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Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh Track

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sairam rana gill ji,Thank you very much for uploading ur tracks. They are excellent. "sai tere leela" is the only track i downloaded recently. It takes me to our sai. i lost myself in the song and am listening it again and again.Thanks to you and hetal ji for this wonderful service. Could you please provide the download link of the other tracks of your album???With Regards... MANJU--- On Fri, 10/10/08, Rana Gill <ranagill wrote:Rana Gill <ranagill Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh TrackTo:

experienceswithshirdisaibabaCc: "" Friday, 10 October, 2008, 9:42 AM


Happy Vijaya Dashmi !!! May Shirdi Sai Baba Bless Us All !!!


As promised in last post, I am sharing Leela of Shirdi Sai Baba which has great importance in my life and the very reason that I am writting this blog today. I had never thought that I would be propogating my album SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM through any blog. The maker of the whole scene is, of course, Shirdi Sai Baba, but the characters which He chose and how He chose has to be narrated. The name of the characters in this scene are Rana Gill and Hetal Patil. I want to steal few moments from your busy life to read the whole Leela which is the

most recent one and daily

experienced by me. I would request you to be patient as it is going to be lengthy one.First I would like to write about the bhajan and then proceed with the Leela. This bhajan is placed on the seventh position of the cd cover. It is one of my favourite bhajans as, unlike other bhajans, this one is very close to my heart. I come across many incidents in my life where the only conclusion comes out is... 'Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main, Tere Charno Mein Sada Shish Jukau Main'. Apart from me, this bhajan has been liked by many of my Sai Family members and wherever I go to perform, this one is the most demanded. The first picture is the shrine at my home and the second one is of Hetal's home.Now coming to my real life incident, as said earlier that the album was recorded and released long back in 2006. I, presently live in Canada and I had come to India in 2006 to record Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans. By caste, I am Punjabi. Before leaving India, I was not known to many people. I mean, only my closed ones recognised me as a singer. At first, after the bhajans were recorded, it seemed much tough to me that how will I manage to make available my cd in the house

of each and every Sai Baba Devotee. But today Shirdi Sai Baba has made it possible through this blog and my Sai sister Hetal.I would first give a brief introduction of Hetal (though many of you are familiar with her). She resides in Baroda, India. She is Maharashtrian by caste, studying masters, working in an export company and above all writing about four blogs on Shirdi Sai Baba. Now a question will arise in your minds that being so far away from each other, how did we meet and how the blog work is going on smoothly. Even we both are surprised at this Leela of our beloved Baba !!!....Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main...Before four months from today,

neither Hetal was not known to me nor she knew me. In the last week of June 2008, I was checking my mails as a part of my routine. I came across a mail from Hetal which she had sent to some Shirdi Sai Baba . The only thing that drew my attention was signature under the mail with her name and blog id. I clicked the url and got a chance to visit her blog. While going through the blog I forgot everything and

tried to find some indication through which I can contact her. At that time I was not aware whether Hetal is a male or female. Even I was not able to pronounce her name correctly. But still it was for sure that whosoever was doing it was sweetest child of Shirdi Sai Baba. The video of the title track of the album was already made, so I sent her a mail requesting to place the video on her blog

along with a link to watch and download the video from Deepaji's blog.The next day she replied me that she was not able to download the video. Moreover she showed interest in placing mp3 links of the bhajans on her blog. I had never thought of placing download links of the bhajans in this way, so I again sent her a mail requesting her contact number, so that I can directly talk to her and request her to place the video only. After another two days, she mailed me her number.

To this she says,

"At first, I was not willing to give my number to a person with whom I was not much familiar. We had exchanged only two-three mails, so it was obvious (being a female) that it was not easy for me to trust Rana bhaiya. That day was Monday and after reaching office, I was checking my mails. I again came across the mail of Rana Bhaiya and Baba gave me an indication to give him my number. But I sent my mother's mobile number instead of my own without informing Rana bhaiya that I was not my personal number".On June 26, 2008, Thursday, early in the moring I called Hetal on her mother's mobile. As the number was of her mother, I had primary talk with auntyji and she passed the call to Hetal. I told her to search for the video on you tube directly by my name and then she can put it on her blog. I asked for her postal address so that I can send her cds for her and for

distribution. She agreed to give and we just introduced ourselves before finally greeting each other "Sai Ram" and ending the call. The very same day the video was posted on her blog as per my wish. Hetal says, "I had not posted any video on my blog before, so I was not aware of the correct procedure for posting Rana bhaiya's video. I searched a lot on the internet that day and could finally do it. Just for the sake of Rana Bhaiya, I learnt many things that day. But this was not enough. Baba had planned much more for us."I called her the next day to say thanks and shared my experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. She expressed her desire to post it on her blog and I gave her permission. She prepared the draft and send me for

corrections. I instantly replied her and the experience was posted the very next Thursday. Why she reserved the post for Thursday, Shirdi Sai Baba only knows. On the same day, even the cds reached at her place from Punjab. She listened all the bhajans and when I called her the next day she said that she liked "Sai Teri Leela..." the most. As she is very much younger than me I started calling her Behna (younger sister) and she called me Bhaiya (elder brother). Like this our relationship started and it was not restricted only to posting the video on her blog. We released all the bhajans of the album on her blog on Gurupoornima day.Still Shirdi Sai Baba's Leela was not over. One day while chatting Hetal wrote that Baba had indicated her to make a blog by the album name for porpogating it. From the beginning I had no intention to earn any profit from this album. So I had no objection for going with a blog. My dream of making available the bhajans to every corner of the world turned out to be true through her. She was very well aware that I am not computer savy and the whole responsibility of the blog was on her. Taking it as Baba's order she started the work and sent me the link of the blog in mail. I used to say her that through the medium of her blog, we have to do something different and unusual for Shirdi Sai Baba. But I had no idea that Shirdi Sai Baba will make her do something special in this way. I was very happy to see the blog for the first time and my heart felt "Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main..." Not only this she was the one who gave the idea of making

videos of the remaining bhajans. Apart from blog work, many other incidents happened in our life which are at a very personal level, but the conclusion remains the same "Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main...".In the end, I strongly feel that the blog is just an excuse, but the main reason behind all this is that Shirdi Sai Baba wants us to be together. From past four months she is the only person with whom I spend much of my time. She has taken a very special place in my life and heart. We chat for hours and talk on phone regularly, still there is no end. Instead every new day, she has a new idea for our blog and in turn such things bind us together. Many times I feel and have asked her how does she manage everything her studies, blog work, office work and her responsibility towards family. She answers, "I dont know bhaiya how everything is going on. Its just a Leela of our Sai Baba. I get great pleasure in working for you on our blog and I

cant explain you my happiness. A great sense of satisfaction and love fills my heart when I work for you." She is a special gift from my beloved Sai Baba to me. I pray to Shirdi Sai Baba that she should always be with me like this, we never ever get separated or loose contact with each other any day and I get a chance to meet her face to face one day. The same thing is present in her prayers too, I know, though she may not have told me openly. She has proved the title "Sai Ka Bhatija" as the most appropriate one for me, which my friends gave me, in the eyes of the whole world. In this way Shirdi Sai Baba played a great Leela in lives of both of us and in turn increased our love for Him. Only these words come out from the hearts of both of us, "Saiji Ki Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Paye Hum, Unke Charno Mein Sadaa Shish Jukae Hum..." Jai Sai Ram from loving brother and sister...Lyrics of Sai Teri Leela : Sai Teri Leela Kabhi

Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainKaha Tum Paida Hue Kaun Maa Baap SaiSaari Duniya Na Abhhi Tak Ye Jaan PaaiHindu Ho Na Muslim Sikh Ho Na IsaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiJannat Se Pyaari Teri Shirdi Hi Jaaon MainTere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainBanke Fakir Baba Ghar Ghar Manga TuneLeke Vish Duniya Se Amrit Bata TuneDin Dukhiyon Ka Dukh

Apna Hi Jaana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi Maana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi Maana TuneTujsa Dayalu Kahi Dhundh Na Paau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Tera Jeevan Bhi Kitna Mahan HainCharon Mein Tere Sara Jhukta Jahan HainKiske Hain Bhaav Kaise Tumhe Pehchan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainTujse Bichhad Ke Na Kabhi Reh Paau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau MainPani Se Bhi Baba Tune Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainTere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho

Jaau Main

Tera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau MainTo find lyrics while playing the bhajan, download real player from here.Download Link

Upcoming Eighth Track : Tera Naam Hi Simroon...Download other bhajans of the album from here © SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM



--Posted By ਰਾਣਾ ਗਿੱਲ Rana Gill to SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM at 10/09/2008 02:01:00 AM



Rana Gill

Please Visit http://saiterehazaa ronaam.blogspot. com/





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Jai Sai Ram Manju ji,


Thanks for your appreciation. Myself and Hetal are not doing any wonderful service, its Shirdi Sai Baba only who is making us do everything.


Here is the download link http://saiterehazaaronaam.blogspot.com/search/label/Bhajan%20Lyrics%20in%20English for all the other bhajans of the album with complete story as to how the bhajans were written and lyrics of all bhajans.


Hope u will download other tracks also and enjoy Divine presence of Shirdi Sai Baba.

Rana Gill

Please Visit http://saiterehazaaronaam.blogspot.com/







--- On Sun, 12/10/08, manju ramamurthy <manju.ramamurthy wrote:

manju ramamurthy <manju.ramamurthyRe: Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh Track Date: Sunday, 12 October, 2008, 7:21 AM







sairam rana gill ji,Thank you very much for uploading ur tracks. They are excellent. "sai tere leela" is the only track i downloaded recently. It takes me to our sai. i lost myself in the song and am listening it again and again.Thanks to you and hetal ji for this wonderful service. Could you please provide the download link of the other tracks of your album???

With Regards...

MANJU--- On Fri, 10/10/08, Rana Gill <ranagill (AT) saimail (DOT) com> wrote:

Rana Gill <ranagill (AT) saimail (DOT) com> Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh Trackexperienceswithshir disaibaba@ . co.inCc: <>Friday, 10 October, 2008, 9:42 AM








Happy Vijaya Dashmi !!! May Shirdi Sai Baba Bless Us All !!!


As promised in last post, I am sharing Leela of Shirdi Sai Baba which has great importance in my life and the very reason that I am writting this blog today. I had never thought that I would be propogating my album SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM through any blog. The maker of the whole scene is, of course, Shirdi Sai Baba, but the characters which He chose and how He chose has to be narrated. The name of the characters in this scene are Rana Gill and Hetal Patil. I want to steal few moments from your busy life to read the whole Leela which is the most recent one and

daily experienced by me. I would request you to be patient as it is going to be lengthy one.First I would like to write about the bhajan and then proceed with the Leela. This bhajan is placed on the seventh position of the cd cover. It is one of my favourite bhajans as, unlike other bhajans, this one is very close to my heart. I come across many incidents in my life where the only conclusion comes out is... 'Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main, Tere Charno Mein Sada Shish Jukau Main'. Apart from me, this bhajan has been liked by many of my Sai Family members and wherever I go to perform, this one is the most demanded. The first picture is the shrine at my home and the second one is of Hetal's home.Now coming to my real life incident, as said earlier that the album was recorded and released long back in 2006. I, presently live in Canada and I had come to India in 2006 to record Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans. By caste, I am Punjabi. Before leaving India, I was not known to many people. I mean, only my closed ones recognised me as a singer. At first, after the bhajans were recorded, it seemed much tough to me that how will I manage to make available my cd in the house of each and every Sai Baba Devotee. But today Shirdi Sai Baba has made it

possible through this blog and my Sai sister Hetal.I would first give a brief introduction of Hetal (though many of you are familiar with her). She resides in Baroda, India. She is Maharashtrian by caste, studying masters, working in an export company and above all writing about four blogs on Shirdi Sai Baba. Now a question will arise in your minds that being so far away from each other, how did we meet and how the blog work is going on smoothly. Even we both are surprised at this Leela of our beloved Baba !!!....Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main...Before four months from today, neither Hetal was not known to me nor she knew me. In the last week of June 2008, I was checking my mails as a part of my routine. I came across a mail from Hetal which she had sent to some Shirdi Sai Baba . The only thing that drew my attention was signature under the mail with her name and blog id. I clicked the url and got a chance to visit her blog. While going through the blog I forgot everything and tried to find some indication through which I can contact her. At that

time I was not aware whether Hetal is a male or female. Even I was not able to pronounce her name correctly. But still it was for sure that whosoever was doing it was sweetest child of Shirdi Sai Baba. The video of the title track of the album was already made, so I sent her a mail requesting to place the video on her blog along with a link to watch and download the video from Deepaji's blog.The next day she replied me that she was not able to download the video. Moreover she showed interest in placing mp3 links of the bhajans on her blog. I had never thought of placing download links of the bhajans in this way, so I again sent her a mail requesting her contact number, so that I can directly talk to her and request her to place the video only. After another two days, she mailed me her number. To this she says, "At first, I was not willing to give my number to a person

with whom I was not much familiar. We had exchanged only two-three mails, so it was obvious (being a female) that it was not easy for me to trust Rana bhaiya. That day was Monday and after reaching office, I was checking my mails. I again came across the mail of Rana Bhaiya and Baba gave me an indication to give him my number. But I sent my mother's mobile number instead of my own without informing Rana bhaiya that I was not my personal number".On June 26, 2008, Thursday, early in the moring I called Hetal on her mother's mobile. As the number was of her mother, I had primary talk with auntyji and she passed the call to Hetal. I told her to search for the video on you tube directly by my name and then she can put it on her blog. I asked for her postal address so that I can send her cds for her and for distribution. She agreed to give and we just introduced ourselves

before finally greeting each other "Sai Ram" and ending the call. The very same day the video was posted on her blog as per my wish. Hetal says, "I had not posted any video on my blog before, so I was not aware of the correct procedure for posting Rana bhaiya's video. I searched a lot on the internet that day and could finally do it. Just for the sake of Rana Bhaiya, I learnt many things that day. But this was not enough. Baba had planned much more for us."I called her the next day to say thanks and shared my experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. She expressed her desire to post it on her blog and I gave her permission. She prepared the draft and send me for corrections. I instantly replied her and the experience was posted the very next Thursday. Why she reserved the post for Thursday, Shirdi Sai Baba only knows. On the same day, even the cds reached at her place from Punjab. She listened all the bhajans and when I called her the next day she said that she liked "Sai Teri Leela..." the most. As she is very much younger than me I started calling her Behna (younger sister) and she called me Bhaiya (elder brother). Like this our relationship started and it was not restricted only to posting the video on her blog. We released all the bhajans of the album on her blog on Gurupoornima day.Still Shirdi Sai Baba's Leela was not over. One day while chatting Hetal wrote

that Baba had indicated her to make a blog by the album name for porpogating it. From the beginning I had no intention to earn any profit from this album. So I had no objection for going with a blog. My dream of making available the bhajans to every corner of the world turned out to be true through her. She was very well aware that I am not computer savy and the whole responsibility of the blog was on her. Taking it as Baba's order she started the work and sent me the link of the blog in mail. I used to say her that through the medium of her blog, we have to do something different and unusual for Shirdi Sai Baba. But I had no idea that Shirdi Sai Baba will make her do something special in this way. I was very happy to see the blog for the first time and my heart felt "Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main..." Not only this she was the one who gave the idea of making videos of the remaining bhajans. Apart from blog work, many other incidents happened in

our life which are at a very personal level, but the conclusion remains the same "Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main...".In the end, I strongly feel that the blog is just an excuse, but the main reason behind all this is that Shirdi Sai Baba wants us to be together. From past four months she is the only person with whom I spend much of my time. She has taken a very special place in my life and heart. We chat for hours and talk on phone regularly, still there is no end. Instead every new day, she has a new idea for our blog and in turn such things bind us together. Many times I feel and have asked her how does she manage everything her studies, blog work, office work and her responsibility towards family. She answers, "I dont know bhaiya how everything is going on. Its just a Leela of our Sai Baba. I get great pleasure in working for you on our blog and I cant explain you my happiness. A great sense of satisfaction and love fills my heart

when I work for you." She is a special gift from my beloved Sai Baba to me.. I pray to Shirdi Sai Baba that she should always be with me like this, we never ever get separated or loose contact with each other any day and I get a chance to meet her face to face one day. The same thing is present in her prayers too, I know, though she may not have told me openly. She has proved the title "Sai Ka Bhatija" as the most appropriate one for me, which my friends gave me, in the eyes of the whole world. In this way Shirdi Sai Baba played a great Leela in lives of both of us and in turn increased our love for Him. Only these words come out from the hearts of both of us, "Saiji Ki Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Paye Hum, Unke Charno Mein Sadaa Shish Jukae Hum...." Jai Sai Ram from loving brother and sister...Lyrics of Sai Teri Leela : Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj

Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainKaha Tum Paida Hue Kaun Maa Baap SaiSaari Duniya Na Abhhi Tak Ye Jaan PaaiHindu Ho Na Muslim Sikh Ho Na IsaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiJannat Se Pyaari Teri Shirdi Hi Jaaon MainTere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainBanke Fakir Baba Ghar Ghar Manga TuneLeke Vish Duniya Se Amrit Bata TuneDin Dukhiyon Ka Dukh Apna Hi Jaana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi Maana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi

Maana TuneTujsa Dayalu Kahi Dhundh Na Paau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Tera Jeevan Bhi Kitna Mahan HainCharon Mein Tere Sara Jhukta Jahan HainKiske Hain Bhaav Kaise Tumhe Pehchan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainTujse Bichhad Ke Na Kabhi Reh Paau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau MainPani Se Bhi Baba Tune Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainTere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau Main

Tera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau MainTo find lyrics while playing the bhajan, download real player from here.Download Link

Upcoming Eighth Track : Tera Naam Hi Simroon...Download other bhajans of the album from here © SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM



--Posted By ਰਾਣਾ ਗਿੱਲ Rana Gill to SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM at 10/09/2008 02:01:00 AM



Rana Gill

Please Visit http://saiterehazaa ronaam.blogspot. com/





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Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!

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MAy saideva bless and be with you both......SAi is using you both to spread his love.....Sairam...On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Rana Gill <ranagill wrote:







Jai Sai Ram Manju ji,


Thanks for your appreciation. Myself and Hetal are not doing any wonderful service, its Shirdi Sai Baba only who is making us do everything.


Here is the download link http://saiterehazaaronaam.blogspot.com/search/label/Bhajan%20Lyrics%20in%20English for all the other bhajans of the album with complete story as to how the bhajans were written and lyrics of all bhajans.


Hope u will download other tracks also and enjoy Divine presence of Shirdi Sai Baba.

Rana Gill

Please Visit http://saiterehazaaronaam.blogspot.com/








--- On Sun, 12/10/08, manju ramamurthy <manju.ramamurthy wrote:

manju ramamurthy <manju.ramamurthyRe: Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh Track

Date: Sunday, 12 October, 2008, 7:21 AM







sairam rana gill ji,Thank you very much for uploading ur tracks. They are excellent. " sai tere leela " is the only track i downloaded recently. It takes me to our sai. i lost myself in the song and am listening it again and again.

Thanks to you and hetal ji for this wonderful service. Could you please provide the download link of the other tracks of your album???

With Regards...

MANJU--- On Fri, 10/10/08, Rana Gill <ranagill (AT) saimail (DOT) com> wrote:

Rana Gill <ranagill (AT) saimail (DOT) com> Sai Tere Hazaaron Naam - Download Link of Seventh Track

experienceswithshir disaibaba@ . co.inCc: " " <>

Friday, 10 October, 2008, 9:42 AM








Happy Vijaya Dashmi !!! May Shirdi Sai Baba Bless Us All !!!


As promised in last post, I am sharing Leela of Shirdi Sai Baba which has great importance in my life and the very reason that I am writting this blog today. I had never thought that I would be propogating my album SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM through any blog. The maker of the whole scene is, of course, Shirdi Sai Baba, but the characters which He chose and how He chose has to be narrated. The name of the characters in this scene are Rana Gill and Hetal Patil. I want to steal few moments from your busy life to read the whole Leela which is the most recent one and

daily experienced by me. I would request you to be patient as it is going to be lengthy one.First I would like to write about the bhajan and then proceed with the Leela. This bhajan is placed on the seventh position of the cd cover. It is one of my favourite bhajans as, unlike other bhajans, this one is very close to my heart. I come across many incidents in my life where the only conclusion comes out is... 'Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main, Tere Charno Mein Sada Shish Jukau Main'. Apart from me, this bhajan has been liked by many of my Sai Family members and wherever I go to perform, this one is the most demanded. The first picture is the shrine at my home and the second one is of Hetal's home.

Now coming to my real life incident, as said earlier that the album was recorded and released long back in 2006. I, presently live in Canada and I had come to India in 2006 to record Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans. By caste, I am Punjabi. Before leaving India, I was not known to many people. I mean, only my closed ones recognised me as a singer. At first, after the bhajans were recorded, it seemed much tough to me that how will I manage to make available my cd in the house of each and every Sai Baba Devotee. But today Shirdi Sai Baba has made it

possible through this blog and my Sai sister Hetal.I would first give a brief introduction of Hetal (though many of you are familiar with her). She resides in Baroda, India. She is Maharashtrian by caste, studying masters, working in an export company and above all writing about four blogs on Shirdi Sai Baba. Now a question will arise in your minds that being so far away from each other, how did we meet and how the blog work is going on smoothly. Even we both are surprised at this Leela of our beloved Baba !!!....Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main...

Before four months from today, neither Hetal was not known to me nor she knew me. In the last week of June 2008, I was checking my mails as a part of my routine. I came across a mail from Hetal which she had sent to some Shirdi Sai Baba . The only thing that drew my attention was signature under the mail with her name and blog id. I clicked the url and got a chance to visit her blog. While going through the blog I forgot everything and tried to find some indication through which I can contact her. At that

time I was not aware whether Hetal is a male or female. Even I was not able to pronounce her name correctly. But still it was for sure that whosoever was doing it was sweetest child of Shirdi Sai Baba. The video of the title track of the album was already made, so I sent her a mail requesting to place the video on her blog along with a link to watch and download the video from Deepaji's blog.

The next day she replied me that she was not able to download the video. Moreover she showed interest in placing mp3 links of the bhajans on her blog. I had never thought of placing download links of the bhajans in this way, so I again sent her a mail requesting her contact number, so that I can directly talk to her and request her to place the video only. After another two days, she mailed me her number. To this she says, " At first, I was not willing to give my number to a person

with whom I was not much familiar. We had exchanged only two-three mails, so it was obvious (being a female) that it was not easy for me to trust Rana bhaiya. That day was Monday and after reaching office, I was checking my mails. I again came across the mail of Rana Bhaiya and Baba gave me an indication to give him my number. But I sent my mother's mobile number instead of my own without informing Rana bhaiya that I was not my personal number " .

On June 26, 2008, Thursday, early in the moring I called Hetal on her mother's mobile. As the number was of her mother, I had primary talk with auntyji and she passed the call to Hetal. I told her to search for the video on you tube directly by my name and then she can put it on her blog. I asked for her postal address so that I can send her cds for her and for distribution. She agreed to give and we just introduced ourselves

before finally greeting each other " Sai Ram " and ending the call. The very same day the video was posted on her blog as per my wish. Hetal says, " I had not posted any video on my blog before, so I was not aware of the correct procedure for posting Rana bhaiya's video. I searched a lot on the internet that day and could finally do it. Just for the sake of Rana Bhaiya, I learnt many things that day. But this was not enough. Baba had planned much more for us. "

I called her the next day to say thanks and shared my experience with Shirdi Sai Baba. She expressed her desire to post it on her blog and I gave her permission. She prepared the draft and send me for corrections. I instantly replied her and the experience was posted the very next Thursday. Why she reserved the post for Thursday, Shirdi Sai Baba only knows. On the same day, even the cds reached at her place from Punjab. She listened all the bhajans and when I called her the next day she said that she liked " Sai Teri Leela... " the most. As she is very much younger than me I started calling her Behna (younger sister) and she called me Bhaiya (elder brother). Like this our relationship started and it was not restricted only to posting the video on her blog. We released all the bhajans of the album on her blog on Gurupoornima day.

Still Shirdi Sai Baba's Leela was not over. One day while chatting Hetal wrote

that Baba had indicated her to make a blog by the album name for porpogating it. From the beginning I had no intention to earn any profit from this album. So I had no objection for going with a blog. My dream of making available the bhajans to every corner of the world turned out to be true through her. She was very well aware that I am not computer savy and the whole responsibility of the blog was on her. Taking it as Baba's order she started the work and sent me the link of the blog in mail. I used to say her that through the medium of her blog, we have to do something different and unusual for Shirdi Sai Baba. But I had no idea that Shirdi Sai Baba will make her do something special in this way. I was very happy to see the blog for the first time and my heart felt " Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main... " Not only this she was the one who gave the idea of making videos of the remaining bhajans. Apart from blog work, many other incidents happened in

our life which are at a very personal level, but the conclusion remains the same " Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main... " .In the end, I strongly feel that the blog is just an excuse, but the main reason behind all this is that Shirdi Sai Baba wants us to be together. From past four months she is the only person with whom I spend much of my time. She has taken a very special place in my life and heart. We chat for hours and talk on phone regularly, still there is no end. Instead every new day, she has a new idea for our blog and in turn such things bind us together. Many times I feel and have asked her how does she manage everything her studies, blog work, office work and her responsibility towards family. She answers, " I dont know bhaiya how everything is going on. Its just a Leela of our Sai Baba. I get great pleasure in working for you on our blog and I cant explain you my happiness. A great sense of satisfaction and love fills my heart

when I work for you. " She is a special gift from my beloved Sai Baba to me.. I pray to Shirdi Sai Baba that she should always be with me like this, we never ever get separated or loose contact with each other any day and I get a chance to meet her face to face one day. The same thing is present in her prayers too, I know, though she may not have told me openly. She has proved the title " Sai Ka Bhatija " as the most appropriate one for me, which my friends gave me, in the eyes of the whole world. In this way Shirdi Sai Baba played a great Leela in lives of both of us and in turn increased our love for Him. Only these words come out from the hearts of both of us, " Saiji Ki Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Paye Hum, Unke Charno Mein Sadaa Shish Jukae Hum.... " Jai Sai Ram from loving brother and sister...

Lyrics of Sai Teri Leela : Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj

Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainPani Se Bhi Tune Baba Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye Hain

Teri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainKaha Tum Paida Hue Kaun Maa Baap SaiSaari Duniya Na Abhhi Tak Ye Jaan Paai

Hindu Ho Na Muslim Sikh Ho Na IsaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiSabhi Dharmo Mein Hai Samae Mere Baba SaiJannat Se Pyaari Teri Shirdi Hi Jaaon MainTere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau Main

Tere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainBanke Fakir Baba Ghar Ghar Manga TuneLeke Vish Duniya Se Amrit Bata TuneDin Dukhiyon Ka Dukh Apna Hi Jaana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi Maana TuneSaara Sankar Sai Apna Hi

Maana TuneTujsa Dayalu Kahi Dhundh Na Paau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau MainSai Tera Jeevan Bhi Kitna Mahan Hain

Charon Mein Tere Sara Jhukta Jahan HainKiske Hain Bhaav Kaise Tumhe Pehchan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainBaba Teri Shakti Pe RANA Kurbaan HainTujse Bichhad Ke Na Kabhi Reh Paau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau Main

Pani Se Bhi Baba Tune Deep Jalae HainNeem Ke Patte Tune Mithe Banaye HainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTere Naam Wali Sada Jyot Jalau MainSai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Na Pau MainTere Charon Mein Sada Shish Jukau Main

Tere Naam Ki Vibhuti Mathe Pe Lagao MainTeri Mahima Ka Kaise Gun Gaan Gaau MainTeri Karuna Ke Geet Sabko Sunau MainTera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau Main

Tera Bas Tera Bas Tera Hi Ho Jaau MainTo find lyrics while playing the bhajan, download real player from here.

Download Link

Upcoming Eighth Track : Tera Naam Hi Simroon...Download other bhajans of the album from here




--Posted By ਰਾਣਾ ਗਿੱਲ Rana Gill to SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM at 10/09/2008 02:01:00 AM



Rana Gill

Please Visit http://saiterehazaa ronaam.blogspot. com/






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