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57. BABA SATISFIED THE WISHES OF SHRI G.G. NARKE AND MADE HIM AS HIS DEVOTEE: Shri G.G. Narke came first to Shirdi in 1910 to take Baba's darshan. He went to Shri Sai Baba in Mosque and

prostrated placing his head on Baba's feet. Then baba said "what I do you worship a man?”At once he retreated to some distance and sat quiet. He recognised his past attitudes that men should not be worshipped. After some time, Baba gently beckoned him to appro­ach him. Thus encouraged, he went and placed his head on Baba's feet. Baba at once hugged him, made him sit close to Him and then addressed him "you are my child. When others (i. e.) strangers are in the company, we keep the children off". Then he felt the full face of Baba’s deep and intense love for him and his heart responded to it and ascertained that Baba was his saviour, his Guru and the man of his destiny found at last. He used to reside with Radhakrishna Mai. In 1913, Baba told him that his father-in-law would build a dagadi wada (stone-edifice) at Shirdi and that he would be incharge of it. His father-in-law Shri Gopal Rao Buty has built the Dagadi wada in 1915-18 and he was made incharge of it in 1919

as Baba foretold in 1913. He was permanently settled in 1917 as Professor of Geology and Chemistry in Poona. Baba used to get sweetmeet from a Halwayi shop for Naivedya. One day in 1916 there laid a corpse, a plague stricken corpse. Plague was raging at Shirdi. Baba asked him to go and get the sweetmeet from his shop. He went and told his wife (who was weeping) about Baba's order. She poin­ted to the corpse and asked him to take the sweetmeet from the Almyrah. He took it with trembling hands and with fear that he might catch the infection and others too. That sweetmeet was given as Naivedya. Baba told him you think that you will live if you away from Shirdi and that you would die if you stay at Shirdi. That is not so. Whosoever destined to be struck will be struck. Whosoever is to die will die; whosoever is to be cares­sed

will be careseed". Thus Baba encouraged him when plague enraged in Shirdi and thus Baba infused faith in His devotee by bold defiance of sanitary prec­autions. This shows Baba's words are the superme factor than any other things. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 58. BABA FULFILLED THE DESIRE OF SHRI S.B. DHUMAL B.A.L.L.B., NASIK AFTER TRIAL I was first devoted to Shri Gajanan Maharaj. I went to Shri Sai Baba in 1907. I was greatly impres­sed with his extraordinary personality. I took Srimant Gopal Rao Buty to Shri Sai Baba who

built (Dagadiwada) present Baba's Samadhi Mandir. Once Baba told me, "At every step of yours, I am taking care of you. If I did not, what will become of you, God knows". I have lived with my wife in my ancestral house of mine in the main road, Nasik. When plague broke out and dead rats found in the house, I wrote to Baba's directions. After receiv­ing Baba's reply, I moved to a bungalow at Nasik. But the same night a dead rat was found near the bed of my brother's son at the bungalow. Again I wrote to Baba's directions. The reply was in the negative. Later, dead rats were found in the servant's quarters, in the houses, in the neighborhood and lastly in the well from which we draw water for drinking and cook­ing etc. At this, I wrote at once to Baba's directions for permission and in anticipation which I consider as certain, I packed up all

our things and carted them off to the house and was just trying to lock the door when a postal letter from Shirdi was delivered to me. Baba's reply was, "why should we give up (change) our resi­dence". I obeyed His advice and immediately went to the infected bungalow and lived in. As for water, I avoided the well water and getting water from Godavari. Even though there were fourteen or fifteen deaths per day due to plague, we were safe by the grace of Baba. I lost my wife in 1909. As per Baba's order I perfor­med her monthly masik at Shirdi. I was aged 36, with­out issue. My friends and well wishers

compelled me to marry again. I replied to all that I have to act as per Baba's advice that I don’t have to be married again. There have always been party feelings and factions at Shirdi as in most villages. One Raghu a servitor of Baba and five others were arrested on a charge of out­raging the modesty of a marwari woman and on the direct evidence of a number of eye witnesses, they were convicted to six months imprisonment. Tatya Patil's sympathy was on the side of the accused. He took a copy of the judgement and papers to eminent lawyers like the Hon. G S. Kapharde, Shri

Kakasaheb Dixit and RaoBahadur H. V. Sathe who were at Shirdi. These people found, the Judgement strong and gave little hope of success in the appeal. Then Baba told Tatya Patil "Go to Bhau (S. B. Dhumal)" Tatya Patil came to S.B. Dhumal with all the papers. After going through the judgement finding hardly any hope of suc­cess in the appeal, I told Tatya Tatil to employ eminent lawyers. But Tatya told me that Baba's order was to go to me. Then I prepared appeal papers and wrote and gave it to the District Magistrate at his residence. He without receiving or reading the papers questioned me about the matter and I told him the facts. He without sending for the records of the first Court, or giving notice to the Police, orally acquitted all the appellants. This indicates Shri Sai Baba’s power that brought about the acquittal. Regarding public work, I may first mention that I was the first non-official President of the Nasik District local Board (Nominated by Government) and that I served in the capacity from 1-11-1917 to 13-5-1925. I had personally to sign thousands of papers myself with­out the use of a facsimile seal. On account of this work my legal practice reduced and my income became less. In recognition of my service I was awarded Rao Bahadur sanad in 1927. One day when papers were before me, a visitor for whom I had much regard came in and stayed talking till midnight and so the signature have to be postponed till the next day. The next mor­ning I

found no time and I was leaving the town. I sent back the papers to office. When I returned to the town that night, i found only that day's papers brought for my signature and when I wanted the previous day papers, I found that they bore my signatures. I could not guess as to how the thousands of signatures have been affixed in the papers. I had no other explanation for it except Baba and his Superhuman Powers. In 1915, I was offered the Public Prosecutorship at Nasik and I wrote at once to Baba. Quickly came the

reply "your former work is good. Do not accept the new one". I declined the offer. I was given by Baba His Photo saying "keep it". This is the very thing my heart desired, to get Baba's Portrait touched by him and given to me for purpose of worship. This is now with me as a perso­nal gift by Baba to me and I regard it with great vene­ration. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 59. BABA FULFILLED THE DESIRE OF CHILIM

SMOKERS Baba required only two or three chilim per year. The cost of one chilim was 2 pies. But Baba placed a heap of chilim in a corner of the Masjid (Dwarakama-yee). Even if Baba refused this, the pot maker (Kumbhar) gave two hundred or three hundred chilims and stored as a heap in the corner of the Dwarakamayee and received money from Baba. One day, B. V. Deo went for Baba's darshan in the afternoon. Baba was there alone cleaning the chilim. On seeing the heap of chilim, Deo asked Baba "Baba you required only two or three chilim per

year. Why you haye stored so many chilim?” Baba replied "what you have told is correct in respect of devotees coming here for smoking. But about the smoking devotees who took away the chilim unseen, are chilims not required to them?" That is why, I stored them there. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there 60. BABA DROVE OUT CHOLERA FROM SHIRDl: Baba once told to Appa Kulkarni "That thieves would come and fight with you as they were very clever in selecting persons and would take away only what they wanted. Beware of it". Kulkarni

thought that Baba told about theives and made arrangements for safeguar­ding all his properties. But Baba's dictum was otherwise. At that time cholera was raging in Shirdi. Kulkarni himself suffered from Cholera. His wife came to Baba for Udi. Baba did not give Udi to her and her told that he would change his shirt before me. Let him do. Afterwards Appa Kulkarni died of Cholera. People went to Baba for remedy. Baba told them not to fear for Cholera, only seven will die of Cholera. Accord­ingly, seven died and the Cholera ceased by Baba's grace. Surrender Shri Sai Completely Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be thereAnant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!! Hetal Patil hetal_patilhetalpatil

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