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Akarshaya Mala - To Vignhesh

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Namasthe, below is the recent testimonial from one of our good friends Taotiger regarding his sadhana and wearing of Akarshaya Mala. Please read all of it. Aum Aum.

Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:32 pm

Namaste. Sadhana progress good.. :)

Namaste Narasimhaye & group members,this group is surely a blessing, where there is healing and kindadvice with, like Rudraksha, "no side effects".today is the 280th day of Rudraksha sadhana for me. there is onlywonderful aspects of effect to relate - all beneficial to myself andpeople i connect with.the first 140 days brought many material comforts, physical *things*which i had wanted and which arrived mysteriously, with minimaleffort.the middle of the entire period saw a lessening of interpersonalstrife, and more harmonious relating with all family and friends.also a finding of likeminded souls who are engaged in similar ways ofspiritual practice as myself - i suspect as like brings like thatsimply in reading this forum there have been attractive energiesmanifesting people in life near me like people in here, havingcompassionate and devotional characters.all throughout the time of wearing, where every day Aum Namah Shivayais chanted at putting on and taking off, wearing for a minimum of 6hours daily, there has been a "rarifying" of thought, whereby ideasare not just "rare", as this word may imply (yet also are), butgreatly more subtle, available to observation at that stage wherethey are still barely formed as words. that is, gradually fromsentences forming a sturdy matrix, a progression has occured towardsbeing "half-felt" intuitions ammenable to easier control. as if,using the analogy of plant-care, to promote healthy growth in aplant/thought before, it would need to be trasplanted when already alarge tree using great effort into more favourable soil. wheras now,there is some ease such as the difference of being able these days tosimply work at the energy of thought in "seed-form", before it iseven words, ensuring the seed is planted in fruitful conditions.and anyway, over the course of sadhana, there is now less need tointerfere at all, since planting for a long time has been in richhealthy environment, so that just watering with devotion and applyingthe sunshine of love for all is enough.interestingly, a particular facet of my personal attitude hasresulted in marked changes. this part of practice is that i wearRudraksha (Akarshaya Siddh Mala + One Mukhi) at all times - for i amtaught that Shiva is (in) everything, that nothing is not sacred,that the soil in the valley is as full of his divinity as the highestpeak.the result of this (left hand) attitude is that gradually, there is anon-duality evident in every area of existence. no longer the "good"and "right" separate from the "bad" and "wrong"... thankfully it isall being felt as Shiva, since even though strict morality disappearsthrough such a change in perspective, there are certain guidingprinciples of living integral to the sacred which ensure non-violentand "graceful" action.difficult to describe, i'm sure that anyone to whom AUM is thehighest and who has pursued an experience of this to the utmost, canunderstand principles of conduct are not so binding, yet an empathyand compassion remain as natural baseline functions of humanity.simply, now after long practice at the end of an even longer road inother disciplines, there is not a "wonderful" state which is *almost*everywhere but which may be sometimes lost in anger or sour feeling -instead, just the flow from one manifest part of existence toanother, each so inseperable from the other that all is of the samenature (*even* brief anger and sour feeling), and all permeatedseamlessly with the grand ordinary blessing of the unmanifestperfection as Shiva. and while this nature is not *only* good, it iscertainly complete and unfathomable, mysterious and clear, divine andmundane at once, just as it is with no need of being called "this orthat", as even the name is only equally perfect as the named, aswater in the ocean is itself the ocean.there is a saying, true in experience eventually, yet onlyapprehended intellectually until felt, that "Nirvana is Samsara".like one hand as one with the other in respectful greeting, there isonly one gesture and essence of all - and this essence is AUM, andthis essence is Shiva.thanks to all for listening. hope this helps someone in some smallway.love to you all,taotigerwww.taotiger.com

, akshay vignhesh <akshay_vignhesh wrote:>> dear narasimhaye Ji> Namesthe> > what is akarshaya mala can i know about its power and result please> > Best regards> Vignhesh>

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