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miracle of our sai's umbrella with pictures

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--- On Wed, 10/12/08, ashutosh ojha <ashutosh8116 wrote:

ashutosh ojha <ashutosh8116Re: punnyathithi miracles Cc: "rashalatha" <rashalathaWednesday, 10 December, 2008, 11:07 PM






SaiRam Devotee

I went through the attachment.

I wish SaiRam wishes and does the same to all of us.

I am very happy that SaiRam Came blessed you.

I wish to see and wait for the photograph.

everyday saiRam blesses and does ,reinforces faith in Shraddaha and Shaburi

SaiRamAshutosh OjhaMedical SpecialistIndian Level -3 HospitalU N mission in Congoc/O 301 Infantry Brigade GroupC/O 56 APO--- On Wed, 12/10/08, rashalatha <rashalatha wrote:

rashalatha <rashalatha punnyathithi miracles Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 7:58 PM









I would like to share one of the miracles experienced by me on punnyathithi of our sadguru sainath maharaj with all the sai devotees.

sairam.--- On Wed, 10/12/08, rashalatha <rashalatha (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

rashalatha <rashalatha (AT) (DOT) co.in>Re: 100 years of Chavadi WorshipWednesday, 10 December, 2008, 2:43 AM









Thanks alot for this wonderful reminder. By the grace of sairam we will do the same.

Sairam.--- On Tue, 9/12/08, Saileelas <saileelas@saileelas .org> wrote:

Saileelas <saileelas@saileelas .org> 100 years of Chavadi Worshipsaileelas@saileelas .orgTuesday, 9 December, 2008, 11:23 PM





Sairam Dear Devotees

As you are all aware that the worship of Baba started in Chavadi on 10th December 1909, to quote from the Sai Satcharitra, Chapter 37





Chavadi Procession


Baba's dormitory has been already described. One day He slept in the Masjid and on the next, in the Chavadi (a small building containing a room or two near the Masjid). This alternate sleeping in both these buildings went on till Baba's Mahasamadhi. From 10th December 1909 devotees began to offer regular worship to Baba in the Chavadi. This we will now describe with His grace. When the turn of retiring to the Chavadi came, people flocked to the Masjid and made bhajan in the mandap (courtyard) for a few hours.... Behind them was a beautiful Ratha (small car), to the right a

Tulsi-vrindavan and in front Baba, and between these the devotees fond of bhajan. Men and women who had a liking for the bhajan came in time.. This 100th year gives us a unique opportunity to celebrate the Chavadi procession so All the devotees are requested to light lamp (diya) before Baba before going to bed from 10th December 2008 and also daily read the Chapter 37 before going to bed. Let us all celebrate the 100 years of Chavadi Procession. With humble pranams Leeladhar


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