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Sai News: October 24-26, 2008

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Prasanthi Bulletin



Index of earlier Bulletins

Sunday, October 26, 2008 If yesterday it was the chance of the Iranian student to chant Vedam onstage, today it was the turn of the two American brothers, one in the school and one in the college. Bhagawan came onstage after His darshan round in the car at 4.30 pm, and asked Prof. Anil Kumar to announce that the Vedic hymns are not limited to any country or religion, and then called up the two American boys to chant onstage. After ten minutes of their chanting, Swami sat for a few more minutes while everyone chanted together, and then moved to the Bhajan Hall and then to the interview room. During the Bhajans which began at five o'clock in the Bhajan Hall, Swami asked for the two bhajans with Alap to be sung - 'Sri Raghavam' and 'Allah ho Akbar'. At 5.45, He accepted Arati and returned to His residence. Saturday, October 25, 2008 This

evening, Bhajans began at five o'clock and Bhagawan arrived for darshan a short while later. He sat onstage and blessed many students with letters and gave a chain to one of them. Ten minutes past six, He asked for the Bhajans to stop, and collective chanting of the Rudram began. The Iranian student from the Primary School was asked to stand onstage and chant into the microphone. Bhagawan asked Prof. Anil Kumar to announce after the chanting that the boy was from Iran, and that he was the first to learn Vedam there. After a few more minutes of chanting, Swami accepted Arati at 6.35 pm and returned to His residence. Friday, October 24, 2008 This evening, youth from the North-Eastern states Assam and Manipur presented some dances. At four o'clock, Swami went to the Stadium directly from His residence in the car, and returned directly to His residence after half an hour. Later, He came onstage at 5 pm

after His darshan round in the chair, and the programme commenced shortly thereafter. Youth from Assam presented Sattriya dance and Guru Vandana followed by Krishna Vandana. Manipur youth then presented Thougal Jagoi dance. Bhagawan sent clothes for the participants and Bhajans began by the youth at 6 pm. Prasadam was distributed during Arati at 6.20 pm, following which Swami came down from the stage and blessed all the participants with group photographs before returning to His residence in the car.






You can see an illustrated version of happenings at Prasanthi Nilayam in the Prasanthi Diary of our monthly e-Journal Heart to Heart. The previous issue of Prasanthi Bulletin is available here. Index of past Prasanthi Bulletins... Source: http://www.radiosai.org/pages/PB.htm

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