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From Puttaparthi... Roar of the Cosmic Lion

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Once a devotee prayed to Swami, "Swami you say that this whole world is nothing but a projection of our mind and is therefore nothing but a dream. But you too have taken a Form in this dream, so are you also not a part of this dream?"

Bhagavan smiled and replied, "Yes my dear, I too am part of your dream. But I am like the roaring lion in the dream. My roaring will wake you up from this dream unto reality!"

The roar could come in any form. It could be a dream, a smile, a deep look, a conversation, a single word, even a whisper or even His Silence!!!

In another interview in Trayee Brindavan, Swami explained to us the meaning of true devotion. He said, "How can everybody simply claim that they are my devotees? It is I who must certify to that effect. You saying that 'Swami I am your devotee' is not as important as me saying that you are my devotee!"

Bhagavan went on to say that, first we must say, "Swami, I am yours." This is like sending a registered post to Bhagavan – not an ordinary registered post but registered post with acknowledgement due from SWAMI!!!

Then, Bhagavan must tell us, "Yes, you are mine!" This is like getting the receipt. Only then the relationship is complete.

Swami went around distributing Vibhuti Prasadam to all of us seated in the room. As He approached me, He asked like an ideal teacher conducting the test on the syllabus that He had just completed, "Who are you?"

I was so happy to hear that and smilingly I replied, "Swami, I am your son!" Immediately Swami shot back. It was again His roar. He said, "No, do not say I am your son. You may be a son or even a daughter. Say, I am your child!"

What pearls of wisdom! Bhagavan was, in one sentence taking us to the reality of our true Self – wherein we are neither male nor female. These attributes are all related to the body and not to the Atma.

In another wonderful incident, in the Brindavan Campus college auditorium, Swami had just completed delivering His Discourse on the valedictory day of the Summer Course. Towards the end, He had materialized a beautiful diamond swan, which He related to the mythological story of Nala and Damyanti.

But what was more joyous was that, Swami came walking across the auditorium, between every row of chairs, holding the diamond swan in His hand for all to see. But would He waste this opportunity without giving one of His roars?

As He came closer to where we all were seated, He stood for a while at one point. All of us craned our necks to catch a glimpse of that beautiful swan. Well, this was the right moment for Bhagavan. He withdrew the swan and as we all suddenly turned towards Him, He said, "That is only a creation - who is the creator? You all are interested only in the creation, not the creator." Wow! That was like a lightning from the blue! (See photos)

Bhagavan compares this to an aircraft and the pilot. He says that when a plane flies across the sky, we get so enamored by its majesty that we forget that there is a pilot who is inside the cockpit driving the aircraft. Bhagavan is the Cosmic Pilot who is driving the entire Universe.

Again and again, Swami propels our mind to turn inwards and again and again we bring it out and let it loose among the temptations of this attractive world! How painful must this task be for Him?

As Bhagavan Himself says, "I alone know the agony of teaching you every step of the dance."

Transcript of the talk delivered by Mr G S Srirangarajan, a former student and currently a faculty member in the School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance of Sri Sathya Sai University, on August 23, 2007 in the Divine Presence in Prasanthi Nilayam.

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