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Loving SAI RAMs,

We need to study the scriptural and other related texts which enlighten us with experiences and teachings of those who have traversed the path to God. We need sharp intelligence to grasp correctly what we study and observe. We need to hear about Atma and the " higher life. " But these are not enough. We need to apply our discrimination to sift what we have gathered from study and hearing and finally we have to concentrate on the Truth or Atma and dwell on it in deep meditation. Then only will the revelation of its true nature dawn on us. In the

Atma Bodha by Sankaracharya, we find reference the simile of extraction of gold which is indicative of the threefold process of realising the Self. The ore from whic gold is extracted as mined contains traces of gold mixed with lots of extraneous matter. The extracted ore is first ground and seived and the gold containg ore is separated from other impurites. Such a ore is then smelted in smelters. The molten gold is cooled, when pure brilliant metal metal gold is obtained.



Just like the gold in the extracted ore, divinity in us is hardly seen in our material compsition. After we are drawn out from the depth of material entanglements, our gross intellect is made subtle by educating it with the logic and reason contained in the scriptures(grinding). We then begin to realise the existence of a changeless Reality beyond the changing phenomena of the world. The reality is further distinguished and separated from the unreal by the process of reflection(seiving). By constant reflection, we gain a thorough understanding of the eternal Reality. When the understanding deepens , we become more introvert and contemplative. We are then fit for intensive meditation(heating) and realisation of the supreme Reality. The Svetastarava Upanishad says---- " When the self-controlled spiritual aspirant realizes ,in this very body ,the truth of Brahman, through the truth of the Atman, self-luminous as light and Divinity which is unborn, eternal and untouched by the modifications of nature, he is freed from all sins. " (Yad Atmatatvena tu Brahmatatvam Deeppopamaneha yuktaah prapasyet Ajam dhruvam sarva tatvaih visuddham Gyatva devam muchyate sarvapapaih)

.. The Mundaka Upanishad declares, the knots of the hreat is loosened, all doubts are cut off and one`s karmas ceae when Brahman is realised.

(to be continued)


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