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Spiritual experiences differ in sadhakas (seekers) according to the

nature of their sadhana (practice) and the yoga they are practising.

Some hear anahat (mystic) sounds in the ear. Some see brilliant

lights. Some have vision of rishis (sages), mountains, rivers, etc.


Some experience cosmic consciousness. This is a rare experience. It

cannot be expressed in words.


Maya is the illusory power of the Lord. Maya hides the real and

makes the unreal appear as real. Maya is suddha (pure) satva.


Do not enquire now into the origin of maya. Strive for its

destruction. Maya is indescribable. It can be crossed through the

grace of God acquired by self surrender When jnana is attained, then

you will know all about maya.

Avidya is ignorance. It is the cause for bondage. Vidya is the

cause for liberation.


Destroy the root of avidya through knowledge of atman.


Avidya is the causal body of the individual soul. It is impure

satva. It is mixed with rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia).


Avidya is the cause for births and deaths. Mind and body are the

effects of avidya.


Samadhi is union with God. It is a state of eternal bliss and

eternal wisdom. It cannot be described in words. In savikalpa samadhi

there is the triad, knower, knowledge, and knowable.


In samadhi mind, intellect and senses cease functioning. All

dualities vanish in toto.


Meditate ceaselessly and enjoy the supreme bliss of nirvikalpa


Please note the difference between sleep and samadhi. Sleep is an

inert state.


But samadhi is a state of pure awareness or pure consciousness.


When a man returns from sleep he is heavy and dull. He has no

experience of wisdom of atman. But when the yogi comes down from

samadhi he is full of wisdom of atman.


Jnana yoga is the yoga of wisdom. It is vedanta. It is the

culmination of all the other yogas. It teaches that the individual

soul is in essence identical with the supreme Soul. When avidya

(ignorance) is destroyed the individual soul merges in the supreme



The aspirant should equip himself with the four means of salvation

study the scriptures (Upanishad) under a guru and meditate. He will

attain self`realisation.


The mind alone is the universe. The body with its organs, etc., is

no other than mind.


The slayer of atman (self) is the mind only. The actions of the

mind alone are, indeed actions, but not so those of the body.


The mind contemplating upon the body becomes the body itself and

then, enmeshed in it, is afflicted by it.


Slay the mind and attain eternal bliss.


He who has a guru knows Brahman. A guru alone can remove doubts,

pitfalls and snares. Guru is God Himself.


All that a guru can do is to tell his disciple the method of

knowing the truth or the path that leads to the disclosure of the

intuitional faculty.


He will clear your doubts, remove pitfalls and snares and inspire

you. He cannot give you samadhi (superconscious state). You will have

to place each step yourself on the rung of the ladder of yoga. Do not

expect a miracle from your guru, to put you into samadhi.


Every man wants everlasting happiness. This is his innate feeling.

This indicates that his soul is an embodiment of bliss.


Everybody wants full knowledge of everything. This gives the clue

that atman is a mass of knowledge.


Every man wants freedom. It gives the clue that his atman is ever



Search within and attain the ever blissful and ever free atman.

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