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Hello saibhakts,


I want to share a new experience of this week. Its just amazing I dont want to say unbeleiable coz it happend to me.I am pursuing my MBA since last year . did well last year but could not make it gr & this year due to some reasons. My university warned me to make my grades are back to A and I got panicked but still decided to talk to Baba .And I told him i need his help specially in Statistics subject where i know only the spelling of the subject.


He helped me through half way now ,i was just stunt ,the moment i read the book i started understanding formula which is impossible for me at all in other instances. I am ableto solve my problems with confidence and faith.


I dont have a single dilemma or question in my mind .Its all Baba and his blessings poured on me for success.


I bow to him and may he bless us all .


Jai Sairam ..



Smita Atre (SIA)




On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 Komandur Sushma wrote :

>Sai Ram Saurabh Bhayee,

> Its so sweet of baba who fullfilled u'r heart desire.May he keep on blessing u and bless all.

> Hope by his grace u get good job and may u'r faith in him increase to 100 folds.



>Saurabh Patel <mystic_saurabh wrote:

> Jai Sai Ram,


>I wanted to share this little experience of mine with Baba.


>This happed about two weeks ago on a Thursday. I was at the temple and Uma aunty (Bayjabai of our temple and like a mother) asked me to offer that prasadam plate she gave me to Baba. I went to Baba's moorti and did the same as elder sevaks do - touched the plate at Baba's feet, took that glass of water that was right beside his feet and sprayed some water on the prasadam with the help of a flower. At that moment a naughty thought crossed my mind and I told Baba in my head, " I want to drink this full glass of water one day " . Then I forgot about that thought and got busy with something else.


>In about 2 to 5 mins, when I was at the entrance of the temple, Uma aunty calls me and says something like this, " There is Baba's water in the fridge for you, drink it after the aarti " . I was surprised and said, " Are you serious, I just thought about it near Baba " . She said, " Every Thursday morning when I change the water I think of giving it you but I forget. "


>When I went inside the temple I thought of why I was worried about a new job and thought of what my devotee friend had told me one day about Baba (when she was with me and something happened with her train ticket), " If he (Baba) can take care of such a little thing as my train ticket, then why should I worry about the other larger issues that I face. " - So I too thought, " If he can take care of my wish for drinking that water then why should I worry about a job. "


>Al though, I must confess that I start to worry in intervals.. :o) But it is good to know that he is looking after such little things as well.


>May Baba bless all,

>Jai Sai Ram


Sushma Komandur.

> He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD) and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his shackles removed and will obtain Liberation " .-Shri Sai Baba





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