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Healing: Distant Healing By Michael Arvey

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Healing: Distant Healing

By Michael Arvey


" Eventually the art of healing will be one of the demonstrating

factors in proving the unity of all souls. " - Dwal Khul, Esoteric



" Prana is present in atoms and their constituents. It is behind the

energy fields into which matter is resolved at dissolution...It is an

element of the universe infinitely subtle and more complex than the

element we call matter. " - - Gopi Krishna, Living With Kundalini


In the early 1990's, I once wrote to Mother Meera, one of the Divine

Mothers presently embodied on earth. She represents that aspect of

the Divine Mother known as Durga. In east Indian spiritual lore,

Durga is She who helps us to cross the ocean of samsara, or the

relative world, to that state of life which is eternal, the state of

enlightenment It is said that Durga is also the one who turns the

mind away from evil and establishes it in the pursuit of good. For

many in India, Durga is a chief focus for worship.


In this instance, Mother Meera lives and is based in Germany. Each

year thousands of people pilgrimage there to receive darshan, the

presence of the Divine. Such visits have been known to change the

course of lives.


Since I was not in a position to travel to Germany, I chose to ask

and write for darshan from a distance-I was located in Colorado.

Within two weeks, one night just before retiring as I lay in bed, I

was stunned and mystified to feel an energy enter my legs and move up

the rest of my body. I wasn't in a state of bliss or ecstasy-just

wonderment at the experience. I was the recipient of an energetic

blessing and hello, and I had had no idea it would arrive such as

this. I fell asleep within a short time after putting two and two

together-it must be the Mother! From around the world, I had been

targeted by the descent of Grace.


Little did I realize that within a few years, I would myself

be " sending " spiritual energy around the world. I would be calling

the event, distant healing.


Recently I broadcast a healing to a woman who had suffered a major

car accident fourteen months earlier. The bones in her face had been

crushed, both ulnas in her arms shattered, both hips broken, and

various other injuries had been incurred.


Within those fourteen months, however, she had made a tremendous

comeback after surgeries, physical therapy, and much alternative

healing. She was still working on the physical aspects of her

condition, and also the spiritual aspects of her condition, as she

had been on the path of Light for many years. She asked if I might

work on some etheric and chakral healing issues for her at a

distance, since there was a 200-mile or so distance between us. We

set up our appointment.


In doing the healing, or clearing as I also call it, powerful energy

surged in and through our bodies, from head to toe. Throughout the

session, it streamed to the head and brain centers, her forearms, her

legs and feet, heart and solar plexus. More remarkably, the

consciousness of the session was thrilling-deep, expansively

spacious, settling down to where awareness of the physical body

became awareness of the bliss and Light body, a replication of what I

imagine as being like the stillness of space.


The following are excerpts from her description of the experience:


" You deserve a bona fide certificate in Radiance healing. There was

very much heat in my head, especially the left side. Very peaceful,

not discordant in the least, huge clearing of space for new space.

Experienced solar plexus and legs and arms as well. Much on the

emotional. Feel immensely clear and centered. Feel a huge shift with

some dead static energy that has been clogging my conscious field for

some time, prior to car crash. Am very thankful and pleased with the

aligning and clearing and motivation. Thank you very much for this

great gift that resonates beyond Time and Space. Definitely felt the

clear work in the heart. There was a lot of balancing things, energy

attention moving from one space to another and triggering other

energy actions. VERY VERY NICE. "


The session achieved a much desired effect on the client.


But how exactly does distant healing work, assuming that it does? How

do people like Mother Meera send their darshan? Can energy be sent?

What kind of energies are these?


My effort shall be to convey some possibilities within the context of

my own experience and thought as well as incorporating some

commentary by other writers on the subject.



Einstein's Universe


How often have we heard that all the universe is an infinite sea of

energy in subtle and gross forms? The gross form being that of

creation, all that rests or walks in manifestation. The generally

accepted view of matter in many circles is that it is compressed, or

crystalized energy. It is the end result of stepped-down energies

from the source of all energy and creation. Depending on one's

background, education and belief systems, that source might be called

the vacuum state, the ground state, pure Being, pure consciousness,

God, and so forth. In my experience, there are numerous stepped-down

energies. Most of the commentary I've encountered on the subject lump

all energies into one but label them differently. Subtle energy has

been called chi, ki, manna, life force, prana, cosmic breath, etc.

Ayurvedic medicine sees the body as interrelated fields, each field

and its corresponding systems being governed by a particular prana.

These pranic flows are a part of other overlaying fields called

doshas-kapha, pitta, vata. In yoga kundalini systems, prana is nearly

synonymous with kundalini, with a subtle difference. The kundalini is

the consciousness in the driver's seat, and prana is the vehicle.

Another old adage puts it succinctly, " Force is the horse,

consciousness is the rider. " As awakened kundalini rises up from the

base of the spine, it awakens and unifies the chakras and their

fields and brings in its wake higher states of consciousness.


What disturbs me at times is the notion that all energy is equally

flat and democratic, when in fact the universe is hierarchically

organized as far as energies and consciousness goes. Using a vertical

model for how we might metaphorically understand the universe, the

highest point in the structure would contain the finest energy, which

is a reflection or expression of the consciousness behind the energy.

Of what utility is any energy not directed and used in an organized

manner? As we slide down the vertical scale, energy becomes less

fine, grosser, less capable of expressing and holding higher

consciousness, in particular pure consciousness, the ground state and

foundation of all our experience in the relative world. All mystical,

metaphysical, and spiritual traditions have endeavored to infuse,

reorganize, and transmute humanity's energy fields and structures

with higher vibrational frequencies from above.


Esoterically speaking, this is known as alchemy and it works down to

subatomic levels, transforming a person's energetic fields into a

brilliant diamond Lightbody. At each frequency, or dimension, exists

worlds upon worlds of beings in subtler energetic forms than we in

our 3D existence. Many traditions speak of Higher Beings-we know of

them through our religions, our prophets, our secret and not-so-

secret spiritual orders, we know them through subjective experience.

And many know that the Higher Beings are just like us in essence,

only they have evolved to a finer plane of existence. They exhibit

qualities of love, compassion, mercy, understanding, intelligence,

power. They demonstrate great energy, and service to the Oneness of

existence, the beingness in all of us. We are all beads on a string

around the creator's neck - some of us are simply closer. In our neck

of the universe (the earth is on the outer fringes) we are aided and

abetted by a spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, those who have

established themselves in their soul consciousness and have no need

to incarnate on the planet. By virtue of its nature, that being, or

Self (Higher Self, Soul, Jiva-for expediency's sake I use these terms

interchangeably, though some schools of thought might make issue of

this-it's really a question of degree), partakes of the highest and

most powerful energy available, precisely because it is unbounded.


Robert E. Cox in his book The Pillar of Celestial Fire and the Lost

Science of the Ancient Seers presents another way of looking at

matter and energy as it is structured throughout creation: Ordinary

human awareness is locked onto the various forms of matter and energy

that exist within our local region of the Universe. According to the

non-local vision of the ancient Seers, human beings live in the

outermost of seven concentric layers of universal life that

collectively form the Cosmic Egg. These seven layers of universal

life are filled with subtle matter energy or celestial fire. Because

they appear to be blazing with celestial fire, in the Revelations of

John they were described as seven flames, and were identified with

the seven universal spirits of God.


Cox continues to explain the Vedic tradition as identifying those

seven layers as seven higher worlds of existence, called Sapta Lokas.

These include the Galactic world, the astral or dream world, the

Shining Heaven world, the World of Great Souls, the World of Divine

Beings, the World of Evolutionary Fire, and the World of Truth. Those

seven spirits of God, according to Cox, also " collectively constitute

the Holy Spirit. " In other traditions the seven spirits that Cox

speaks of are known as the seven Mighty Archangels who preside over

God's universe.


This celestial fire, or Holy Spirit, consists of the finest energy in

creation. In yogic traditions, celestial fire is often viewed as

kundalini energy, sometimes referred as Divine Mother energy. The

Mother of all energies, she creates the universe, the womb within

which all else takes form and moves in life. The Father, or Shiva in

the same tradition, is pure Being in its stillness. Celestial fire

could also be termed the cosmic fire serpent as it relates to

kundalini shakti, though humans have both a personal and a universal

connection to it.


Through experience and study, we can know of some of these

graduations of energy that exist all around us.


In my work with in-person and distant healing, I've noticed a huge

distinction between ordinary chi, ki, or prana, and that which is

governed by the soul and kundalini energies, which have enough

Presence to transform basic Egg energy into Grade AAA. The universe

isn't simply composed of a roiling ocean of prana-there are differing

frequencies. From the relative prana to that prana which exists

nearest the absolute, the energy is more refined on evolved levels of



How does distant healing work in my and other healer's cases?


I have some ideas.



Distant Healing-Do Time and Space Exist?


As my healing path continues to delicately unfold and spiritual

activations descend, I am awed by the internal transformations that

necessarily accompany the sweet blossomings. I am also fascinated by

the differences I perceive between long distance healing methods. The

methodologies are based on the same broad premise, yet the methods

themselves have distinct variations and magnitudes. There are levels

to everything in life, and healing is no exception. For example,

perhaps one method is best suited for physical healing, another for

emotional healing, and another for soul healing. And within those

parameters there may be extensive to moderate ranges of effectiveness.


Prana requires a navigator to set a course of action. Who will steer

the energy? How does it know where to go in the client? How does it

find the client half way around the world? These pose complex

questions that perhaps science will one day come to terms with and

will endeavor to elucidate the physical laws, or extraphysical laws,

behind these phenomenas. In the meantime, I offer my own observations

and notions, both as a healer and observer of this work.



Bringing Home the Light


We have noted that varying pranas exist and flow through the seven

major centers in the etheric body. From the crown to the root chakra,

these are vyana, prana, udana, prana, samana, apana and apana. These

prana vayus, or winds, as they are called, move in different

directions and are the prevailing " winds " in the subtle body that

determine the body's state of health or disease. The body cannot

exist without pranic life forces, just as it can't exist without food

and water. In short, each chakral center conveys distinct frequencies

of energy. These are borne upon different rays. The healer who

utilizes his centers to heal from, in a radiatory sense of work, has

a advantage over those who simply work from the palm centers unless

their other centers are involved in the healing, and frequently they

are not.


In addition, there stands a small limitation in regard to distant

healing and the use of hands. The healer generally requires a

photograph of the sendee, and either holds it or beams energy through

the hands at it. In some systems, symbols are required to activate

and send the energy. But I remember one of the favorite dictums of a

guru of mine long ago: Do less, and accomplish more.


In my experience, the use of symbols are cumbersome contrivances at

the soul level of energetic healing, whose innate intelligence

guides, inspires, and motivates the life forces. In fact, one healer

might agree with my view.


According to descriptions in his book, Advanced Pranic Healing, Choa

Kok Sui speaks of a " higher form of pranic healing, " Divine Light

healing, which sounds surprisingly close to what I do. He talks of

Divine energy being sent down from the Holy Ones, the Masters and

Archangels and such, through the soul of the healer either into the

soul of the client or into the patient's etheric and physical bodies.

This is seen as a flood of electric-violet or brilliant white light

coming down, according to Sui, which thereby rapidly cleanses and

energizes the entire body of the client. (Occasionally a client of

mine will see colors in the mind, and violet, blue, green and white

are most common.) He speaks of this Divine energy as having a

consciousness of its own, knowing where to go and what to do.


This has been precisely my experience, with a couple of

modifications. One, I believe that once such energy arrives from the

upper, out- of- physical- body chakral centers to the soul chakra

(above the head) of the healer, that energy becomes integrated so

fully with the soul that it is no longer distinguishable as energy

from above. The energy can derive from the healer's own higher self,

or can combine with the energy of others from above. Two, the healer

in this instance does not, again, require the use of hands to send

and direct energy though pictures, which Sui describes as procedural.

Soul energy has its own hands. Sui says the healer should touch the

pictures of the clients during the healing to establish stronger

etheric links. Among other things, he says to concentrate on the

crown and the ajna (third eye) chakras, and then draw divine energy

from above down into the hands and project this energy to the



I haven't found it necessary to follow such specific instructions.

Rather, all happens naturally and spontaneously, and one need only to

hold the client's mind name in his awareness. Soul energy

automatically will course through the crown and will project through

the ajna if it is required..


Another system declares that the energy it works with is directed by

inner guides and masters, and this may very well be so. Yet some of

the claims feel out of proportion to the actual results of the

healings, as in for example, calling it the Christ energy, Kuan Yin's

energy, and so forth. One must cast a discerning eye at what appear

to be vast confusions amid the healing arena.


Concerning distant healing, theoretical applications are often

similar, but methodologies are subject to deviations. Another

fascinating aspect to this subject is how distant healing locates its

intended client amid the five billion or so human bodies on the



----- to be continued -----

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