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Sai Baba - The Destroyer of Karma

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Saibaba - The Destroyer of Karma


" Om Karma Dhwamsinenamah "


" As you sow, so you reap " is the dictum of Karmic Law. No one is an exception

neither to nor above this irreversible Law. We are the creators of our own

destiny be it good or bad. Our past actions determine our present state and the

present actions the future. So if some one is enjoying the riches and the other

is suffering in life it is because of the effect of Sanchita Karma (Accumulated

Karma) accrued by one over the past births.


Even the Creator himself cannot alter fate or destiny of a person except by a

Sadguru. As fire is extinguished by water and as dry grass turns into a heap of

ashes by a spark of fire, so also our Karma is nullified by a mere merciful and

compassionate look of a Sadguru. It only requires steadfast belief, increased

fervor and unfailing faith towards our Sadguru to be bestowed with his grace.


In Baba's Ashtothara Sata Namavali, Baba has aptly been praised as " Karma

Dhwamsi " the destroyer of Karma. It is lucidly depicted by Sri Hemadpant in the

XIII chapter of Satcharitra that when Bhimaji Patil suffering from severe

chronic chest disease, was advised by Nana Saheb Chandorkar to seek recourse to

Baba's feet as all the available remedies failed to cure him. When Bhimaji

entered the Masjid, Baba on seeing him remarked that the disease was due to the

previous evil Karma and was reluctant to interfere with it. On praying for

mercy, Baba took pity on him and his blood vomiting at once stopped in the

presence of Baba. Later Baba appeared two times in Bhimaji's dreams and

completely cured him.


In another instance of Chapter XXXIV one Dr. Pilley an ardent devotee of Baba

was once suffering from guinea worms. The pain was so unbearable that he

preferred death to it. He realized that he suffered because of his past Karma

and sent a word to Baba through Kaka Saheb Dixit to distribute his karma for the

next ten births so that his suffering would be diluted. Baba being moved by his

request directed Dixit to bring Dr. Pilley on somebody's back. When Dr. Pilley

arrived at Dwarakamai Baba told him that the true remedy for his ailment was to

endure his pain to get over his Karma. Baba pacified him that 'Allah " would take

care of him if surrenders totally at his feet. Just then, one Abdul who used to

clean the Masjid accidentally stepped over the swollen leg of Dr. Pilley and by

its impact all the guinea worms were squeezed out. In ten days time by applying

Udi on the effected part his leg was restored to normalcy as foretold by Baba.

These two illustrations beyond doubt establish the fact that only a Sadguru can

relieve us from the adversities of our past evil Karma.


It is our good fortune that we came into the fold of Sainath Maharaj and let us

all take refuge at his lotus feet and pray him with reverence to cast his Divine

Grace on all of us.


(Contributed by T. Radhakrishna)




Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM





Baba Said....


" Those who are fortunate enough to get Baba's Udi should, after

bath, apply it on the forehead and take some little of it, mixed

with water in the mouth as holy tirath " .


As Shri N.Kasturi said somewhere in his book, (author

of " Sathyam,Sivam,Sundaram books) " Each of us has to live the

volume of biography, which we bring with us, as often as we are

born, page after page, Chapter after Chapter, howsoever punctuated

with dots and dashes, interrogations and exclamations, comas and

colons, until the sentence ends ultimately with a full stop. But

luckily we have Our Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, so let us try to

live Bhagwan's estimations


Baba is every where just feel him and keep on saying `Om Sai Ram'

to whom so ever you meet.


OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI!!! Let us pray at the lotus feet of

Bhagwan Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of

all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him


Jai Sai Ram

Swamy Mahadevan

Bow to Shri Sai-Peace be to all

Baba Bless you ever!!!

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