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Prof. Anil Kumar... Pearls of Wisdom...That Little Boy Played the Role of Sathya Sai Baba

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“That Little Boy Played the Role of Sathya Sai Baba”

It seems this Italian was given an interview along with his wife. And there in the interview room was also another boy. That boy acted in a television serial entitled “Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai”. The little boy played the role of Sathya Sai Baba. Swami called the boy and introduced him to everybody there in the interview room. Baba was telling us that at the end of the interview, the wife of this Italian gentleman was speaking to her husband. What did she say? “Look here, why can't we adopt this boy? Why don’t you go back first to Italy? I’ll stay here for some more time with this boy and come back.” Bhagavan said, “The love for Swami was so deep that, because this boy played the role of Sathya Sai Baba, they felt like taking him to Italy, thereby feeling that they were taking Sathya Sai Baba back with them. That is the love and the intensity of devotion of that Italian couple.” That’s what Bhagavan has said.

Two Wives

Then Swami was speaking about a gentleman who had two wives. Of course, the first wife was no more and somehow he was managing with the second. Now, Swami started joking, “You know, he has two wives.” “Oh Swami, two wives?” Then Swami said, “No, no, no, no! First wife is no longer there. She passed away.” “Oh, Swami.” Then Swami said, “What will happen to a fellow with two wives?” Then I said, “Swami, man is struggling hard, breathless with one wife, almost suffocating! With two wives, the deadline is already given -- he’s finished! Only his date of expiry must be given! I don’t know how any fellow is managing with two wives!”

Swami laughed and then He said, “In Puranas, the epics, there is the story of a king by the name of Uttanapada, who had two wives. One was Suruchi; the other was Sunithi. One of these wives had a son by the name of Dhruva. The little boy wanted to sit on his father’s lap, but the stepmother would not permit it. “You cannot sit there! Get out!” The boy said, “Mommy, I want to sit here!” “No, get off!” That boy left home, telling all this to his mother, “Mother, look here! My stepmother does not permit me to sit on my father’s lap. I cannot bear this suffering.” The boy went alone to the forest and did penance for a long time. God incarnated in front of him, granted him all boons and he finally decided to remain there. He is there today, in the form of a star (known as the Pole Star) by the name of Dhruva. ‘Dhruva’ is the name of the star we find there in the sky right now. And Bhagavan said, “Because of two wives, the father could not give love to both of his sons. When one son was enjoying his love, the other son started crying. Because the other son started receiving the father’s love, the stepmother -- the second wife of the king -- started fighting. This is fate, you know.”

Three Wives

And then He said, “Anil Kumar, do you know the name of the king who had three wives?” Shall I say, “I know”? Then He will say, “So, you are collecting the names of the people with a number of wives!” (Laughter) If I say, “I do not know”, He may say, “Don’t you know that much?” Then Swami immediately said, “Yes, he’s Dasaratha, the father of Rama. Dasaratha had three wives: Kausalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi. Because of the youngest wife, Kaikeyi, Dasaratha had to suffer pain due to pangs of separation from Rama. Rama had to be sent into the exile because of boons granted to Kaikeyi. You know this story. Ultimately, the separation led to the death of Dasaratha. So, the king of three wives had to suffer separation from his son, and ultimately had to even face death.” That’s what Bhagavan has said.

Ten Wives = The Ten Senses and

Husband = Mind

And finally, that is not the ‘be-all and end-all’! It doesn’t end with the narration or description of a story. Bhagavan is a good storyteller, sharing a message -- a universal message -- behind every story. He said, “Look here! All of you, every one of you here has ten wives!” (Laughter) “Hey, Swami! With two wives that king suffered; with three wives that king died! With ten wives, how can we manage?” Then Swami said, “The ten wives are your senses. There are five senses of action and five senses of perception. Five + five = ten senses. You have ten wives!” “Oh! OK, Swami. Am I going to live or die? With ten wives -- my ten senses -- am I going to live? Who is the husband here managing with these ten wives?” Swami said, “Your mind is the master. Your mind is the husband of these ten senses. So if your mind -- the husband, the master -- has total control over the senses, he’ll have a happy peaceful married life. But if your mind or husband becomes a slave to his wives, the ten senses, he has to dance to their tunes, and he’ll ultimately become insane. So the lesson here is that the mind should be the master of the senses. “Master the mind and be a mastermind” is the punch line, the message, of that afternoon’s conversation with Bhagavan.

“You Should Get 100%”

Swami asked one little boy, “How many points did you get?”

That boy said, “Swami, I got 85%.” “How about the other 15 points? You should have gotten 100 points. You cannot say, “85.” What about the other 15?” Then Swami said, “You committed 15 mistakes. Feel sorry for the mistakes. Don’t say, ‘I got 85% correct,’ when there were also 15 incorrect because the end of culture is perfection. So you should get 100%, not less than that.”

September 25th, 2002

“What Is Society?”

And then on the 25th of September 2002, we were quite lucky to have many, many spiritual points mentioned in the conversation with Swami. As usual, after completing the interviews, He sat there staring at everybody, collecting letters from all boys. Oh! They all made a beeline, giving letters one after another. The kind, merciful Bhagavan received letters from almost everybody and then sat there. Then He started conversing with us. He said, “What is society?” Society in Sanskrit is samaja. Bhagavan had put this question to me, “What is samaja, society?” I said, “Swami, a group of individuals.” Bhagavan said, “No!” I'm always prepared for that kind of answer or reply from Swami. I prefer to give even wrong answers because then we can get more information from Him. It is also sometimes a spiritual strategy or religious manipulation or human managerial technique. (Laughter) So I said, “Group of individuals.” “No, no!” Swami said, “The very meaning of that word ‘samaja’ is ‘equality’. ‘Sama’ means ‘equal or equality’. ‘Ja’ means ‘born out of’. So ‘samaja’ means ‘born out of equality’, that which is equal-minded, that which is equanimous, where there is equality. How can you say, ‘A group of individuals’?” Then I said, “Swami, then what is the difference between the individual and society?” Bhagavan said, “The individual is always selfish. The individual always has self-interests. The individual always aims at esteem, name, fame, and popularity. So, the individual is different. The individual is self-centred.” “Oh.. Swami, then society?” “No, society thinks of creation. Society thinks of creation, which is a larger dimension.” “Oh! Then Swami, creation thinks of what?” Bhagavan said, “Creation thinks of the Creator. So, the individual leads to the community; that community or society thinks of creation; and creation thinks of the Creator.” “Bhagavan, ah! Swami. What a scientific explanation it is!” Then Swami used four important technical Sanskrit terms, which will be of some interest to you. The first word is vyeshti (also known as vyashti), which means ‘individual’. The second word is samashti, which means ‘community’. Third word is srishti or ‘creation’. And the fourth word is Parameshti, which means ‘Creator or God’. Swami used these four words -- vyeshti, samashti, srishti, and Parameshti. Now how did He establish a connection or a sequence between these four levels? Bhagavan said, “Vyeshti, the individual, is self-centred, while samashti or society always aims at equality, samatwa. By practicing samatwa (equality), the samashti (community) always thinks of srishti (creation). And this creation (srishti) wants to experience Parameshti (the Creator). So one leads to the other in a perfect sequential, preferential order.”

“How to Establish Equality in Society?”

“Swami, what an explanation that is! I have a simple question, Swami, if You permit me.” “Hmm.” “Swami, when the individual is self-centred, how is equality established in the community? How is equality in society established? When the individual is self-centred, is it possible?” That was my question. Then Bhagavan said, “Equality is not a political slogan. Equality does not mean ‘similar’. It does not mean ‘identical’. What is to be united here? Not ideological unity, not political unity, no, no, no! What is unity? All our hearts should be united. All our hearts should be unified. So, only the unification of our hearts, only the harmony of our hearts confers or grants unity. That is samatwa, equality. Nothing else.” Today my friends, we don’t have an ideal society anywhere in the world because our hearts are not yet unified. Our hearts are not functioning in perfect harmony. So we are disunited. That’s what Bhagavan has said. “Swami, how do we bring about harmony in our hearts? How do we establish unity? How?” Bhagavan said, “It’s very easy.” “Swami, is it very easy?” “Yes, why not?” Then Swami said, “Look here: You love your wife. You love your children. You love your friends. You love your relatives. Are you not linked with so many people? Aren’t you connected with many different people? Yes, you are connected with different people. You are in perfect union with other people by the bond of love. And if this love is further expanded, if this love is further and further broadened, our hearts can easily be united. Our hearts can be unified; our hearts can function in perfect harmony.” September 22nd, 2002

“I Know Everybody “

This happened on the 22nd of September. Swami sat relaxed on the veranda, watching the crowd of devotees, waving His Hand and giving them a blessing, then exchanging smiles with students. He called one boy, “Come here.” That boy is a student of the MBA class -- the Master of Business Management. He hails from Hyderabad, the capitol city of the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Swami called him. “Hmm, MBA boy?” He said, “Yes, Swami. I am MBA.” “You are from Hyderabad?” “Yes, Swami. I'm from Hyderabad.” Then He looked at us and said, “You know, before joining the MBA program, he had been visiting here for five years. He prayed and prayed to Swami that he could get admission into our University. So now you see him here.” “Oh, Swami is that so?” “Yes.” And then He said, looking at the boys, “Boys, you think that I don’t talk to you. You think that I don’t know you. But, I know everybody. I may not talk to you, but I know everybody. I know everything about everybody; I don’t have to talk to you. Look here, I knew about this boy. Isn’t that enough proof that I know you also? Isn’t it enough? I know everybody.” And then He said, “Hmm, five days back your friends from Hyderabad came here, true?” He said, “Yes Swami, it is.” “Hmm, you spent some time with them also.” “Yes, Swami.” “They spoke to you.” “Yes, Swami.” “Where am I? I am everywhere. What did they talk to you about? What did they tell you?” “Swami, everything was OK.” “No, no, no. Shall I tell you?” “Nothing exceptional, Swami.” “Oh, no. Didn’t they ask you why Swami wasn’t talking to you? Didn’t they inquire what Swami was saying to the students every day?” “Swami, yes.” “Then why don’t you tell Me? I know. Why don’t you tell what I know?” Then Swami said, “Shall I tell you who came to see you? One fellow’s brother is sick. How is he now?” “Swami, he’s aright.” “Why don’t you tell me? One fellow is searching for a job. Oh, he’ll be getting appointment orders tomorrow, did he tell you?” “Yes, Swami, he told me.” “Then why don’t you tell Me?” Swami started telling us about all his friends, their problems, the purpose of their visit and the details about their conversations. I tell you, we started sweating! (Laughter) Oh, God! If He starts talking about each of us -- well, we’ll probably feel like running away! (Laughter) All those things -- certain things -- are better left undisclosed! So what is to be done? Source:

http://www.saiwisdom.com(Sharing with Sai Love)Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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