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In the very first day the Guru shown a white paper to each disciple and instructed them to find out what they could see inside the circle drawn at the centre of the sheet either by naked eyes or by use of a magnifying glass. Each one of them answered very correctly, 9 black spots, 3 red spots, 1 brown, 1 blue and a grey which was very light and small.


The Guru smiled and told them that he was very impressed as all his disciples were able to see all the 15 spots including the smallest grey spot.....excellent! He went on, 'You see the whole area covered by those spots is very negligible compared to the area of the remaining part inside the circle which none of you noticed!' You focused on the spots but ignored the vast expanse of the white area!


This is a simple example what we understand about others in our life. That white portion symbolise the good quality of the persons we deal with in our daily lives - our relatives, family members, friends, colleagues or even strangers we meet in our daily lives. Those coloured and black marks represent the bad characters or bad qualities of the same which are very minor or negligible comparing to the other part or the good qualities.


See how easy it is to ignore the white coloured good qualities of others, however we are so quick to notice their 'dark' spots i.e. negative points; errors or mistakes!


My dear brothers and sisters, let us ensure that from this moment on we will try purify our thinking and make our journey of life loving, peaceful and 'Sai' like!!



Remain Blessed!Duty is God, Work is Worship

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