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Thanks all for the wonderful explanation...especially

about the meaning of the word Shraddha. I was away from

home for a few weeks, hence the belated reply. By the way,

I have read that the Katha was the most beloved upanishad

of Swami Vivekananda and HE used to emphasize that we have

to develop Shraddha in ourselves, just as Nachiketas had.

There's an interesting story about Nachiketas in the Vaaraha

Purana wherein he describes in detail about the various hells

and the tortures in hell. There's no mention

about the Atma Vidya as in the Katha Up. Can it be that the

story in the Purana is an interpolation?


Ramakrishna wrote:



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Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

Vivekananda Centre London




There are 4 messages in this issue.


Topics in today's digest:


1. VML-3/22/00

ananta <sarada

2. Re: Shradda

Gokulmuthu N <gomu

3. Re: namaskar

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

4. Re: Re: Shradda

" vinaire " <vinaire






Message: 1

Wed, 22 Mar 2000 05:46:39 -0500

ananta <sarada



This is what this Jnana-Yoga teaches. It tells man that he is

essentially divine. It shows to mankind the real unity of being, and

that each one of us is the Lord God Himself, manifested on earth. All

of us, from the lowest worm that crawls under our feet to the highest

beings to whom we look up with wonder and awe-all are manifestations

of the same Lord.





Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.


Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.


It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.


We ask ourselves, " Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and

fabulous? "


Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.


Your playing small doesn't serve the world.


There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people

won't feel insecure around you.


We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.


It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.


And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people

permission to do the same.


As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically

liberates others.








Message: 2

Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:55:37 +0530 (IST)

Gokulmuthu N <gomu

Re: Shradda




The best example for Shradda are the words of Nachiketa in the Katha

Upanisad. When his father gives away useless things in charity, young

Nachiketa feels that he should remind his father of his duties. He thinks

thus, " I am not the best in the world; I am not bad either. I am someone

who can know good from the bad atleast to an extent. I am sure that what

my father is doing is not right. If my father gives me in charity, I can

bring some merit to my father, which will counter act his wrong deed. "

This right understanding of one's worth, which results in positive action

is called Shradda. Shradda can be translated as " faith in oneself " . It

is not over-confidence and it is not self-degradation.


With love,





Email: gomu

Phone: +91 80 6689904

Webpages: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1863








Message: 3

Wed, 22 Mar 2000 18:20:31 -0000

" Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

Re: namaskar


Dear List members


The internet is an unusual tool. It allows us to develop links with devotees

who live in far off places.



mercantile <srk


22 March 2000 18:50




> Vivekananda centre ,Londom

> Thank u very much for remembering us.

> We, in Nepal,are running a small private centre since 1995.We do have

> Swamijis visiting us off and on. We hope we can have a Ramakrishna

> Mission centre in Nepal in near future.

> Pls kindly inlist us in your mail .

> Thank u, and Namaskar.

> Badridas Shrestha

> Secretary General

> Ramakrishna Vivekananda Vedanta Society

> PO Box 2956 Kathmandu


> Tel/Fax; ++977 1 538435









Message: 4

Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:19:23 -0500

" vinaire " <vinaire

Re: Re: Shradda


This is a wonderful explanation! Thank you.


Gokulmuthu N <gomu




The best example for Shradda are the words of Nachiketa in the Katha

Upanisad. When his father gives away useless things in charity, young

Nachiketa feels that he should remind his father of his duties. He thinks

thus, " I am not the best in the world; I am not bad either. I am someone

who can know good from the bad atleast to an extent. I am sure that what

my father is doing is not right. If my father gives me in charity, I can

bring some merit to my father, which will counter act his wrong deed. "

This right understanding of one's worth, which results in positive action

is called Shradda. Shradda can be translated as " faith in oneself " . It

is not over-confidence and it is not self-degradation.


With love,











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Prayer should be with love, affection and devotion, may be once, which

reaches Me across the seven seas.

The reactions to the actions of past lives have to be tolerated in

this life As you sow so you reap. You must bear with the happy and

unhappy situations as the will of Lord. I do every thing for one who

remembers Me always with faith and patience Sadguru Sai had also

promised that I help those who bear with reactions to all one's past

actions easily, provided your love, faith and patience in Me is


Sadgurus do not break the laws of nature, but they communicate in such

a manner, that their faithful devotees can face the ordeals of life

rather easily. Therefore, let our prayers to Baba be thus, " Oh

Master, the ocean of compassion, we promise to destroy the results of

our Prarabdha Karmas of the past lives by bearing them in this life,

but we invoke Thy blessings to control our inner thoughts that, we do

not repeat those sinful activities

At the journey's start the Master is the boatman, the boat and the

river. At the journey's end, the Master becomes the goal itself. A

beginner-seeker sees the Master as the boat. When he crosses beyond

the barrier of the mind, he sees the Master as the boatman. When he

establishes his constant oneness with the Master, he sees the Master

as the river. And when he becomes the most perfect instrument of the

Master, he sees the Master as his goal itself. When the hour strikes

for the disciple, the disciple also has to play the role of a Master,

for progress must continue in the world of self-giving and



" Baba says...The disciples should have firm faith, backed up by

intelligence, and if they add patience to these, their spiritual goal

will not be distant. The average disciples are those who carry out the

orders of their Masters to a letter, without any delay and the third

kind of disciples are those, who go on postponing the carrying out of

their orders and make mistakes at every step. The best kind of

disciples are those, who guess what their Pujya Gurudev want and

immediately carry it out and serve them, without waiting for an order

from them "


There is a tendency to interpret renunciation as merely giving up

worldly attachments. Renunciation truly means attaining perfect

equanimity. People may criticize you or praise you, take them both

with a sense of equanimity. One may try to harm you while another may

try to do you a good turn; treat both situations with equanimity. In

one business venture, you may incur a loss while in another you may

make a profit; treat them both alike. Equanimity is the hallmark of

spiritual attainment.



To get close to Baba & to feel His presence, you must love Him. Bear

His image to dwell in your heart. Serve all as if you are serving Him

& see His presence in all. He is with you & you are part of Him & are



How to live;- Live as though Christ died yesterday, rose from the

grave today, and is coming back tomorrow.


The essence of the Gita:- For the protection of the good, for the

destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness,

I am born in every age.


Curb your tongue & senses and you are beyond trouble. Be in Silence &

fruits of life.




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