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Guru Gita verses continued

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                                                     JAYA GURU DATTA


                                            Shree GuruBhyo Namaha


last week:


" Sva deshikasyaiva ca naama kirtanam

  Bhavet-anantasya ...........................


Here there is another secret.Whenever the glory of any deity is sung,if there is

no mention of Guru either at the beginning or at the end,that cannot be called a

prayer at all.Only after singing the glory of Ganapathi,Saraswati (Devi) and

Guru,singing of any other Deity should be done.


this week:


Pujya Sri Swamiji further explains the greatness of Guru in the following two



" Yat paada paamsavas-santaha kepi samsaara varidhehe

  Setubandhaaya kalpante deshikam tam upaasmahe "


Obeisance to Sadguru,the particles of of whose feet are of utmost importance for

building bridges across the ocean of life.


" What is meant by building bridges across the ocean of life?

(Is it a physical bridge? How to relate this concept to our psyche ?)


This ocean it is said is a very fearful one.It is big,huge,there is no shore on

the other of this life,the depth of this ocean of life is unfathomable.To cross

this the grace of Guru alone is the solution.He alone can make us pass.


" Kaashi-ksetram nivaasashca jaahnavi caranodakam

 Gurur-vishveshvaras-saaksat taarakam Brahma-nishcitam "


the very dwelling of Guru is the Holy Benares.His ablutions are the Holy waters

of the Ganges.Lord Vishveshwara who uplifts us from the world of life is Guru

himself.This is true.


If a man says he is going to Benares,it means he is going near the Guru.


That Guru alone is the ultimate spell,is the avowed utterance of Lord Shiva

himself,in the name of the absolute.


(Sri Swamiji recently visited Ganga River at two spots Haridwar and Kaashi).


" Guru paadaan-kitam yatra gayaa saadhoksa-jodbhava

 Tirtha-raajaha prayaago-sau Gurumurtyai namonamaha "


In the preceding lines there was mention of Benares.Now Sri Swamiji for the

satisfaction of the devotees of Sri Vishnu and to remind them of the

personification of the Trinity of Godhead in Guru,over and above all

differences,sings in praise of Him with the mention of Guru.

Where the imprints of Guru's feet are there,it is the holy place of Gaya

pertaining to Lord Vishnu,the greatest holy place Prayaaga is also that.


Obeisance to such a Guru.


Sri Guru Datta 






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