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Sai Vichaar for Thursday , August 23, 2007

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Sai Vichaarwww.saibaba.org Thursday , August 23, 2007 :: Volume 10, Issue 15 (In its nineth year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.IN THIS ISSUE:FEATURE OF THE WEEKCONTRIBUTED ARTICLEDEVOTEES SAYPRAYER CLUBEXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEESQUOTATION OF THE WEEKQUESTION OF THE WEEKSAI ACTIVITIESFROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARDFEATURE OF THE WEEK: Is Baba a Teacher?This question arose in the minds of several then and now. For a curious onlooker, He was just another mendicant, for those who believed in Him, He was no ordinary fakir. Several incidents in Sri Sai Satcharitha depict Baba's evasive gestures to those who sought Him with the purpose of receiving specific instructions. Sometimes, Baba delighted those around Him with His superb illustrations of complicated topics on metaphysics. The episode on the merchant seeking Brahma Jnana is one good example. The "Easy God" of Shirdi was no so subtle when remonstrating those He drew to His fold, and for those who professed to know everything in front of Him, Baba simply said, "Alla Accha Karega" (God will do good). It is undoubted that Baba's teaching methods are unique and those who seek this Saint, then and now, have several experiences to stress this. Let us read what Pujya BV Narasimha Swami ji most eloquently wrote on this topic in "Glimpses of Sai Baba":"This question is diversely interpreted and meets with diverse answers. Superficial persons answer in the negative as he was seldom seen making hortatory or didactic speeches or busying himself as a pedagogue does. Others who have carefully studied his words and activities give an emphatic affirmative answer. They say if any one was a teacher, Sai Baba was undoubtedly one, that his teaching was mostly so subtle and secret that few could discover the fact he was teaching and what he taught was the highest lesson, i.e., knowledge of God and the self. Even careful observes sometimes say that Baba was not a teacher but mean that he was not a mere teacher but a great deal more, i.e., the he was the guardian angel or all in all of his trusting devotee. The majority of those who came to see him, came out of momentary curiosity or just to have the merit of his darshan or get a want satisfied or grievance redressed and having made no study of Baba, they are surprised to see a collection of Baba's sayings, a bare perusal of which leads to one conclusion only, that is, that Baba was a great and remarkable teacher, unostentatiously adopting subtle but efficient methods and saadhanas inevitably and finally carrying his devotee to the grant goal of all being. Baba is still rendering that service to all that he draws to himself or that place themselves in proper contact with him".CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: They were there.....We struggle between the beliefs, traditions and knowledge of our fore fathers and the theories from current development. In the process we fail to grasp the concepts that originated the theories of yester years and their role in the modern age. Science teaches us that what was supposed to be thought of as true about our physical world in yesteryears is different today. For e.g. the planet earth was thought of as a flat surface; today it is a well-known fact that the planet earth is round, revolving and rotating at the same time. This example may seem to bring out the backwardness of our fore fathers or non-development in science in those times. Having said that reality is that we still do not know the true nature of the universe we live in. There are theories and counter theories some finding more acceptance than others in the age we live in. What will happen in the future when our progeny is reviewing these theories? They may well laugh at it and believe how under developed and backward we were!

The fact is nature continues to reveal its secrets at its own pace according to the evolution of the human mind. Current development in human intelligence has expanded to great heights where with the aid of super fast computers it can analyze data much faster than has been done in the past. Is understanding only the physical and chemical nature of the world we live in enough? What about the most striking element that scientists dare not venture into and leave it on the shoulders of saints and sages for explanation? The soul and its impact in our lives. If everything that we experience and act could depend on only the physical, chemical, biological and ecological nature of the world it would have been perfect. Development in science can only aid the human in relieving some of the functions they have to perform and cannot become the master of human race. We all allocate our daily chores based on time. We measure a second today using science but it is surprising that its accuracy is based on the radiation of cesium 133 atom a natural phenomenon! No instrument to measure time made by mankind could match the accuracy of that natural phenomenon. Judging by this alone the depth of the mastermind behind the creation can be gauged!

Just like us our fore fathers too had the same drive to understand the true nature of Universe around us and that of its string puller or driver! Their search for the ultimate truth was no lesser than ours. Time and again divine energies have guided and helped humans attain that ultimate truth. In this age it incarnated again in the form of Shri Sainath who chose Shirdi as his abode to eternally help those that seek his help.

(Contributed by Sai Vichaar Team)DEVOTEES SAY: Havovi Medora Bombay IndiaThis is regarding the last Sai Vichaar and the question asked. How can one not give continued devotion to this Incredible being . Look at how much we get. Just reading this newsletter everyday out of chicago we are blessed by his grace and love. Look at the amount of people all over the world who have benefitted from our beloved Sai Baba. His faith moves mountains and we all get love succour and sustenance from him. But I leave everyone with this picture of a lovable humble Sai standing tall and reaching out to all who seek him. Thank you for this website that has done so much for so many. Best wishes.SuhasThank You very much for finding the car keys, which was very critical for me as the car belongs to my friend, who is abroad.SavitaLast year my husband almost lost his job but baba helped him and after a tough struggle he was able to reinstate himself. Baba we both pray to you to give us a normal healthy baby, it has been too long now without a child.VenkatI had been suffering from back pain and other health problems for almost a year. Physical therapy and medication was not providing any relief. In June of this year I made a mental vow that if my back pain and other issues get resolved before the start of my MBA I would post my experience in Sai Vichaar. Miraculously all my back pain and other related issues got resolved within a short time. Thank you Saibaba for curing me and please accept my apologies for not posting this earlier. Bless us and guide us always.MaliniAs usual you have helped me to come out of the problem regarding the land deal. It is finally registered. Thank you baba. Please be with my family always.ChakravartyCan someone please give me addresses of Sai Baba's temples or activities in Switzerland or in Europe?NavaneethaDear Sai Devotees, I am looking for Saibaba song Lyric - Sainath Tere Hazaroon Haath. Please provide me the same. It will be very thankful to you for thisPRAYER CLUB: Sudhakar R. AminDearest Shree Shirdi Sai Baba, As you are aware I have got email today for interview on the 4th and 5th september for the job which I could not meet up last time. Baba as usual shower your blessings on me to pass these interviews and get this job at higher grade as per my qualification experience. Also please give my son healthy life. Om Sai Ram, Yours loving devotee.Sai DevoteeSai ram by your grace we got the immigration process cleared with Canada and getting settled in Toronto, Canada. Today of Thrusday my family from Singapore is joining me, and i pray that they should have a safe and convenient journey to reach Toronto. I also pray to you for my wife's job prospects and kindly help her to get a good job in Canada sooner so that we could get settled into the family life. I also pray for both daughters good education, health and mind for their life in canada. On top of it when i could go through prayer club i could find out many cries and problems of devotees. Sai all we need is peace peace peace in our mind and in our families and in our life. give peace of mind, peace of mind to every one universally and let all of us irrespective of caste and creed, let them all have peace living in this universe. Bless them all with Shanthi shanthi shanthi hi. Jai sai ram.JeganathanBabaji kindly help us with enough money to enable us to deposit university tuition fees for my son and daughter, within a week from today thank youAnil KulkarniBaba koti koti pranam, you know everything, last many years I have been going through lot of financial problems. Though I have been praying regularly, recently I had decided to do the Saicharitra parayan to come out of it (as you only suggested) but my wife wanted me to do it only after our problems get solved. With that my request you have started showing the results and you gave me a big project, Baba please help me doing this and all new projects with out any failures. Baba please keep continue showering your blessings on us to come out of all our problems. And also help me doing Saicharitra paryana with out any obstacles, which I have decided to do it during the Dasara days. I am writing this in SaiViachar as I had promise. Baba help me chanting your name regularly.PadmaFor the past 6 six years I am having cervical spondylosis and along with that I get giddiness, pain in the left upper arm and palm. Have tried many medicines but there has been no respite. Also I am overweight. Please my dear Sai Baba make me fully alright.Sasi -SrilankaBaba, please bless my daughter to secure a school admission in good school in Colombo.Please bless my family to have good health and wealth. Sai ram!!!DevoteeDear Baba, Pranams at your lotus feet baba.baba bless everyone in this world.baba thoough everyone lost hopes my husband and myself still believe that I can get my H1 with your grace. Baba I trust you. I believe you and have faith in you. You have to clear our problems baba. Baba please baba.SridharThank you baba for the recent success in my exams. Thr results surprised me. I'm praying that you will work your magic and approve the green cards for us. Come what may,give us the stregth to continue to remember you at all times. You have brought us so far and we need you to the end.Anup ShuklaJai Shree Shirdi Wale Sai Baba ! You have called me back to India but why are you taking so much time settling me back.Please help me to settle back so I should not think back to go back abroad. Also baba help me in getting my settlement from previous employer which has already been delayed a lot.EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: RaghuarpithaSaibaba , our green card got aproved with your blessings. Without you it would not have been possible to get the Green Card , may Sai bless everyoneShobhana KumarOm Sai Ram: In my recent visit to Sai temple. I had an unique learning experience. When I entered the temple I just happened to see a Sai Devotee praying profusely with both his hands spread in front of Sai Ram as if seeking alms. I was touched with that devotion and instantly prayed "please grant whatever this person is asking for". Then I placed a rose flower in his feet which the temple caretaker placed on the head of Lord. In few seconds the flower fell down and this man who was praying ran and happily picked it up and kept it in his pocket as though his wish was already granted. Even I felt very happy for this stranger. The temple caretaker then gave me a mango fruit. I came home and relished the same with my little son. One thing which I learnt from Sai that day was that when we pray for others we get an inner peace which is invaluable and immeasurable. Om Sai Ram..Keep praying for all...Known as well as unknown.Lakshmi BI work in a company. My boss went on leave so I was supposed to handle his office and also money matters. At that time I lent some $ 2950 to a colleague for official use. I wrote his name on a chit and put it in the moneybox. When my boss came back he asked me about the chit, but the person I gave the money to said he doesn't remember about the same. I didn't have any other proof. I prayed to Saibaba and asked him to help me and that he knows I haven't taken the money. After two months the colleague got extra $2950 from his accounts and agreed that it must be the money I lent him. Thank you Saibaba for helping me. Please bless my family and me and always guide us in every step in life.Mala RI want to share with everyone my experiences of Lord Sai and how he helped in every step. My husband's contract was going to end in Aug. because of budget cuts but he was not informed. We are in H1 visa and his employer does not search for jobs fast. He only searches for govt. project and it takes long time till that time we have to be without salary. At this time we are even very desperate because we have to file I-485. He may not do it without a job. And one more thing his employer doesn't go for sub contracting with other companies and he prefers direct contract with govt. On My 31st we got an offer from other company, which was a Thursday. But that time my husband told them that he has a project and he is not interested. But around June 20th through some person who is allocating budget we came to know that his project is not getting extended. Immediately he contacted that company and asked if still that position is open. For our surprise they said yes. The next day he applied for that position which was Thursday. The very next Thursday he went for the interview. In my mind I was thinking that they should confirm on Thursday. One Thursday was gone and we did not hear anything. We were so worried. On the next Thursday after 15 days they confirmed. The next part is his employer has to agree. With Sai's grace he agreed. Both the company has to sign a contract. His employer had problems with Non-competition agreement and he wanted some changes. The other company also agreed for that and his employer signed the contract on Thursday. We wanted to join the project on Thursday Aug16th for which they agreed. Even though we were under tension for more than a month everything ended well with Saibaba's kripa.LaxmanI have been trying for my son's admission to First Year Engineering for the past 2 months. He has scored only 102 in MHCET. I have read somewhere that when things look really impossible, pray Sai and open any chapter of Sai Satcharita and you will have solution to your problem. My son's birth date is 27 and I opened 27th chapter. In both the CAP options, I have put Electronics and telecommunication, Electronics and Computer Engineering in Lokmanya Tilak Engineering College though there are only a few seats with faith in Sai along with other colleges in Mumbai. In both the options, my son could not get allotment in any of the colleges including Lokamanya. 90% seats are already filled up in cap round 2 with cutoff of 135(open category) in all the courses. As stated in the chapter, I gave my best attempt, rushed to Lokmanya Tilak College with my son and with Sai's blessings I could get a management quota seat for a course of our choice.PraveenaWe are currently going thru rough time in our lives, as both of us are not having jobs from the past 6 months no good interview calls were coming. A week ago I sincerely prayed to Sainath, that my husband should get the interview calls and started to do saptah (Shri Sai Satcharita). With in 3 days of reading the Shri Sai Satcharita, my husband started getting Interview calls from very good companies. Baba this is all your krupa on us and your leela. Baba please bless my husband with a good job and kindly be with us in every step of our life.QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "If you want anything, beg from the Lord. Leave worldly honor. Try to get the Lord's grace and blessings"-Shri Sai BabaQUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. How can one be consistent with their devotion to Sri Saibaba?A. by PratyushaFirst of all, one should have faith in Saibaba .No matter whatever one faces in the day to day life, one must have strong belief that Sri Saibaba is there to protect and the consequences are definitely for ones own good. When one cultivates this belief that Baba will always protect us, and that the inconveniences one faces in life are only for a small period and that these are the consequences of ones own mistakes, definitely one can become consistent with their devotion to Baba. We don't bring anything when we are born, we don't take anything when we pass away, only thing remains is the salvation we get by always remembering and devoting ourselves to Saibaba.SAI ACTIVITIES: SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA VIGRAHA PRANAPRATISHTAPANA, Minneapolis, MNSHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA VIGRAHA PRANAPRATISHTAPANA SAMPROKSHANA MAHOTSAV, the installation ceremony of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Idol and Consecration of New Temple Sanctum in Minneapolis will take place from September13 to September 15, 2007 at Sri Saibaba Mandir 1835, Polk St NE, Minneapolis. We thank all Sai devotees for their enquiries and interest in participation in this ceremony. Please write to sai or visit www.hamaresai.org for more details. Sri Saibaba Mandir sincerely invites ALL Sai devotees to participate in this memorable occasion.Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi Sai temple is open daily from 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Summer hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 7 a.m. followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to templeFROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: Sai Vichaar is an open forum for those interested to share their experiences, views and ideas on Sai devotion and their experiences with Saibaba of Shirdi. Readers are requested to note that Sai Vichaar is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors. The "Question of the week for this week is suggested by a Sai devotee as follows: Q. How can one be consistent with their devotion to Sri Saibaba? Humbly Yours,The EditorABOUT THIS EMAIL:This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page, 2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or 3. 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Back copies of HTML version of Sai Vichaar can be accessed by visting the URL http://www.saibaba.org/whatsnew.html. For any questions or more information regarding this e-mail or our web site, please send an e-mail to maildrop and your inquiries will be attended to promptly.Thank you,The webmasterFrom and Editor:Shirdi Sai Baba Web SiteShirdi Sai Baba Sanstha(A non-profit organization)Mail:12N950 State Route 47 Hampshire, IL 60140, USAEmailmaildropPhone847-931-4058Fax847-931-4066© Copyright 1998-2006 saibaba.org, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors.

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