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16 Mukhi Rudraksha Why change the description

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Earlier, I have seen description regarding 16 mukhi on

rudra center website as somthing related to Lord

Ram... why the recent change ?








--- narasimhaye <no_reply > wrote:





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> hi & PHPSESSID=240d8a27d363f6059adf876fd37ee708


</dispCategory.php?catId=4 & spcKewd=16%20mu\

> khi & PHPSESSID=240d8a27d363f6059adf876fd37ee708>




> 16 Mukhi Rudraksha


> Subject:


> (16 Kalas, Gupta Yoginis, 16 Kalas of the Moon, 16

> Siddhis and

> Attainments; Punya of 7 births.)


> Namaste Michael,


> The 16 Kalas are the eleven senses

> (mind plus the ten sense

> organs) and the five gross elements - all born of

> the five supreme

> elements. These supreme elements are born of

> ahangkara and that in turn

> is born of mahat. (Sri Ramakrishna mastered them.)



> About Gupta Yoginis, this is serious

> Classical Tantric

> stuff. They are from a Yogini Cult in Orissa,

> India. Most texts

> recognize 64 Yoginis but some others state there

> were 69 of them in 8

> categories. Gupta Yoginis is only one of the group

> of 8. Examples of

> the others are Guptatara Yogini, Sampradaya Yogini,

> Kulatirna Yogini,

> etc. To find out more, type " 64 Yoginis " or " 69

> Yoginis " into a search

> engine.


> Regarding 16 Kalas of the Moon :


> According to the Indian sashtras like

> Lalitopakhyanam,

> Tantrarajatantra, Dakshinamurti Samhita, Vasistha

> Samhita, Kamakala

> Vilasam and Bhairava Yamalam; the following is the

> spiritual and cosmic

> significance of the phases of the moon.

> The Moon has 16 kalas, or phases. Out

> of these 15 are

> visible to us and the 16th is beyond our visibility.

> The 16 kalas are:

> 1.Amrita, 2.Manada, 3.Poosha, 4.Tusthi, 5.Pusthi,

> 6.Rati, 7.Dhruti,

> 8.Sasichini, 9.Chandrika, 10.Kanta, 11.Jyostna,

> 12.Shree, 13.Preeti,

> 14.Angada, 15.Poorna and 16.Poornamruta.

> These 16 kalas are ruled by the 16

> Nitya Devis. They are

> called Shodasa Nityas. They are: 1.Maha Tripura

> Sundari, 2.Kameswari,

> 3.Bhagamalini, 4.Nityaklinna, 5.Bherunda,

> 6.Vanhivasini, 7.Maha

> Vajreswari, 8.Shivadooti (Roudri), 9.Twarita,

> 10.Kulasundari, 11.Nitya,

> 12.Neelapataka, 13.Vijaya, 14.Sarvamangala,

> 15.Jwalamalini and

> 16.Chidroopa (Chitra).


> Out of these, the first one, Maha

> Tripura Sundari is the

> Devi Para Shakti herself, and hence the kala ruled

> by her is not visible

> to the normal mortals. Hence we see only the other

> 15 kalas or phases

> ruled by the other nityas. In the Sri Chakra these

> 15 nityas are present

> in the innermost circle, and the Devi is in the

> central bundu.


> These 15 Nityas rule the famous 15

> letters Devi mantra known

> as Panchadasakshari Mantra: Ka E Aie La Hreem Ha Sa

> Ka Ha La Hreem Sa Ka

> La Hreem


> These 15 Nityas in the form of the 15

> Tithis (Phases) have

> two aspects each - Prakashamsa, which rules the day

> portion of the

> Tithi, and Vimarshamsa, which rules the night part

> of the Tithi. At

> night they collect the divine nectar and during the

> day they release it.


> About 16 siddhis & attainments, we begin with 8

> major siddhis as in Sri

> Sivananada's Kundalini Yoga..


> Eight Major Siddhis


> An accomplished, Purnayogi in the path of Kundalini

> Yoga is in

> possession of eight major Siddhis, viz., Anima,

> Mahima, Laghima, Garima,

> Prapti, Prakamya, Vasitvam and Ishitvam. (By Sri

> Sivananda)


> Minor Siddhis


> The Yogi acquires the following minor Siddhis also:


> 1. Freedom from hunger and thirst.

> 2. Freedom from the effects of heat and cold.

> 3. Freedom from Raga-Dvesha.

> 4. Doora Darshan, clairvoyance or Dooradrishti.

> 5. Doora Sravan, clairaudience or Doora Sruti and

> Doora Pravachana.

> 6. Mano-Jaya, control of mind.

> 7. Kama Rupa: The Yogi can take any form he likes.

> 8. Parakaya Pravesha: He can enter into another

> body, can animate a dead

> body and enter into it by transferring his soul.


> ( Note : From the book titled " Kundalini Yoga " by

> Sri Swami Sivananda,

> there should be 26 Minor Siddhis published.)


> About Punya of 7 births


> Punya means : Holy; virtuous; auspicious. " 1) Good

> or righteous. Thus

> the wearer of 16 mukhi will have 7 rebirths where

> he/she will be a

> righteous, pious person with good qualities thereby

> arresting the influx

> of karma for 7 lifetimes without retribution. With

> performing Punya

> Activities, the jiva lives in happiness or bliss.


> Aum Namah Shivaya



> ,

> " Michael "

> <spiritmed wrote:

> >

> > Hi Narahimsaye

> >

> > Can you interpeet this for me please? I don't know

> what the

> > references mean: 16 kalas; gupta yoginis; 16 kala

> of the moon; the

> > 16 siddhi and attainments;punya of 7 birth??thank

> you

> >

> >

> > Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha

> >

> > 16 mukhi Rudraksha is related to Sixteen Kalas

> (i.e. attainments and

> > Siddhi), Gupta Yoginis in the 16 petal Chakra. The

> wearer of this

> > Rudraksha will get success in his all the

> ventures. This Rudraksha

> > invokes 16 Kala of Moon in the wearer and opens

> the passage of 16

> > attainments. He attains 16 Siddhis and

> attainments.

> >

> > The wearer of 16 mukhi Rudraksha becomes devotee

> of the almighty God

> > and live his life on the passage of Satya (Truth)

> and gains the

> > Punya of 7 birth. It is the form of 16 Shakti

> (Power). It is said

> > that Arjun strike the Eye of fish while wearing

> this Rudraksha. The

> > wearer of this Rudraksha no longer remains an

> ordinary person; he

> > will become a powerful person. This Rudraksha

> gives all comforts and

> > liberate the wearer from all the sins.

> >

> > This Rudraksha is a powerful fruit for all humans.

> It Rudraksha give

> > success in all works.

> >

> > Source: Ancient handwritten text and Guru Mukha.

> The description is

> > seen in the deep meditation of Lord Shiva by Lord

> DattaTreya.


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