Guest guest Posted November 26, 2007 Report Share Posted November 26, 2007 The main barrier torecalling and benefiting fromdreams is that waking anddreaming memory aren'tconnected nearly as well as they could be withgreater intention, practice and focus. Making a relatively consistent effort to remember andespecially to record your dreams will help yourwaking mind align and integrate your dreamexperience. It's also an excellent way to increaseimagination and intuitive capabilities which are both intimately connected with dreams. This alone shouldprovide strong incentive.First and foremost, you must feel that it will beuseful to you, if not extremely valuable. Without thisintention, motivation will soon disappear. More importantly, the desire acts as a subjective magnetwhich draws your dreams into memory.Understand that dream recall is an inherent,natural human trait. That is why young children arequite in touch with their dreams, as are many native cultures, some of which even share their dreamswith each other daily and base important life actionsupon guidance they receive. Dream recall is like amental muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Without exercise it may shrink, but it isthere if you decide to work it out again. So if yourrecall is poor, trust that it will come in time, and thetrust itself will actually help since expectation is a powerful subjective tool.Before sleep, reread your dreams from the night(or more) before. This allows you to begin toconnect with your dream memory, and is also anopportunity to interpret your dreams and spot connections to the day's events. Then, as you go tobed, clearly request (rather than command) yourselfto remember any dreams when you awaken in themorning or during the night, especially ones thatwould be beneficial to you. Also remind yourself that it's a simple, natural process that happens byitself anyway. You can also suggest to yourself tospontaneously awaken when you need to withoutusing an alarm, since any strong external perception such as a loud noise can inhibit recall. This methodworks well with practice, but you may initially wishto set your alarm for 15 minutes after your suggestedwake-up time, just to be safe. Whenever youawaken, keep your eyes closed (or shut them if already open) and remain as motionless as possible. Ifyou moved since waking, return to your earlier bodyposition. Gather as many images, impressions,feelings, or body sensations or waking thoughts as you can. A helpful technique is to think of it like fishing.Gently, cast out your intention to remember a dream,and wait a little to see what comes. As soon as you getanything, no matter how brief or vague they may at first seem, rise and immediately record (or write,draw, paint, etc.) it in a journal or speak into a taperecorder (which you keep bedside). You'll be surprisedat how much more you remember as you begin writing/speaking/drawing/painting/etc.Although most people start having success the firstweek or two, dream recall is a mental muscle whichmay require some time to get back into shape. Try tomaintain a relaxed and playful attitude of looking forward to your dreams while being willing to let themcome all in good time. Trying too hard or being tooserious can be limiting factors. Dream recall andmotivation tend to come and go naturally in cycles and also depend upon what else is going on in your life,and on how much sleep you get, how much youexercise, etc.. Once you begin a period of focusing onrecall, stick with it for at least a few days, because consecutive nights can have an additive effect.with a sharedinterest in dreams is unmatchable for sustainedmotivation, inspiration and plenty of intriguingsurprises and insights. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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