba's moods were quite unpredictable and he used to suddenly flare up with rage. Devotees were constantly apprehensive that Baba might disrupt the arati at any moment! Sometimes, Baba "exhibited great grace accompanied by hard words", "At times, when he was in a pleased mood, (he) danced as he left the Chavadi and went towards the Masjid". Even though Baba let the arati "pass off easy", after the arati was over it was his usual custom to use "hard words against the internal enemies by naming them as Appa Kote, Telin, Waman Tatya, etc.", as if to fulfill the devotees' prayer in the arati, "kam krodh mad matsar attunee kakada kela" ('Oh Lord Sainath, we offer Kakad Arati to thee!.... I make my lust, anger, pride, envy and hatred as wicks', etc.)Sparks from the Mystic Fire of Arati

Though Baba seemed unmindful of the ritual expression of the devotees' loving veneration, he did reciprocate their love in his own unique style. It was during the time of arati that many a devotee was blessed with rare and wonderful glimpses of Shri Sai Baba. Shri Khaparde describes the aratis as "edifying" and noticed that Baba was particularly gracious at the time of arati and "sent out wonderful moments of joy and instruction!" Shri K.J. Bhishma articulates this fact when he sings in one of the arati psalms, "Lo! Now seen with help of the light (emanating from the flames of the pancharati), Sadguru Sainath is shining forth with brilliance. That illumination destroys the darkness (of all sense) of duality and lo, both the seer and the seen shine as One (without any shade of difference). Many remarks made by Shri G.S. Khaparde in his Diary bear testimony to this truth. Let's glean a few of the glimpses: (17/1/1912) "....we went to the Chavadi for Kakad Arati. Megha was too ill to attend. So Bapusaheb Jog did the Arati. Saying Baba showed his face and smiled most benignly. It is worth while spending years here to see it even once. I was overjoyed and stood gazing like mad." (7/1/1912) - "In the morning I attend the Kakad Arati. Sayin Maharaj looked exceedingly pleased and gave Yogic glances. I passed the whole day in a sort of ecstasy." (6/1/1912) - "We attended the Shej Arati at the Chavadi. Sayin Maharaj was in an exceptionally pleased mood, made mystic signs to Megha, and did what are known as 'Drishti Pata' in Yoga."(Contributed by Arati Saibaba by Sri Sarathbabu ji)CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: continued....(22/1/1912) - "During the course of the worship he put two flowers in his two nostrils and put two others between his ears and the head. My attention was drawn to this by Madhavrao Deshpande. I thought this was an instruction. Sayin Baba repeated the same thing a second time and when I interpreted it a second time in our mind he offered the chilim to me and this confirmed it. He said something which I noted instantly and particularly wished to remember, but it went clear out of my mind and no efforts made all through the day could bring it back. I am most surprised as this is the first experience of the kind," (8/3/1912) - "At the midday Arati, Sayin Baba approached me and touched my left arm and held his hand waist high just as we do to indicate a young man, with the other hand he made a sign as we do to indicate a man passing

away. He made a sign with his eyes. I did not understand the whole and puzzled over it all day."

Thus, it is clear that Baba, in his own inimitable way, made the otherwise routine ritual into a lively course of spiritual instruction and a veritable vehicle of grace!It seems the performance of arati, though ceremoniously regular, was not always very punctual! Sometimes, it was 'a little late' or 'finished soon' depending on the convenience of the officiating priest or the condition of Baba's moods. At times Baba himself put off the commencement of the arati to drive a piece of instruction home into the devotees' heads. There were occasions when Baba asked the devotees to hold off the commencement of arati in waiting for some devotee who was about to arrive at Shirdi shortly. (To be continued.....)(Contributed by Arati Saibaba by Sri Sarathbabu ji)DEVOTEES SAY: HaritaBaba koti koti pranamalu. We thank you and we are ever indebted to You. Believe in Him and He is going to help you in your efforts. We were trying to get pregnant since two years and we had been unsuccessful. I started doing Satcharita parayana last Thursday and today this Thursday I got a positive home pregnancy test. I really am so grateful to Him that I cannot express. Miracles do happen if you believe in Him. As per my vow I am posting my experience in Sai Vichaar Baba. Please bless us ever kindly and help us through this pregnancy.SrividyaI have no words to describe the crisis I was in. I moved to US after my marriage last year. In each and every step Baba helped me. Without His blessings I would not have survived in so many difficult situations. Let me tell my situation. I had H1 visa but I was asked to wait by my employer without any time limit. My H4 visa appointment date was approaching. I was very much worried since my H1 visa will go if I get my H4. When there are a couple of days left, I got an assignment by Baba's grace. Then, my husband moved to same location. His contract was over and struggled a lot to get his assignment. In between my project was over and on last day I got another assignment in the same place. I have no words to describe His blessings showered on me. Thanks Baba. I sincerely pray for the well being of all.VaniSai, You have proved once again that You are always with us. I came on student visa to UK and my husband applied for a dependant after 3 months from Delhi and it got refused. We were very tensed. I prayed to Baba. I didn't know what to do. I vowed that we will read Sai Satcharita together if we get the visa. My husband again applied within a month. This time he was called for an interview. My husband is from up and studied from Hindi medium school. He speaks English but not fluently and I was afraid that they would reject it this time as well. They interviewed him for two and half-hours, he said that they provided him with a translator and he was comfortable through out. They gave him a visa immediately, but the miracle is that though the visa was dated for Wednesday we got it on Thursday. Baba, You are always with us in every step and in our life. Please do bless all the needy persons and be with all of us in the world whoever needs.PRAYER CLUB: AnasuyaBaba, please save me. I don't want to undergo the same stress levels and get tortured. Please give me moral support. Give me a healthy baby.Sai devoteeSainatha, please bless me and my husband a full time job. I am very hesitant to ask You something like this. You know everything Deva, how we really need a job. Please bless my children with good education and make them more serious. I am surrendering myself at Your feet. Sainatha, please help me get a call from the place that I am currently working, for a full time job. Sai Ram!Sai devoteeBaba, thank you very much for being with us at all the times. You know what problem we are facing now. Please guide my husband to settle in a job soon and relieve all the tensions me and our family is going through. Take care of him Baba. Please continue to shower Your blessings on all us. Thank You once again Baba for being with us and for being the reason where we stand today.

Mrs JasonBaba, I have prayed to You for a place in the local University for my son. Some of his friends received letters to confirm their placing in the University. My son has not received yet. I am starting today to read Sai Satcharita for the next seven days. Yesterday I opened my letter box to check whether there was any letters from the Universities, I dont know why I could not open the letter box which is very strange. I believe Baba wants to give it to me today as being Thursday. Please Sainatha help me. My son is my only child. I dont want him to go overseas to study and is also costly. Om Sai Ram.

Sasi from SrilankaOm Sai Ram, please help me to overcome from my difficulties what I experience now-a-days which You know very well. I have been believing You for more than 30 years, don?t let me down. Please help me.

ChandrakalaBaba, I will pray for my mother. She is staying with us, but we are not taking care her, because my husband is not interested to take care of her. But they are taking care of his mother. Please take care her, she has some health problem. You know

everything. Baba please give me the strength to clear our financial problems and please give me part-time job.Sai devoteeBaba, please be with me always. I feel that I am going away from You. Please take care of me and please make me pray to You selflessly.EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: SavithriIn the year 2004, one fine Friday I started reading Sai Satcharita and was waiting at the bus stand. One gentleman came and asked me what are you reading. I told him I am reading Sai Satcharita. Then he asked me since how long you know that old person. I got shocked and asked him once again which old person. He said your Saibaba. I told yes I know about Baba. He asked me have you ever been to Shirdi. I told him no I have not gone. That person told me it is not easy to get his darshan it is like getting into the bus or train to get a seat. I was just listening. Suddenly the bus came and he gave me vibuthi (udi) from his pocket. I told him thank you very much. That person told me, say thanks to Sai baba. That is all, I was so happy to hear that. So after that issue I was waiting for an opportunity to visit Shirdi. I got that opportunity and visited Shirdi. I had good darshan and was in tears and did not ask Saibaba what I wanted to ask as I was in tears as I got His darshan.

KeertiI applied for H1-B visa this year on April 1st 2007. US government approves 65,000 applications every year, but this year they received more than 122,000 applications on the first day itself. So the government decided to pick the random numbers generated by computer. There was fifty fifty chances to get into the H1-B quota of 65,000. My husband and myself were very tensed whether I will get the H1-B visa or not. Then my mother-in-law and father-in-law insisted us to read Sai Satcharitra. We both started to read Sai Satcharita on Friday and finished it on Tuesday and decided to take darshan of Sai Baba on next Thursday. On Thursday before visiting Sai Baba temple my husband called my H1-B sponsoring company at 3 pm, there was no news about my case. We both were praying Sai Baba to help us in getting my H1. Then we got a call from the company that my H1-B was approved. We both were very happy and visited the Sai temple and thanked Him for his blessings.QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "The way of devotion is as good as the way of knowledge. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of devotion".-Sri RamakrishnaQUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. How can one be consistent with their devotion to Sri Saibaba?SAI ACTIVITIES: Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi Sai temple is open daily from 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Summer hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 7 a.m. followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to maildrop.Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MinnesotaSaibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer center since the year 2002. Now, with the grace and blessings of Baba and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has begun to function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006. Please visit www.hamaresai.org for all details.Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CAShirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu. You can also visit our website is www.Shirdisaiparivaar.org.Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CADevotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit www.shirdisaila.org.Saibaba Temple, Columbus, OhioDevotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more information please call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or visit www.saibaba.cc.Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at Maitland, FloridaDevotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on Thursdays between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave, Maitland, FL 32715. For more details please contact Bonnie at 407-830-1276.FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: Those contributing to Sai Vichaar are requested to identify themselves by giving their name. Unless Baba wills nothing can be done and it is symbolic of one's humility not to give too much credence to their writings or expressions. However, in respect to the etiquette of publication, it is only customary to identify the source of writings. Sai Vichaar hopes that devotees would oblige.

A Sai devotee suggests the "Question of the week" as follows,

Q. How can one be consistent with their devotion to Sri Saibaba?Humbly Yours,The EditorABOUT THIS EMAIL:This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page, 2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or 3. You have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative.To Subscribe Sai Vichaar for receipt by Email please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. To Un-Subscribe receipt of Sai Vichaar, please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you have problems accessing the web page due to network problems, please send an e-mail to support with the words "Un Sai Vichaar" in the subject line. To make a contribution to any of the sections of Sai Vichaar, please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the Submit Articles to Sai Vichaar option from the menu. Back copies of HTML version of Sai Vichaar can be accessed by visting the URL http://www.saibaba.org/whatsnew.html. For any questions or more information regarding this e-mail or our web site, please send an e-mail to maildrop and your inquiries will be attended to promptly.Thank you,The webmasterFrom and Editor:Shirdi Sai Baba Web SiteShirdi Sai Baba Sanstha(A non-profit organization)Mail:12N950 State Route 47 Hampshire, IL 60140, USAEmailmaildropPhone847-931-4058Fax847-931-4066© Copyright 1998-2006 saibaba.org, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors.

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