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Sri Swamiji's message in Kriya Yoga class on Mar 31, 2010

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Jaya Guru Datta


Dear Ram garu


Marevellous seva done. On reading through, I could feel Appaji speaking word to

word with the pauses and excalamations and all included. Nicely done.


If possible, please upload the tape - whatever quality, whereever you can and

let us know.


Datta Yogo Vivardhatam !!


------------- Datta Yogo








Ram Vakkalanka <venkataram37


Wed, April 14, 2010 3:22:56 AM

Sri Swamiji's message in Kriya Yoga class on Mar 31,





Jaya Guru Datta,

On Mar 30 and 31, during Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji's recent visit to Canada,

Kriya Yoga classes were conducted by Sri Datta Yogi Raja in Toronto. Sri Swamiji

blessed the class with a visit on March 31 morning, blessed the Kriya Yoga

participants and gave a short but powerful and moving discourse. Sri Swamiji's

discourse was filled with the teachings of Vedanta and Yoga Sutras, peppered

with practical wisdom and of course, His unique brand of wit. The occasion is

historic in the sense that Sri Swamiji changed the name of Kriya Yoga to " Datta

Yoga " . Pujya Sri Swamiji blessed me with the instruction to get the tape and

share His

discourse with Datta family. I offer myriad apologies to Sri Swamiji for the

delay in doing this but I wanted to ensure that His momentous discourse is

brought out as accurately as possible and the sound quality of the recording

 wasn't exactly helpful. I would like to thank Doctor Chattergoon for sharing

the recording and Sunita Sanker, who was personally present at the class, for

help in proof-reading. Here is Sri Swamiji's discourse, in its entirety,

captured to the best of my ability:

Ram VakkalankaCanada

************ ********* ********* ***Hari Om Tat Sat!


This yoga practice…nearly

30-35 years…nearly 2,000-3,000 trained teachers, there are 200 teachers whom I

have selected who are giving free classes throughout the world, not only India.

This Kriya Yoga benefited many in meditation and health and understanding of

our life. This our life is, anyway so busy, day and night is running, day

running, night running, eating, sleep 

and death.




But what is Sadhana? What is

Maya…total confusion about Sadhana, especially Yoga. Why practice this yoga,

somebody asked…different questions, different answers…some people say may be

for Moksha, some say for health improvement, some say control of mind, some say

practice of Swadharma…different answers. May be none of the answers is

wrong…all are correct, but the way of your talking, way of giving your answer

that's not good. Especially, we are not using this Kriya Yoga for any health

improvement or Moksha or maintenance of life.  I want that relativity.



nishkama…we have to practice Swadharma. That's a great task, not practicing


business. If you practice this yoga, you improve your health, thoughts,

stomach…so many people give advertisement. It is not correct. Some Gurus,


Gurus, they give Moksha, Moksha Patham, because we don't know about this

result. How do the scientists decide about planets, they give so many answers

about stars, Nakshatra Mandalam, Surya Mandalam, Solar system…different

opinions, like about God. How they are shaped…different people, different

meanings…some say stone, some say water, Akasha, Agni,  Prithvi, universal,

invisible, cross,

round, Om, Swasti, Divyanama, names of God, Tantra, Vedanta, Upanishads,

prayers…silence. Many are the questions, many are the answers, no correct

definition for God, no one can explain…total confusion, about that Energy.


know my capacity, I am looking for God-realization…â€Â  Some scientists says

look within yourself for God, some

scientists say help poor, that is enough, ok…their own ways, their own

systems…different systems…silent practice, no Bhajan, no Mantra, no


no Yoga, nothing, zero. This is all only funny, Supernatural power that is not

ok. Cut it out…not count, simply live. Different system, but still in this


Yuga, this confusion, still people believe in Swadharma, in Maya, Karma. We

don’t know. No one knows completely this God, because we are not witness, we

don’t see for ourselves.  If

somebody says I have seen God, it is nothing…not God.  How can you see

Energy? How can you say about Energy,

explain Energy, Shakti.  Energy

will take different, different forms, Energy we can’t see, even some people


only feelings, touch, feeling, only experience, so many words, big, big volumes

in grammatical, beautiful English. 

Maybe you improve your English, but it does not improve your mind.

People don’t understand about God, Energy. 


What is Swamiji’s message?

Today I came here, I don't want to give any message, I want to see Sadhakas’

faces. Continue Sadhana, no disappointment, no depression, slowly continue, and

don't jump to other classes, to other things like birds. You can’t go like

that. You are wasting your time. Kriya Yoga is an ancient system, not modern

Rishis, ancient Rishis, Angels practicing, all experiences.


Ancient Rishis practiced

Kriya Yoga…all experienced Saints practiced  Kriya Yoga. I am naming this

Datta Yoga today, not Kriya

Yoga, but Datta Yoga. This Datta Yoga practice improves health…many benefits,

especially protecting Swadharma, protection for our soul, mind, body, this

heart. This body, this mind is God’s gift. Relations, husbands, wives,


husbands…these relations are only temporary, because misunderstanding between

friends, spouses, children. We are not permanent. Why until death we are


about this Energy, because that Energy is permanent. We are thinking about

death…statements about God…if you don't believe in God – “no, I am an


but inner mind, Sadhana, question, that question itself… I don't want to

answer. You must question yourself daily. I am not my body, who am I? Oh, maybe

mind…no, I am not my mind. No, maybe energy…no, I am experiencing the

energy, I

am not energy. Who am I, I can't explain. If you explain, that is not

permanent.  “I have seen God†- it

is not God, It is only illusion, in your mind, only Maya, that Maya is very

difficult. Our task is different.




You must practice, no

laziness. Before Kriya Yoga, don't eat too much. If you eat too much, then you

sleep. If you want Kriya Yoga practice, sleep at least 6 hours, 5-6 hours. It

is very important. “Sometimes, I am not sleepy†- don't worry about


Rest, close your eyes…you are thinking about so many problems,


why no sleep. If you go to bed, think about only Prana. “Today I am very


today I have no problem, no pain…sleep, sleep, sleep…†give orders to your

mind. Some people can sleep any place, it is  God's gift. They will squeeze in

any place and sleep, that's

God's gift. But 24 hours sleeping is a disease, not God's gift. Practice Kriya

Yoga…first result, good sleep, second result controlling the food, third


mental peace, balance. Fourth understanding each other. Fifth what is Maya, why

I came here, what is the purpose…suddenly we are very happy all the time. Then

you acquire any physical work, mental work, you will attain success.


Argument with wife, husband,

children, friends…cut the argument. You be yourself, don’t fight.  “I

want to protect my Dharmaâ€...don’t

worry, Dharma will protect you. You get hurt, but don’t worry. Only few

minutes, get very unhappy, don’t worry. So this result is good, practice. I am

happy,…Swamiji gives blessings.




May be next year…big

conference, 600 teachers we are gathering…Swamiji is giving 3 days…we are


to forest. Our birthplace…there is no facilities, no bed, we are living 3 days

in this place. If you want you can experience…come and take training. From


to time, practice. May be next time we will arrange 3 days of classes for

students. Two hundred people I want, I don't want to waste my time…may be next

year. You are Kriya Yogis. Once again, I bless you. if any doubts, you can

internet, Dattapeetham…

Jaya Guru Datta, Sri Guru Datta.


************ ********* ********* ********* *****


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