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Swamiji's Sweet Blessings

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Dear fellow Datta Devotees:


Jaya Guru Datta:

Re: Lions & LuxmiH's Mother


Thank You Sri Sri Swamiji for Your Grace, Love, & Abundant Blessings,

especially for the miraculous rapid recovery of my mother.



On the morning of May 1st. I woke up at 3 AM and could not go back to sleep.

At About 4.30 AM I had the thought, 'what if someone phones to say my mother

has been attacked by a wild animal'. I immediately dismissed the thought as



Later at about 8 AM (WV), {2 PM Zimbabwe} time, my mother was attacked by 3

lions. I 'happened' to phoned my sister at 9 AM (WV) on another topic, to be

told about the attack. Mom was already in the emergency center. By 2 PM

(WV) the same day I was flying to Africa with the much needed Tetanus

medication, thanks to Dr Indubala, that was not available in Zimbabwe.



Here's what happened...... my mother was invited into an enclosure with 3

'tame' lions, 2 females and a male. Before entering Mom asked the owner if he

was sure it was safe? He assured her that it was.


Once in the enclosure, a lioness started to nibble curiously at my mom's

foot, then suddenly yanked Mom's foot causing Mom to fall and break her hip.


minute Mom dropped, the lions instinct kicked in and my 80 year mother

became a simply irresistible meal. (Evidently a live 80 year old woman was much

more appealing than the dead pig that was originally on their menu.)


It all happened so fast. The one lioness grabbed Mom's head dragging her

away to eat undisturbed. The other lioness, not wanting to lose out on fresh

food, bit and ate as much of my mother's legs as she could before the other

lioness could make off with the 'fresh food'. The male lion nipped and snapped

at my mother dotting her body with puncture wounds. His powerful jaws also

cracked some of her ribs.


As this happened my sister Pauline and her daughter screamed in terror. Then

Pauline yelled at her 6'2 " , 20 year old son .... " Go and get your

grandmother! " By this time the lions had dragged Mom fairly close to the entry


so Cody grabbed her one free arm and literarily had a tug of war with the 3

lions, eventually freeing his grandmother from the lions jaws. The owner of the

lions, (who had much more meat on him than my mother), was punching the

animals trying to get them to release Mom. But the lions were so focused on


feeding frenzy that they ignored him completely.


My mother's scalp was in ribbons, her neck had two deep slits across it, not

sure if from teeth or claws, and her legs have big chunks missing that will

most definitely cause her to win the ugly leg contest. (That's how we deal

with tragedy in Africa, we find a way to laugh.)


Beginning May 1st...... After her rescue, she was in 6 hours of surgery till

about midnight on the 1st. Due to Alzheimer's Mom did not realize what had

happened and did not know that so much of her leg was gone, so she did a

little more damage when she tried to climb out of bed to go to the


this happened just before I arrived on the night of the 2nd. That incident

made us decide that one of us needed to be with Mom at all times.


On May 5th Mom went back into surgery for another 4 hours, undergoing her

second general anaesthetic within a few days. She had four skin grafts and many

more stitches.


Some stitches from her face and scalp were removed on May 6th.(Because she

kept tugging at them). The physiotherapist worked with her daily. Initially

she remained in bed for the exercises, then on day 6 {after the second surgery}

they had her out of bed hopping on one leg with a walker.


Although hospitals in third world countries do the best they can, the

cleanliness, attention to detail and general conditions are not optimal nor

conducive to health and healing. I was more concerned about the aggravated


from lack of hygiene, germs, human error etc. in the hospital, than I was

about my mom's injuries.


I put a tremendous amount of pressure on the doctor to release my mother

ASAP. (Based on the fact that my one sister is a qualified Nursing sister and

would be able to take better care for her mother than the overworked nursing

staff in the hospitals.) Besides, the hospital was overflowing because of all

the random politically-motivated beatings, compliments of to Robert Mugabe and

his thugs. (Please pray for the freedom of the people in Zimbabwe.)


I was delighted when Mom was released the day before I left, Saturday

morning May 10th ... only 9 days after the attack. This accomplishment from an


year old woman is an obvious example of Sri Swamiji's Blessings! A miracle!

Jaya Guru Datta.


A couple of interesting side notes..... The male nurse Godwin, stood beside

my sisters and I as we held our hands, black and white together, over Mom's

body, inviting God to use our energy to help heal my mother.


I daily massaged parts of Mom that were not bandaged, and gave her

reflexology on the one foot. (The other was too badly injured). She developed a

painful cough from the build up of fluids in her lungs so the physiotherapist


it up through percussion on her chest and back. I also applied a Chinese Axe

brand oil which is a great combination of Camphor, Peppermint, Eucalyptus

and other oils to her chest, back and foot.


Miracles and blessings .....


*The hospital did not have any tetanus shots, and Doctor Indubala, was able

to get a prescription that I took with me so that it was administered within

48 hours. I believe that Sri Swamiji through Dr Indubala saved my mother's

life. A Swamiji miracle. Jaya Guru Datta


*Mom's broken hip has minimal impact because it is fractured on a non-load

bearing part of her hip, so she does not have to have hip replacement. The

bone will simply heal on its own. A Swamiji miracle. Jaya Guru Datta


*Even though the lions went for her throat and ate part of her legs, no

major arteries were torn. So she survived the 45 minute dash to the hospital and

the wait in the trauma ward. Also the police road block allowed them to go

through without delay. A Swamiji miracle. Jaya Guru Datta


* Because of Alzheimer's Mom has absolutely no conscious memory of the

incident and thanks to heavy duty pain killers, thinks she is " as fit as a

fiddle " . (Her words.) Alzheimer's has totally removed all mental suffering and


only confusion is why we will not allow her to simply jump out of bed to go to

the bathroom when she wants to. A blessing and a Swamiji miracle. Jaya Guru



* I was able to spend many hours caring for and talking to my mother,

precious moments that I have not had before. Even out of this most horrific

ordeal, the miracles and blessing continue to outshine the horror. Jaya Guru



* Apart from my deep gratitude to Sri Swamiji, I would like to find a way to

thank: the conscientious nurse Godwin who wants to become a neurosurgeon to

help the people of Zimbabwe, the terrific surgeon and the fantastic

physiotherapist. I am especially grateful to the matron who gave us permission

to stay

with my mother at all times. But again, most of all my heartfelt gratitude

goes to Sri Swamiji for all of the miracles and blessings we have received by

turning this tragedy into a triumph. Jaya Guru Datta


Everyone has freedom of choice. My mother exercised her freedom of choice by

choosing to enter the enclosure with the lions, believing they were tame.

Her consequences could have been far worse. Her suffering far greater, and her

recovery much longer .... But for the Awesome Grace of Sri Swamiji.... His

Love and Holy Energy minimized the horrific impact and this potential

horrendous tragedy was transformed into a High, Holy, Huge Blessing.


Please let this incident be a reminder to all Datta devotees that we are

never alone, and no matter what choices we make Datta's Love is there, constant

and forever.


I confess I almost fainted when I first saw my mother and I actually prayed

that she would be released from the pain and suffering within her body....

even if this meant she would vacate her physical vehicle.


However my family is extremely grateful and feels most blessed that Mom was

relieved of suffering and permitted to remain a little longer on this plane

of existence.


Sri Guru Datta Thank You Swamiji







LuxmiH ( " Lucks Me " ) Eve-Lyn Forbes






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