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Sai Vichaar for Thursday , December 27, 2007

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Sai Vichaar








Thursday , December 27,

2007 :: Volume 10, Issue 33








(In its tenth year of














Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every

Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai

Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested

associates in its original form.
























































OF THE WEEK: Gratitude and Devotion

Time and

again, it needs to be stressed that mere gratitude to Sainath for what He

bestowed on us is not enough. The gratitude must lead to the pure state of

devotion. Few are born with the absolute realization of Omniscient and

Omnipresent God. For the most, the first encounter with the supreme conscious

happens as a result of an event that defies logic. Everyone of us stand a

testimony to this phenomenon; students getting rewards that they did not

expect, hopeless patients whose fortunes were reversed for the better, the

jobs that we believe Baba give us, and even the occasional bliss our

spiritual pursuits have brought us.

It is also

the experience of several that such gratitude fades away slowly with time as

other priorities occupy the lives. Although conscious of the never ending

chain of wants and desires, the spiritually aspiring mind gives in to what

appears as the real happiness. Stages of life according to Hindu scriptures

include balya (infancy), kaumarya (youth), grihastha (household), and vanaprastha

(retirement). It is thought that vanaprastha is a stage where in, the man

proceeds for a recluse in woods and spends time in search of spiritual

fulfillment. The myth of life also concocts convenient justifications for

waiting for tomorrow, not realizing that tomorrow does not exist for granted.

Time is an entity that human life has no control over.

Shri B.V.

Hanumantha Rao wrote " Sai Anusaranamu " a great work on Sainath of

Shirdi in Telugu, " Time is a valuable commodity. There should be no

waiting to initiate any kind of attempt for liberation. It should be done

when all our senses are in right order and we have the right physical and

mental condition. It is a common practice for man to wait until the earthly

life is settled, and it is his tendency to procrastinate until he will be

ready for the spiritual journey. In reality, such a day may not come at all.

Every stage of life brings with it, its own situations that may demand one's

time and attention. It is very easy to be entangled in the trap of earthly

comforts, joy, sorrow, fear, and a myriad of myth. Human life can be short

and no one can predict when it will end. On the other hand, leaving

everything, our thoughts, deeds, and their consequences at God's disposal

will bring a renewed sense of well being, happiness and fulfillment that is

everlasting. Cultivating the attitude of staying immune to the earthly

uncertainty will bring one close to the Lord and assure him of a fruitful

spiritual realization.











ARTICLE: Faith in ourselves, faith in God


faith in ourselves,

Faith, faith in God..

This is the secret of greatness....

If you

have faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of you mythological


And still have no faith in yourselves; there is no salvation for you.

Have faith

in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong...

That is what we need....

Faith is

not like keeping a lamp in wind and praying God to protect......

This is not the correct way.......to protect the lamp you have

To put your efforts ....without your efforts


can be done.....so.....keep faith in your strengths.....

And be strong.....reach your goal.....

Sai said

if you move forward two steps towards me,

I will take ten steps towards you....so keep faith and move towards


beloved saideva...he is there for us...be positive about this.....

May Saideva be with All


by Sai devotee)













Baba, with your blessings the pain that I had for long time in my chest has

gone away with the new exercise that my sister told me. In fact as now when I

see back I realize that it was You who sent my sister to my place (knowing

that she never wanted to visit USA

again as she likes India

more). Thanks Baba of taking care of this mysterious pain. Please guide me so

that I can do the same service for others. Koti Koti Pranam to you Baba..

Shri Sacchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.


Thank you so much my Sai Ram, for giving me hope and courage. You heard my

voice of help and concerned. You blessed my family and my parents.


I was experiencing severe pain and extreme fatigue and when consulted the

doctors, they did an ECG on me and I was worried as to what the doctors would

diagnose. I was bugging my dearest Sai to bless me with good health so I can

take care of my family. Fortunately, by Baba's grace, the doctor ruled out of

anything related to heart. I was given painkillers and trying to recover from

the weakness.


Thank you so much for helping my son land amidst the snowstorm safely. He

couldn't have made it home safely without Your blessings. Thanks also for

temporarily solving the loan issue. Please continue to shower Your blessings

on our family.

Sai Devotee

Baba, thanks for being with me always. By your grace, my sister's marriage

went of all, and you even graced that occasion through your devotee.

Similarly, you have graced my marriage too with your presence. When my wife

fell sick, you gave me the courage to stand by her and help her recover

completely. I apologize for not posting this earlier as I kept on postponing



Baba thanks for all your help and thanks for the medical checkup results. We

both had normal test results. Please be with our children all the time. Baba

please help both my friends to have normal delivery and healthy babies.


Thank you very much for everything You done for us. I always ask so many

things to You and You fulfilled every wish of mine. Sorry for delaying to

post this letter. Koti koti namaskars to your feet Baba. Please help me to

find a good job. Bless my family and be with us all the time. Thank you very

much for all You have done for us. Take care of my parents Baba.













Baba please take care of my husband in every step of his life. Give him good

health, prosperity in business and also give him patience as he is very short

tempered. Please bless him so that your raksha should always take care of

him. I am always worried about his diabetes, BP and cholesterol levels,

please take care of him so that his sugar level and every thing is normal. He

should never have any health complications, You always be with him and take

care of him. Whenever he gets angry please console him and see to it that he

does not use bad words. Baba since a week he is very much restless and

annoyed the reason for which I do not know. If at all any mistake I have

committed please enable me to correct my mistake and see to it that I do not

irritate my husband. I love my husband, daughter and my mother please take

care of them always. I want to come to Shirdi with my family please guide me,

I leave it to you.


Sainath, I am suffering from financial problems so please make my earlier

employer to pay my due salary at the earliest.


Dear Sai, I have all faith in you and I have given everything into your

shoulders and I dont know why everything is getting delayed especially in my

case. I know You are doing this for my good. But deadly I need a job now. You

know all about our position and we cannot spend any other month without a

job. Please Baba listen to me and help me in finding a right job as soon as

possible. Love you.


Sai Baba, please help me to find my life-partner and forgive me for any

mistakes I made. Baba bless me.

Sai devotee

Baba, I have so many difficult works to complete in my office, I am unable to

complete these works without other colleagues help and co-operation. One of

my colleague don't want to co-operate with me. Baba please change his

attitude and mind towards me. Thank you Deva.

Sai devotee

Baba I am still waiting for Your blessing for a child. I know you can move

mountains, change the direction of the rivers, so please Baba bless me. Show

me some sign that You shall bless me. Life without a child is meaningless. I

pray to You with my whole heart to please listen to my prayers. Don't take

more pariksha my lord. Please bless me soon.

A devotee

Sainatha, please help us with our financial crisis. Deva, give both of us a

job and make my children study. I am surrendering at Your lotus feet. Forgive

us in case if we had done bad karma in our last birth and unintentionally in

this birth. Since my childhood, You know whatever I have gone through. Please

save me Sai. I understand that I have to have faith and patience. I do not

see any green side anywhere. I am assailed only by sorrows, miseries and

humiliations. Please Deva give me a hand and help me.


Om Shirdi Baba, I have a relative whom is suffering from cancer. Doctors have

given up hope on her. Her name is Yeoh. I need Your bleesings. Thank you.


Baba, please give me your blessings. Baba I can't face such type of problems.

I already tolerated it 3 times. Please don't repeat such type of problems in

future. Baba please give me a healthy baby. Baba I will continue to pray,

until You fullfill my dream. I believe in You. I need your help in every

moment. Please help me.













I want to share this miracle with all Sai devotees. Sometime ago I went to a

Saibaba temple on Thursday and found a small marble statue of Baba lying

there on the table. I just thought I will take Baba home and I thought in my

mind that if I get a new job I would place that statue of Baba on my office

desk. I was actively looking for jobs and after about a fortnight I was laid

off. It was a huge shock as I got laid off exactly a year after I was hired.

I was very shocked and sad and was complaining to Baba that why did it happen

to me. As man proposed and God disposes, I was offered a position in a much

better company on a Thursday, I went for the interview in the afternoon and

by Thursday evening I was offered the job with a much better salary than my

previous job. I joined the new company after a month of losing the job but

meanwhile I had the severance pay to take care of my expenses. On the first

day of my job I placed Baba's statue on my desk. It reminded me of the

incident when Shama went to Gaya

and Baba preceded him there. If we truly and strongly believe in Baba, He

will see to it that there is no dearth of anything in devotees house. It is a

miracle among so many miracles that You have done in my life.


I lost my earring yesterday. I noticed that my earring is missing only after

I came back home from shopping and restaurant. I searched all over at home. I

checked all my clothes. I called the restaurant guys whether they can find it

on the floor near the table where I sat. They said no. I finally prayed to

Baba to find that ring for me. It's my favorite ear ring. When I checked my

clothes for the second time, it dropped from my clothes. It must have got

entangled somewhere to my sweater that I was wearing. Thank you Baba for helping

to find my earring.


I feel blessed to share this miracle of Baba. We have been trying to have a

baby for sometime now and I have also had a miscarriage. This period has been

very testing and depressing. I had faith in Baba but I think it was not complete

surrender. I tried every pooja possible and would fight with my Baba

everyday. This continued for many months. I also participate in Satcharitra

parayan organized at saibaba.org by Ushaji (the chapters are randomly

assigned). One day I just thought that the day Ushaji assigns chapter 48 to

me, I would consider myself blessed. I continued going to the doctor and they

all said that everything was fine. They said that I needed to get one test

done and it would be painful. I was scared but at the same time I felt a lot

of relief. I had by then completed the Sai Vratha and somehow felt that

everything will be alright. The very same week, Ushaji assigned me chapter 48

and my name appeared first in the list. I was happy but I did not think that

I would get pregnant; I thought that Baba was saying that the tests are going

to help us. I was very relieved and was in a calm state of mind. I prayed to

Baba that He should be with me during the test and never leave us. The month

passed and to our surprise, I got pregnant the very same month. I did not

even have to go to the test since my pregnancy was confirmed. From then on,

though we did not ask, all my doctor appointments were on Thursdays. We got

our ultrasound on a Thursday and everything looked perfect. My pregnancy was

very healthy and I did not have any other problems. Baba blessed us with a

healthy baby on a Thursday, which is another miracle in itself. My labor was

easy and we now have a healthy baby. We do not know how to thank Baba for all

the things he has done. My husband who never went to any temples now

completely believes in Baba. Baba has completed our family and has become a

part of us. He is Baba thatha for my baby.













" Worship

of the Guru is equivalent to worshipping all the deities, for in the Guru,

all the deities dwell " .-Shri Sai Baba













Q. In Sai Satcharitha, what lessons can one derive from episode of

Madrasi Sanyasi?












Special New Year Eve pooja on Monday,

December 31st Temple

open till midnight

This year Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago, Illinois, USA will be open till

midnight on New year eve for devotees wishing to invite the new year in

Baba's presence. Bhajans and Naam jaap after dhoop arathi onwards.

Participate in person or in absentia in special archana pooja followed by

Shej arathi at midnight to Shri Sai Baba for all His blessings in the new

year. Please call temple office at 847-931-4058 for sponsorship details or


Shirdi Sai

Temple of Chicago

and Suburbs, Illinois, USA

Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m.(Winter hours).

Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m. followed by Abhisek. Madhayana

Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana,

Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To

request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call.

Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by

sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of

Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL.

For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to


Sri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MN

Sri Saibaba Mandir is located in Minneapolis,

MN at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis,

MN 55418.

The mandir is open 7 days a week in the evenings from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and

during morning hours from 9 am to 12:30 pm, except Mondays. Satsangs are

conducted every Sunday mornings, 9 am to 12:30 pm. Please visit the mandir

website www.hamaresai.org or call 612-789-7729 for more information on mandir

activities, events and other information.

Sri Shirdi

Sai Baba

Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza),

Suite 212,

Plano, TX

75023. For temple

hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit

the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.

Shirdi Sai

Center in Bay Area, CA

Shirdi Sai Center

is located 897-B East Kifer Rd,

Sunnyvale, CA

94086. For more

information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to

saibandhu. You can also visit our website is


Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CA

Devotees in Los Angeles area are informed

about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los

Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please

call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit www.shirdisaila.org.

Saibaba Temple,

Columbus, Ohio

Devotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area

are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The

temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin,

OH 43016.

Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more information please

call Panditjee at 614-799-8411 or visit www.saibaba.cc.

Shirdi Sai bhajans every Thursday at

Maitland, Florida

Devotees are invited to participate in Sai study and bhajans on Thursdays

between 7-8 pm at Meditation Gallery, 219 E Horatio Ave, Maitland,

FL 32715.

For more details please contact Bonnie at 407-830-1276.

Shirdi Sai

Temple of New England, Boston Area

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of New England is now operational. It is located

at 1827 Bridge St # 8,

Dracut, MA 01824. The temple is open every

Thursday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm and Saturday's from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. For

temple hours and activities please visit the website www.nessp.org or send

mail to maildrop.













Vichaar and Saibaba.org wishes all devotees and readers a Happy, Prosperous,

and Peaceful New Year.

Question of the week for this week as follows:

Q. In Sri Sai Satcharita, what lessons can one derive from the episode

of Madrasi Sannyasi Vijayanand?



The Editor













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From and Editor:



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© Copyright 1998-2006 saibaba.org, Shirdi Sai Baba

Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form.

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