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Puttaparthi - 23rd April 2007

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Puttaparthilive.com Newsletter


April 23rd





Usually at this time of the year we stop the newsletter and only do updates once a week but this year we want to keep doing this every day so we had to fix some issue and that was the delay in sending the newsletter for the past week or so. Now we have fixed the problems and you should get the newsletter regularly from now on. You can find the thought for the days for the past few days on our website.





Swami is still in Prasanthi Nilayam and we have no information regarding Swami travelling plans. If we get any news or information we will send you in the newsletter and also inform you thorough our website.


Thought for the Day




If the eye does not help you to visualize God in everything you see, it is far better to be blind. If your ears drag you towards filthy cacophony, it is far better to be deaf. The senses should not be encouraged to plunge you into sensual muck. They must serve your real interests and sublimate your appetites. They must help you to dwell on God. All our thoughts are influenced by what we see, hear or smell. We must try to control the sense organs, especially the ears and the eyes.


(translated into German Marie-Stephanie Freiin von Elverfeldt)



Wenn das Auge Dir nicht hilft, Dir Gott in allem vorzustellen, was Du siehst, ist es weit besser, blind zu sein. Wenn Deine Ohren Dich mit scheußlichem Mißklang zermürben, ist es weit besser taub zu sein. Die Sinne sollten nicht ermutigt werden, in sinnlichen Müll einzutauchen. Sie müssen Deinen wirklichen Interessen dienen und Dein Verlangen verfeinern. Sie müssen Dir helfen, in Gott zu Hause zu sein. Alle unsere Gedanken sind davon beeinflußt, was wir sehen, hören oder riechen. Wir müssen versuchen, die Sinnesorgane zu kontrollieren, besonders die Ohren und die Augen.


(translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya)



Apabila indera matamu tidak membantumu untuk mevisualisasikan Tuhan dalam segala sesuatu yang engkau lihat, maka lebih baik mata ini menjadi buta. Apabila indera pendengaranmu justru menyeretmu kepada hiruk-pikuk yang penuh dengan kekotoran, maka akan lebih baik bila telinga ini menjadi tuli. Janganlah engkau membiarkan panca inderamu semakin mendorongmu masuk ke kubangan sensual. Seharusnya panca indera ini dipergunakan untuk melayani minatmu yang sejati serta memperhalus seleramu. Mereka justru harus membantumu berkontemplasi kepada Tuhan. Pikiran kita dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang kita lihat, dengar dan cium. Oleh sebab itu, engkau harus berupaya untuk mengendalikan panca inderamu, terutama telinga dan mata.



(translated into Spanish by Equipo Namo)



Si el ojo no te ayuda a visualizar a Dios en todo lo que ves, es mucho mejor estar ciego. Si tus oídos te arrastran hacia la disonancia inmunda, es mucho mejor estar sordo. No se debería fomentar a los sentidos para que te hundan en la suciedad de lo sensual. Ellos deben servir para tus verdaderos intereses y para sublimar tus apetitos. Deben ayudarte a morar en Dios. Todos nuestros pensamientos están influenciados por lo que vemos, oímos u olemos. Debemos intentar controlar los órganos de los sentidos, especialmente los oídos y los ojos.



(translated into translated into Italian by Mabatini)



Se gli occhi non vi aiutano a visualizzare Dio in ogni cosa vista, sarebbe meglio che foste cieco. Se le vostre orecchie vi trascinano verso sporche cacofonie, sarebbe meglio che foste sordi. I sensi non dovrebbero essere incoraggiati a immergervi nel letame dei sensi. Essi devono servire il vostro reale interesse e soddisfare i vostri appetiti. Essi devono aiutarvi a dimorare in Dio. Tutti i vostri pensieri sono influenzati da ciò che vedete , ascoltate o odorate. Dobbiamo provare a controllare gli organi dei sensi, specialmente le orecchie e gli occhi


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