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Opinions requested on astrological kavach compared to Gems & Rudraksha

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Greetings and thank you for this. Look forward to also hearing from

others in the group of any other experiences - positive or negative -

about this subject, as a matter of interest.




, narasimhaye

<no_reply wrote:


> Namaste Brit_In_Malaysia,


> I heard its one of those things that works for some people but not for

> others. The plates are probably derived from the style of making

> yantras but only smaller and for wearing on a chain.


> As I have experienced wearing one of these kavachas, I can't comment on

> their effects, whether positive, null or negative.


> However with rudraksha and gems or semi-precious gems, I've received

> innumerably good feedback regarding their efficacy.


> Like yourself, I would be very interested in hearing from our learned

> and knowledgeable or experienced friends in this Group about the

> kavachas you mentioned!


> Om Om




> , " brit_in_malaysia "

> <brit_in_malaysia@> wrote:

> >

> > Greetings:

> >

> > I would like to invite opinions on the strength of " astrological

> > kavaches " . I have seen these on the Web. Small silver (or gold) plates

> > worn around the neck, bearing numbers, said to strengthen all the

> > planets for a native. They are made at a " special time " - depending on

> > the astrological chart - and worn " also at a special time " and said

> > to have no side effects.

> >

> > What is the opinion on how effective/useful these kavaches actually

> are?

> >

> > How do they compare to the effectiveness of Rudraksha or Gems?

> >

> > Thank you.

> >


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