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Cc: <VedWestCom

Monday, January 08, 2001 01:56

Re: Miracles



> Jay,


> I think you did just the right thing. First stating that we don't want to

> disturb anyone's faith, and then quoting Swamiji as you did. Excellent!


> Are you familiar with the exposure of Sai Baba's " miracles " as fraudulent


> the Indian Rationalist Association? Photographs were taken which, when


> back slowly, revealed sleight of hand.


> Best regards,


> John S


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The Lord has given different ways for different people. It is not


tradition of the followers of Takur to condemn the beliefs and practices

of other systems. If a person comes comes to accept Takur as his


then to him, we can say going after miracles is bad. It is not right to

give free advice and public proclamations against anyone's faith.


I have a few friends who are ardent devotees of Sai Baba. But they


care a straw about his miracles. They see in him something more profound


deep. I know that they go to him for real spirituality and they get it


Basically the devotee gets what he is seeking for. If you plainly reject

any saint who performs miracles, you will have to reject Sri Krishna


Then you have to reject the great Adi Sankara (remember the Kanakadhara

incident, Padmapada crossing the river, etc). Even Swami Vivekananda


extraordinary memory, mind reading, clairvoyance (eg. Steel Plant in


and the like, which can be classified as miracles.


I agree that it should be made clear that the objective of sadhana


not miracles and in fact miracles are obstructions to sadhana. But it is

not right to reject everyone who displays miracles as second or third

grade saints. In the first place, who are we to judge them ? Are we so

great that we can pronounce judgement about people who are acknowledged

by thousands of people as holy men ? It is sheer madness. If you think

Sri Ramakrishna is great, Sri Sarada is great, sing their glories. Do


sling mud on someone else. It will not take you anywhere.


With love,





Email: gomu

Phone(Off): +91 44 4466448, 4466449

Phone(Res): +91 44 8270104

Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/gokulmuthu/


It is better to wear out than to rust out. - Swami Vivekananda


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This email deserves a detailed reply.


" Gokulmuthu N. " <gokulmuthu


Re: miracles



> Hi,


>The Lord has given different ways for different people. It is not

>the tradition of the followers of Takur to condemn the beliefs and


>of other systems. If a person comes comes to accept Takur as his

>all-in-all, then to him, we can say going after miracles is bad.


True - Thakur has said don't disturb anyone's faith however misplaced

(you feel) it may be.

" Going after miracles " - Thakur has always condemned 'use of siddhis'

Many times people who came to Thakur with 'Siddhis' were deprived

of their powers so that they could make spiritual progress. Thakur was

very pleased with Narendra when he refused 'siddhis'. Thakur or devotees

of Thakur have played down 'miraculous happenings' precisely for the

reason that they are a major distraction in spiritual progress.


> It is not right togive free advice and public proclamations

>against anyone's faith.


True - but if someone asks me for a frank opinion - it will be hypocritical

to say something that I do not agree with.


> If you plainly reject

>any saint who performs miracles, you will have to reject Sri Krishna

>first. Then you have to reject the great Adi Sankara (remember the


> incident, Padmapada crossing the river, etc). Even Swami Vivekananda

> showed extraordinary memory, mind reading, clairvoyance (eg. Steel Plant


> Bihar) and the like, which can be classified as miracles.


Neither Shankara nor Sri Ramakrishna nor Swami Vivekananda paid

emphasis to miracles. In fact they went to great lengths to play down

anything that appeared as a miracle. Swami Vivekananda clearly said

all this is possible (like extraordinary memory) by training the mind

- being celibate etc. All that we call as miracles is just the

manifestations of powers of our own mind etc..

No magic is involved. Nothing happens that requires you to suspend

your sense of rationality. " Once you switch

off rationality you are then open to all sorts of hobgoblins. "

Shankara would say ' sruti, yukti and anubhuti are the three tools required

for verification - yukti meaning use of rationality.


> I agree that it should be made clear that the objective of sadhana

> is

> not miracles and in fact miracles are obstructions to sadhana. But it is

> not right to reject everyone who displays miracles as second or third

> grade saints.


I had said right at the start I am not here to demote

any movement, but neither am I here to promote something that

I do not agree with.


> In the first place, who are we to judge them ? Are we so

> great that we can pronounce judgement about people who are acknowledged

> by thousands of people as holy men ? It is sheer madness.


I have no right to judge anyone but I also have a right to

use my rational faculties to decide what is best for me.

There are a great many 'spiritual movements' in the world,

with not thousands but millions of followers. I find many of

their teachings distasteful - does that mean that I am mad?


>If you think

> Sri Ramakrishna is great, Sri Sarada is great, sing their glories.


That is what I do.


> Do not sling mud on someone else. It will not take you anywhere.


If expressing my true opinion (when asked) is slinging mud -

then I stand condemned.


> With love,

> Gomu.






> -----------------------------

> Email: gomu

> Phone(Off): +91 44 4466448, 4466449

> Phone(Res): +91 44 8270104

> Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/gokulmuthu/

> -----------------------------

> It is better to wear out than to rust out. - Swami Vivekananda

> -----------------------------


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  • 8 years later...

Dear Devotees and Satsang Coordinators,




Couple of devotees called asking for guidlines to write their experiences.

Please send the article as early as you can although we have set the

deadline as Dec. 1, 2009. It will help us to edit the articles, if

necessary, without too delay.


Please include the following:


How and when did you hear about Swamiji?

How and when did you meet or see Swamiji for the first time?

What was your first reaction then (both positive and/or negative impressions

about Swamiji).

Narrate as many experience/s as you can.

Make your description concise and clear enough so that a new person not

familiar with His Holiness gets a glimpse of His Uniqueness.


Thank you.

Nandini Rao




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