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Saisatsang- Week ending 30 March

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Sai-Satsang in 3 centers continued

(week ending 30th March, Friday)


Sairam to all Children, Sisters and Sai Brothers

in all 3 Sai SatSanghs in Jubail, Dammam and Riyadh.


We continue with the eighth (8) posting of the

activities of all 3 centers.



1) Bro Ravi Shankar- Bhajan master returns to live

back in Riyadh

2) Note on Spiritual Discrimination given at the end

of the note.

3) Forthcoming Good Friday celebrations



In Dammam the weekly satsang was held on the evening

of Wednesday 28th March, at the residence of Bro.

Vinod. The attendance was by about 25 members. It

started punctually at 7.30 pm. Aarti was taken by Bro

Kaladeepan. Study circle session was held on the same

evening after a small break. It was attended by about

17 members with good participation and completing

Chapter 4. Their previous week’s query about

“Spiritual Discrimination” in Chapter 4- point 5 is

discussed at the end of this note.


Jubail center held the weekly Satsang on the Thursday

29th March at 7.30 pm that was attended by about 27

members at Bro Swamy Mahadevan’s residence. Aarthi was

taken by Bro Prem (Dammam). Next Study circle session

coordinated by Bro Gopalakrishnan’s is likely to be

held in third week of April.


Riyadh group held the weekly Bhajan on Friday 30th

March from 9.00 am till about 10.50 pm. It was

attended by about 45 members. The aarthi was performed

by Bro Vittal (City Plaza). The study circle sessions

followed it.

The good news is the “Return of Ravi”, the beloved

Bhajan master back to Riyadh. He managed to get an

offer from City Plaza and was also lucky to get the

release from previous employer. So Swami has shown

kindness to devotees in Saudi Arabia, who can now

continue to improve their Bhajans under expert

guidance once again. He is not going to Tanzania any



For the forthcoming week, Singers have been requested

to choose either English Bhajans or Sarvadharma

bhajans on the auspicious occasion of Good Friday.

Good Friday commemorates the death by crucification of

Jesus Christ falling this year on April 6th. As per

their belief, he was revived to life on the following

Sunday which is observed as Easter. Bro Kham, spitual

cooridnator is also scheduled to give a talk on Good

Friday and Easter (He was born and raised as a

Buddhist and now has extensive knowledge of Hinduism-

this shows the globalization of all religions, one of

the goals of our Sai organization)


Now regarding the query in the study circle in Dammam

on reference to “Spiritual discrimination”, Chapter 4,

Point 5, page 28. The reference Para is as follows:

“Unshakable faith does not grow overnight…..There can

be no more worthy object of effort than realizing “the

omnipresent God”. Our faith grants us the patience

while we develop spiritual discrimination which

enables us to know what is real and lasting value.

Till we taste the sweetness of spiritual values, faith

sustains the vision”.


Implied in this Para is the message that a) there is

something sweet about spiritual values b) This takes

time to reach and get it during the journey towards it

c) Unless we have “faith” (about the end result) we

can’t start on this journey d) we can sustain this

long journey through “Spiritual Discrimination”


First of all, I must felicitate the Study circle

coordinator and members of Dammam center on even

noticing this connection. Most times, we just skip

over key concepts as just more words. Some important

words are “terminologies” that express a key concept.

One of them is “spiritual discrimination”.


The Sanskrit equivalent word is “viveka”. According to

our ancient Vedanta (which our Swami simplifies in

simple language), our Buddhi (intellect) has several

functions such as memory, comparison (of one memory to

another) and determining which one is better over

several choices. This choice of one over another is

guided partly by our Gunas (basic nature) which we

inherit from birth to birth (subjective) and partly by

our efforts in this birth by study of the

Dharma-shastras (Holy books) and sadhanas (practices)

which gives a (objective) basis for judgment.


Here an analogy will be helpful. A person may be

naturally good at numbers and be able to remember them

and even do the basic arithmetic in the head without

calculators. This is the Guna part. However this will

not equip the person to be good in Algebra or Geometry

which is a more complex mathematical science. By

formally learning it and practicing what is learnt,

one can aspire to become a mathematician. Now it is

well known that mathematicians choose this difficult

subject because they love “Maths” although it pays

less than IT or Commerce. Their life goal is not to be

rich but to be good in math!


In the same way, a spiritually inclined person wants

to improve himself spiritually (for sake of inner

peace and not material values). Let us assume he is

starting at a point zero in x, y and z axis. It would

help him, if he can first identify where he wants to

reach. Most spiritual aspirants as far as I know want

“to realize God” e.g. this can e 10x,10y,10z (other

end of the cube). This urge to progress towards such a

goal is more intense than just praying or even singing

devotional songs or repeating God’s name (Namasmarana)

all of which are various forms of sadhanas.


Here is where “Spiritual discrimination” comes in. You

know where you are starting and where you want to

reach. You know it is not easy. You know there are

several steps, some of which you know and some yet to

discover. You know you have to climb this spiritual

ladder a step at a time to go higher and finally reach



As per our Hindu Vedic philosophy which our swami

elucidates in his various discourses, there is no

“only one way” but several ways to reach this one

objective. Broadly these are classified as through

Gynana (Knowledge), Bakhthi (devotion) and Seva

(selfless service). These are not exclusive to each

other but most people use a combination.



You can start doing one step in Bakhthi, then in Seva

and finally in Gyana. SAI organization provides such

an opportunity for wholesome experience.


Bakhthi requires devotion and melting of self-ego.

This can be via Bhajans or via Namasmarana. Seva

requires some physical effort and co-ordination with

others but most important is doing it without

expecting a return or benefit.


Spiritual discrimination is more relevant in study

circle as it fine tunes the “knowledge” component. It

is not like rote learning –mugging a multiplication

table. It is understanding the different concepts and

seeing the right value at each stage. The basic

concept is that “our state of spiritual awareness can

change by (our) effort” . Just as exercise can improve

the physical body, spiritual body can also improve by

a combination of Gyna-Bakhti-Seva. That is why the

tile of the guide book is “Pathways to God”.


To recognize this growth, certain pointers have to be

identified at intermediate levels. When one is

starting in class 1 one does not know about Algebra or

Geometry, just the basic arithmetic tables. As we

progress, we realize there is different syllabus and

even different Gurus. At a point in time, one can even

become a teacher to some others. However unlike

physical sciences it is not just knowledge but also

requires an “attitude” or Mana-pakkuvam. One not only

realizes, what is right from wrong but also work

towards “right” as required in Dharma. This is easier

said than done.


So knowing the right from the wrong (at the extreme)

and choosing one over another preferences at the

intermediate levels while consciously attempting to

progress towards higher spiritual awareness is

“spiritual discrimination”.


Sairam and Pranams to all.


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Sairam, Can anyone please give me the sai center address preferably with telephone number at Dammam in Saudi Arabia? With best wishes, VenkatRajan PBV <sssdgroup wrote: Sai-Satsang in 3 centers continued (week ending 30th March, Friday)Sairam to all Children, Sisters and Sai Brothers in all 3 Sai SatSanghs in Jubail, Dammam and Riyadh.We continue with the eighth (8) posting of theactivities of all 3 centers.Summary:1) Bro Ravi Shankar- Bhajan master returns to liveback in Riyadh2) Note on Spiritual Discrimination given at the endof the note.3) Forthcoming Good Friday celebrations Details:In Dammam the weekly satsang was held on the eveningof Wednesday 28th March, at the residence

of Bro.Vinod. The attendance was by about 25 members. Itstarted punctually at 7.30 pm. Aarti was taken by BroKaladeepan. Study circle session was held on the sameevening after a small break. It was attended by about 17 members with good participation and completingChapter 4. Their previous week’s query about“Spiritual Discrimination” in Chapter 4- point 5 isdiscussed at the end of this note. Jubail center held the weekly Satsang on the Thursday29th March at 7.30 pm that was attended by about 27members at Bro Swamy Mahadevan’s residence. Aarthi wastaken by Bro Prem (Dammam). Next Study circle sessioncoordinated by Bro Gopalakrishnan’s is likely to beheld in third week of April. Riyadh group held the weekly Bhajan on Friday 30thMarch from 9.00 am till about 10.50 pm. It wasattended by about 45 members. The aarthi was performedby Bro Vittal (City Plaza). The study circle sessionsfollowed it.

The good news is the “Return of Ravi”, the belovedBhajan master back to Riyadh. He managed to get anoffer from City Plaza and was also lucky to get therelease from previous employer. So Swami has shownkindness to devotees in Saudi Arabia, who can nowcontinue to improve their Bhajans under expertguidance once again. He is not going to Tanzania anymore. For the forthcoming week, Singers have been requestedto choose either English Bhajans or Sarvadharmabhajans on the auspicious occasion of Good Friday. Good Friday commemorates the death by crucification ofJesus Christ falling this year on April 6th. As pertheir belief, he was revived to life on the followingSunday which is observed as Easter. Bro Kham, spitualcooridnator is also scheduled to give a talk on GoodFriday and Easter (He was born and raised as aBuddhist and now has extensive knowledge of Hinduism-this shows the globalization of all

religions, one ofthe goals of our Sai organization) Now regarding the query in the study circle in Dammamon reference to “Spiritual discrimination”, Chapter 4,Point 5, page 28. The reference Para is as follows:“Unshakable faith does not grow overnight…..There canbe no more worthy object of effort than realizing “theomnipresent God”. Our faith grants us the patiencewhile we develop spiritual discrimination whichenables us to know what is real and lasting value.Till we taste the sweetness of spiritual values, faithsustains the vision”. Implied in this Para is the message that a) there issomething sweet about spiritual values b) This takestime to reach and get it during the journey towards itc) Unless we have “faith” (about the end result) wecan’t start on this journey d) we can sustain thislong journey through “Spiritual Discrimination” First of all, I must felicitate the Study

circlecoordinator and members of Dammam center on evennoticing this connection. Most times, we just skipover key concepts as just more words. Some importantwords are “terminologies” that express a key concept.One of them is “spiritual discrimination”.The Sanskrit equivalent word is “viveka”. According toour ancient Vedanta (which our Swami simplifies insimple language), our Buddhi (intellect) has severalfunctions such as memory, comparison (of one memory toanother) and determining which one is better overseveral choices. This choice of one over another isguided partly by our Gunas (basic nature) which weinherit from birth to birth (subjective) and partly byour efforts in this birth by study of theDharma-shastras (Holy books) and sadhanas (practices)which gives a (objective) basis for judgment.Here an analogy will be helpful. A person may benaturally good at numbers and be able to remember

themand even do the basic arithmetic in the head withoutcalculators. This is the Guna part. However this willnot equip the person to be good in Algebra or Geometrywhich is a more complex mathematical science. Byformally learning it and practicing what is learnt,one can aspire to become a mathematician. Now it iswell known that mathematicians choose this difficultsubject because they love “Maths” although it paysless than IT or Commerce. Their life goal is not to berich but to be good in math!In the same way, a spiritually inclined person wantsto improve himself spiritually (for sake of innerpeace and not material values). Let us assume he isstarting at a point zero in x, y and z axis. It wouldhelp him, if he can first identify where he wants toreach. Most spiritual aspirants as far as I know want“to realize God” e.g. this can e 10x,10y,10z (otherend of the cube). This urge to progress towards such

agoal is more intense than just praying or even singingdevotional songs or repeating God’s name (Namasmarana)all of which are various forms of sadhanas. Here is where “Spiritual discrimination” comes in. Youknow where you are starting and where you want toreach. You know it is not easy. You know there areseveral steps, some of which you know and some yet todiscover. You know you have to climb this spiritualladder a step at a time to go higher and finally reach“God”. As per our Hindu Vedic philosophy which our swamielucidates in his various discourses, there is no“only one way” but several ways to reach this oneobjective. Broadly these are classified as throughGynana (Knowledge), Bakhthi (devotion) and Seva(selfless service). These are not exclusive to eachother but most people use a combination. You can start doing one step in Bakhthi, then in Sevaand finally in Gyana. SAI

organization provides suchan opportunity for wholesome experience. Bakhthi requires devotion and melting of self-ego.This can be via Bhajans or via Namasmarana. Sevarequires some physical effort and co-ordination withothers but most important is doing it withoutexpecting a return or benefit. Spiritual discrimination is more relevant in studycircle as it fine tunes the “knowledge” component. Itis not like rote learning –mugging a multiplicationtable. It is understanding the different concepts andseeing the right value at each stage. The basicconcept is that “our state of spiritual awareness canchange by (our) effort” . Just as exercise can improvethe physical body, spiritual body can also improve bya combination of Gyna-Bakhti-Seva. That is why thetile of the guide book is “Pathways to God”. To recognize this growth, certain pointers have to beidentified at intermediate levels. When one

isstarting in class 1 one does not know about Algebra orGeometry, just the basic arithmetic tables. As weprogress, we realize there is different syllabus andeven different Gurus. At a point in time, one can evenbecome a teacher to some others. However unlikephysical sciences it is not just knowledge but alsorequires an “attitude” or Mana-pakkuvam. One not onlyrealizes, what is right from wrong but also worktowards “right” as required in Dharma. This is easiersaid than done. So knowing the right from the wrong (at the extreme)and choosing one over another preferences at theintermediate levels while consciously attempting toprogress towards higher spiritual awareness is“spiritual discrimination”. Sairam and Pranams to all.P.B.V.Rajan EVERYTHING ABOUT 'SHIRDI/PARTHI SAI BABA' ARE IN THESE WEBSITES:Websites:http://www.sathyasai.org

http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/http://www.saibabalinks.orghttp://www.ssso.nethttp://www.sailopics.comhttp://www.saibaba.ws http://www.srisathyasai.org.inhttp://www.sssbpt.orghttp://www.radiosai.orghttp://www.vedamu.orghttp://www.kingdomofsai.orghttp://www.saigrace.comhttp://www..comhttp://www.saibabaofshirdi.netTo know more be free to ask tosathya_vermasai_sewak

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