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Prayers to be included for June Parayana.

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Please go through the prayers list and send any updates for June Parayana.






• BABA Give peace to the departed souls. And strength to the families to go through the tragedy.

• BABA please give us strength to bear your tests and face calamities. Please let there be peace on this earth and save your children from the harsh nature and calamities.

• For Vikas BABA please be with him and his family and let Vikas recover with your blessings.

• For Nishanth please help him through his ordeal and help him recover baba you are the saviour.

• For Carol - BABA please give her family your blessings.

• Bless little Sudipti and remove her kidney problems and give peace of mind to her parents.

• For the mothers who are worried about the welfare of their children and their habits make their children more responsible and get rid of their addictions and habits. And for the mother who is desperately seeking BABA's blessing for marriage of her daughters baba please stop testing her and listen to her prayers and pleas.

• Bless Vanita with a child, you who has granted boons to so many please fulfill her wish for children.

• Bless those who had accidents for a speedy recovery and remove confusion and give them peace of mind.

• BABA please listen to prayers of Natarajanji and resolve his problems. Give him peace and fulfill his desires.

• Bless Srivalli's husband Jaimini to recover from depression and bless her and her children.

• BABA bless Madhuji and resolve her problems. Baba you give troubles and request you to give solution to them as well.

• For Sai brother Nagaraj, please solve his problems and remove his anxieties BABA you are the sole refuge.

• For Gopi and his son Nitesh so that there is love peace and understanding in their house.

• For Smita M please guide her in her career and her life.

• Please bless Kaminiji's family for health wealth and prosperity with special care on her son.

• Bless Aradhana Gandhi and her family to recover the losses and help them financially and mentally. You are the protector BABA give them happiness.

• Please bless Archana and remove her pain and ailment.

• For Navin and Jyoti to overcome their worries and get Sai Baba's grace and devotion

• For Ushaji's sister's well being in all aspects. Ushaji's families welfare and welbeing.

• BABA bless Poonam and her husband Anand with health and happiness and also her son Rohan to do well in studies. Take care of the welfare of her parents and inlaws and other friends. Bless both Anand and Poonam with jobs of their choice.

• Bless Upendraji and his family with health and happiness and special blessings to his daughter who is going through a tough phase in her life. Please listen to the prayers of the parents.

• For Ramachander Rao Devullaply and Padma, please listen to their prayers and imporve their financial and mental wellbeing and provide them with a good job.

• For Sai sanjana to recover her health

• For health and welfare of Sonu Somataniji's mother please relieve her leg pain and give her health and happiness in their life.

• Special blessings on the members of sai family who have celebrate their birtdays in the current month. Please BABA bless them with health wealth happiness and prosperity. May they draw closer to you every year.

• Baba bless Deepa Komaniji and remove her problems and take care of the welfare of her family and give her peace.

• For the welfare and well being of all the members of Sabkamalikek and their families.

• May Baba take care of Bhavana, who is going to go through a bad phase in her life, May BABA give her immense strength to pick herself up and look ahead with hope and with the belief that God is with her.

• Baba a special prayer for Venu, may you be with him at all times and guide him in his life and career.

• Baba, take care of Paula and the children, specially Tommy, please put him on the right path. Take care of his girlfriend too.

• Baba listen to Anoop's prayers for his father S.Ravindran. Nair to get a good job in USA and bless the family with health wealth and welfare.

• Bless Nita Patel and her family with health and happiness.

• Baba bless Sridharji and is mother to recover through the loss of his father. BABA give them strength to get through the ordeal.

• Bless Lakshmi Ravindran and fullfil their wishes and bless them with happiness.

• Baba bless Ramakanth Gouru in reaching his goals in life.

• Baba bless Malati to be united with Manish and fulfill her hearts desire. Bless her with job of her choice and in getting H1 visa. You are the master and look kindly to their needs.

• Baba bless Saraswati with health and happiness so that she spreads happiness to everybody depending on her and fill her house and her dependents with health peace and happiness.

• BABA bless Renganathan with happiness and peace. Take care of his worries and problems.

• Special prayers for Sharada, be with her and help her to lead a happy and peaceful life.

• BABA please bless Smita Krishna's mother to bear the pain and help the surgery a success. Be with the family during the hard times. Help smita to face the challenges in her life and give her peace of mind and happiness.

• BABA bless Mahesh and Shreya with love and devotion towards your holy feet. Please take care of Mahesh's mother and let peace prevail in his family.

• BABA be with Veenaji always and help her to solve her problems and take care of her family by removing the anxieties. Give them health wealth and happiness.

• BABA bless Fatima and her family in this hard times. Fill their life with peace and happiness and help her kids to grow up to achieve their dream. Be with them always.

• BABA bless Lakshminarayana Nemaniji with health and happiness and fulfill his wishes.

• BABA bless Abhishek's mother and cousin to recover their health. Bless them and give them health and welfare. Please listen to the prayers.

• BABA bless Jyothiji and her family.

• Please bless Rohit's Parents and let them be happy.Bless his sister with good education and a job.Bless Rohit with nice education and help in his spiritual progress. Also bless Rohit with a job and settling in his life.

• Baba bless Anu Chopra and keep her in his light and bless her with peace, courage, dedication and direction in every aspect of her life and bless her so that she excels in law studies.

• Baba bless Abhishek Guptaji to get a good life partner and fix an early marriage for him.

• BABA bless Pamita, Tarun and Saurav with health wealth and happiness always.

• Baba bless Nephrologist who is suffering from Cancer to oesophagus. You are the biggest doctor and know what is best. Please show mercy.

• BABA bless MEGHAN DERUE and cure her of her malady. Bless her and her family to cope with this sickness. You are the divine doctor please show mercy on her and give her a new lease of life BABA.

• BABA please listen to Aruna's prayers for her children. Bless Vikram with health and give him ability to do his exams well and come out successfully. BABA bless Veena with a job and resolve their problems. BABA please listen to the pleas of this mother.

• Baba bless Manohar Uppuluri with a job and remove his mental anxiety. Give them health welfare and happiness.

• BABA please remove Shri Shiv Chander Kumar's suffering that he has been facing for the last 4 years and that prevented him from going to work , no medicines and Doctors could help till now, you are the doctor whose hand will cure the incurable. Please help. Remove suffering of Smt Santosh Kumar who is under pressure family tension due to Shiv Chander Kumar's health and financial condition. Please guide Sunil and Brother Sumit Kumar in following your path and bless that they should be a responsible in life.

• BABA fulfill Pamidipati Gayathrihela wish to get a permanent job. Please listen to the prayers.

• Baba please bless Master Ajiteesh to get well soon from the ailment.

• Baba bless Anilkumar and Suvarna to get what they wish and make them happy.

• Baba bless Girija in all her work and fulfill her desires.

• Baba please take care of financial situation of Vandana & Sanjay Khera and give them health happiness and prosperity in life.

• BABA please bless and cure little Shounak Joshi from Cancer. BABA he is small and he needs your blessings so he can see the marvelous creation and contribute to the world by his good deeds. BABA the merciful please give little shounak a chance of life and cure him of his ailment. BABA you are the saviour for those depending on you.

• BABA resolve the issues surrounding Ramakrishna Vennalaganti's sister with her husband. Let there be love, understanding and harmony between her and her husband. Improve her mental status and give her strenght to bear the burden.

• Baba please cure little Abhiram from eye infection. Give him and his parents health and happiness always and protect them in your loving care.

• Bless Gajanan Helasker to get through his engineering exams and help him to be more focussed and give him peace of mind and settle him in life. He desparately seeks your blessings for being a guide to him in his life. Please listen to his prayers.

• Baba listen to Padma's prayers to be able to control her anger and words. Also please give her strength to have more patience and tolerance with her children and husband and increase her faith in YOU Baba.

• Baba please listen to the prayers of Hemali Desai and fulfill her wishes. You are the master.

• Baba bless Anand to get a good job and guide him in his life. Please remove the anxiety of Shatrugan lalji and listen to his prayers for his son.

• BABA bless Lavanya to excel in her studies and remove her anxiety and worries. Give her the strength and stamina to commute to college from her home and be with her at every step in her life.

• Baba give health and happiness to Lakshmiji's parents. Listen to her prayers.

• Baba bless Sandeep and be with him always. Listen to his prayers and guide him in his life and help him to tide over his problems. You are his saviour please listen to his prayers.

• Baba listen to Sharada's prayers and protect her family (AnilKumar.V.Desai, Suvarna.A.Desai, Deepalakshmi.A.Desai, Girija.A.Desai, Rajendra.N.Salunke, Sharada.R.Salunke). Please listen to her prayers and guide the family and protect them always.

• Baba bless Prithvi and help him to recover from his disease. Your Dwarakamayi is the protector and wards of all dangers. The little boy is at your doorstep, bless him and show him mercy. Be with him and his family always.

• Baba bless Aparna and be with her always and help her through her life and career.

• Baba bless Anjna and her family and listen to their prayers. Please get them out of their problems. BE with them always and strengthen their faith in you.

Prayers List for Satcharita Parayana – June 2006


• Baba thank you for listening to our pleas and prayers.

• Give peace to those who have joined you and strength to those who are grieving.

• Please do listen to the prayers going through pain.

• Bless those who have celebrated their birthdays and shower them with your grace and blessings help them to succeed in their life.

• Bless Anu and listen to her prayers - Baba, please bless me with wisdom, strenght, peace and love to prosper in my family as well as in my professional life. Please help me to be a good and loving person in all aspects of my life.


• Bless Gajanan with health and peace. Listen to his prayers. Give him inner strength and wisdom to over come his mental and physical problems.


• Sangs5 - Thanks for bringing me to UK. I request you to find me a suitable job

here. Baba you have given me abundence of opportunities in the past. I

request you to shower your grace and give me one more opportunity.


• Anindita prayers:- I pray to Sai Baba that my baby’s two very major health problems get cured on their own without the need of any surgery, just by Baba's grace, love, blessings and miracles galore.

• Deepa Prays. Baba please belss on my dad and mom for good health . Please show correct way to my younegr brother , he should stop drinking & smoking and bless him good health & wealth . My dad takes lots of tension of my brother , so please take care of my family. Please baba bless on my husband for health,wealth and give him good project , so we can stay together . Baba my husband works very truely and hardly but never gets apperication , so please give him promotion . Om Sai Ram .

• Baba bless self with wisdom, patience, faith love and self control in all aspects of life. Take control of self's life and lead and guide as you please. All the problems and worries and anxieties that this self bears is yours. You know what is best and what is wanted you do as you deem it to be done. All of mine are yours, take care of them as you always do.

• Baba bless Suguna and protect her always. She is a child who needs your guidance and blessings always and is alone in this world and needs you badly. Do what is best for her. Forgive her.

• Blessings, peace and happiness for Neelam and her family esp. her son.

• BABA bless Anjana and her sister. Resolve the issues and guide them and bless them always in their life.

• Please listen to Anjana Arora's prayer 'WE want peace for our family and right direction and blessings in all sphere of life'

• Baba give health and happiness to Ishu, kirti, Manisha and Sidheshwar Sony.

• BABA Please listen to Kiran MEhta's prayers: 'i am unhdergoing some treatments and pray to Baba for a full and speedy recovery'.


• BABA please listen to Padmashree's Prayers for her husband "“Baba, please heal Krishna’s knee without further checkups with the doctors and let him be able to bend his knee properly.”


• BABA please listen to Ritu's prayer and giver her a peaceful and happy life. Look after her son. "I am going through marital problems and day

by day it's becoming difficult for me to tolerate. Please help me.

Bless my son. I don't want him to suffer becoz of his parents.

Please show me some light BABA. help me come out of these problems.

I want peace of mind. I have full faith in you."

• Baba bless Satya Rani to recover from the stones in the pancreas. You are the master and healer, please take care of her.

• Baba bless Anuradha with a happy married life and bless her with children. Remove her problems and give her peace in life.

• BABA listen to Jitender Sahu's prayers let his PhD be finished successfully and give him peace, happiness and success in life.


• BABA bless RAjani with a child. She is yearning for your blessing and grant her a peaceful and happy married life. Please listen to her prayers.

• BABA bless Saurabh to be successful in his efforts and give him long life and happiness. Listen to his mother Madhulika's prayers.

• BABA please listen to Dr Steven Winn's prayers "for my complete healing physically, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and mentally. I ask for prayers to BABA for the healing of my end-stage liver disease - complete cirrhosis; my healing from Hepatitis C Viruses; and complete healing of my body from 30 years of damage from Hepatitis C (from contaminated blood transfusions) and cirrhosis, the continuing side-effects of chemo-therapy-drugs treatment of Hepatitis C Viruses 2 years ago; and of employer discrimination and violation of Federal Laws such as ADA 1990 that terminated 3 years ago my income, my health care insurance plans, and my life insurance plans and other employee benefits I had earned over 22 years. Please include my fervent prayers for the prayers of many to BABA to deliver me back to health and financial well-being."

• BABA give strength to Sharma Family to tide over the hard days. Be with them and help them to solve their problems and remove their obstacles in life.

• BABA bless 4 year old Aditya Kumar find a donor and help him recover from lukemia. You are the master and doctor. Please take care of the little boy and give strength to his parents to cope this ordeal.

• Baba please cure little Aneesh from ITP. Bless him and protect him always. You are the master and doctor. You are the only source and hope for protecting him.

• Baba listen to Ritus prayers 'Sai baba, Please help my mother in law recover from her illness and sufferings and also do something to remove negative energies from our home. I wish my home to be full of healthy peaceful and positive environment. Sai Baba you only can help me. you only know my state of mind. Please bless. Please help.'

• BABA bless Julie to get married and bless her with a long and happy life. Please listen to the prayers of family and friends.

• Baba please listen to Kandaswamy Rajahji’s prayers for his son “Baba please Bless our Son' s transfer and help to get a permanent place in his Job.”

• Baba bless Hemaliji’s friend who is suffering from leukemia. He needs you and your blessings. Take care of his family who live so far away from him. Please take care of them.

• BABA bless Vidya Shet with a good job.

• Baba please bless Priya with a healthy child.

• Baba please take care of Kavitha and her situation. You look after her and give her relief from her problem.

• Baba bless shanmuk and give him a healthy and happy long life. You are his care taker.

• BABA Please send a right husband for Neelu, Sue, Kate, Ponnambalam girls and a right wife for Michael Kumar. They are unable to attract the right partners in their lives without your Mercy, BABA.

• Baba bless Anitha with a healthy baby be with her during her pregnancy. She has been begging you for this boon for the last 13 years. Be with her and help her through this period and bestow her with a healthy and normal baby.

• Baba please listen to Boda Mithun's prayer"Baba,please help me get a job in the same city as my wife's and please see that I and my wife live together."

• Baba listen to Deepa G prayers 'Baba please give me peace and save me from the people who are troubling me . Baba help me to get job in US so i can be with my husband .'

• Baba please bless Minakshi sharma and let her unite with vicky and lead a happy married life.

• BABA please help GN Siva to repay his debts and lead a peaceful life and increase love towards your holy feet.

• Baba listen to Kavitha's prayers for her friends baby. Please grant him vision and remove their worry.

• Baba may Veenaji's mothers soul rest in peace. Be with the family during hard time.

• Give health and happiness to Kaminiji.

• BABA please listen to Dhanalakshmi's prayers

1. i should get either a rental house by sairam wish or the house which i am going should be repaired according to my satisfactory

2. the house which we finalised for sambashivam should go well and he should buy that house by sai grace

3. the house which we are going today to see for srikanth should be satisfactory and he should buy that house by sai grace


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